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4 Fast Ways to Increase Your Online Business Profits

by Monique Harris

1) Instead of Selling Many Products, Concentrate on One and Promote the Heck Out of It.

I did this with my own goods, and 'YES' it worked like a charm. You see, I stopped selling all of my information products from my main Online Sales Power!, Web site, and now I have an individual Web site for each title.

My "Web Hosting and Designers Promotional Guide" is now sold at Promote Web Services, and "How toSuccessfully Sell Information Products Online," is at Sell Your Brain Food.

This allows me to give laser focused attention towards marketing each product, plus this attracts visitors who are interested in only one thing - (the theme of what I'm selling).

2) Ask Your Web Sites Visitors What They Want.

You can quickly find out what people want for their life or business by simply posting a few strategic questions on your Web site.

Simply create a 5-10 question survey, and offer a free gift for each taker. Your free gift might be an e-book, a special report, or anything else that they won't find too freely or easily on the Net. It must have value.

Your survey questions should provide multiple choice answers, instead of making people type complete answers. The easier your questions are to answer, the more likely people are to take it.

3) Outsource Any Task That Doesn't Naturally Come To You.

If marketing your Web site or coming up with fresh content is a dreaded task, then don't do it. If you can't stand the task of creating a weekly e-zine, but you know that producing one will bring in thousands of dollars in sales, get someone else to do it.

In fact, if there's ANYTHING that you don't enjoy about running your Web store, then do yourself a favor, and hire an outsider to complete the dirty deed.

Doing tasks that you don't enjoy typically means that you won't do as good of a job, as somebody who does enjoy it. If you do lousy promotions, you'll get lousy sales. On the other hand, if you spend a little bit to get great promotions, you're going to have great sales.

4) Be a Radical Marketer.

Many Netpreneurs stick to the tried and true marketing techniques. But it's usually the ones who take promotional leaps-of-faith that end up making the big bucks.

The key is to allocate a certain amount of your marketing dollars to go towards any crazy or off-the-wall promotional efforts, at least once every 6 months.

Oftentimes you'll end up discovering a new niche of customers, or a spurt in sales that you wouldn't have gotten otherwise. But you have to take the chance!

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