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Automation: A Must for the Online Marketer

by Kenny Love

Probably no one likes online automation more than I do. When I discovered auto responders (also known as autobots), I thought I had "died and gone to Heaven." In fact, I'm so enamored with them, I'm even strongly considering getting auto responders for my auto responders.

Seriously though, there is nothing more pleasurable in the online world than experiencing the full effect of an auto responder at work. You will quickly realize that they eliminate, at least, half of your work load.

Now, for those who are, possibly, unfamiliar with what an auto responder is, plainly put, it is an online email device that operates similarly to fax-on-demand. It automatically responds with pre-programmed information to anyone requesting it.

It can be programmed to provide any information such as; company advertising rates, contact information, product information, and any other required info you desire to be disseminated. Auto responders also, generally, return the requested information within 5 minutes or less.

For example, let's say that I had a web site that sells tee-shirts. Now, in the tee-shirt industry, things are always changing; new slogans, price variances, size differences, etc.

Therefore, since this particular product incurs ongoing changes, it is to my and my customers benefit to place all updates and changes within an auto responder so that they have this particular information readily available in order to make purchase decisions 24 hours daily.

While there are quite a few sites that sell or provide free responders, the service I have selected allows you to personalize each outgoing request for information. For more information, see the web site at .

I recently authored and published a science fiction novel. Among the online science fiction ezines, I found a particular publication with a large readership in which I desired to advertise my novel.

Not only was there a lack of advertising information available on the site, but my repeated requests to various "staff" email addresses went unheeded as well. I now wonder if the circulation figures were "doctored" as well. This is a prime example of an online business that has, inadvertently, left holes within its automated marketing campaign.

Needless to say, this type of poor response places this organization's image in a very bad light. Not only with us, but also with anyone else seeking advertising possibilities.

This publication could have saved face, so to speak, by simply having an auto responder set up that provided ad rates, contact information and, possibly, an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page included. Almost assuredly, no questions or concerns would have been raised with these features in place.

Kenny Love is the author of "Millennium Eve," a new science fiction novel addressing a deadly account of the Millennium changeover. Visit the web site at He is also publisher of "The Tipster," a new monthly email and web publication that advises its readership of self-improvement and special interest products that will significantly benefit areas of their everyday lives. See the web site at, or get your own email version by sending a request to

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