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The Three Rules of Banner Ad Success

By Karl Moore

See also The Top Five Promotion Tips, Your Guide to Internet Success : The Best Advice Ever, Analyze Your Web Statistics, The Traffic Generating Secret.

Advertisements, advertisements, advertisements. You see them everywhere. In fact, Netizens are so accustomed to banner ads, a webpage would seem abnormal without them. So why should your site be different?

For the few that don't know, banner advertisements are usually rectangular pictures on the top of a webpage, promoting a product or service. The visitor can click on this image to find out more.

I won't continue. You know all about banner ads - in fact, you've probably bought a few prior to reading this. However, the focus of this article is to encourage you to setup your OWN banner management scheme and rake in a few extra bucks!

There are three rules to banner ad success:

  1. Price
  2. Market
  3. Technology

Unavoidably, these rules collectively make "PMT". Ooops, I guess I'll have to rethink those at a later date. Anyhow... on with the content!

  1. Price

    Don't go overcharging for banner ads! If you want to rake in advertisers, settle at a convenient sum. My IT site charges £100/$150 per 10,000 impressions. That's certainly an attractive price to pay - but make sure you're open to fluctuations and readily give discounts to potential regular advertisers.

  2. Market

    What kind of visitor does your site attract? My IT site attracts journalists, news editors and up-to-date Netizens.

    Therefore, it wouldn't be of interest to those selling bikes, for example. However, anything related to the Internet, computers, large corporations, news or anything damn interesting would certainly be considered.

    Market information can be gained by analyzing site logs and user surveys. Provide adequate details of the average visitor on your site.

  3. Technology

    The technology behind your banner-ad program is the engine that makes it "chug". Generally speaking, this comes in the form of a clever CGI script that displays rotating ads and records the number of times a user clicks on an ad.

    You can download dozens of pre-made free banner scripts from

And that's simply it - the three rules of banner-ad success - P M T.

Until my next article, folks. Bye!

Read more articles on marketing by Karl at our features area.

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Karl Moore is a technology journalist working in the UK. In addition to his regular Micro Mart newspaper column and BBC Radio Internet slot, he also writes for WinPlanet, VB-World and InternetDay. Find out more on Moore at

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