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How to Get Professional Ad Writing Advice for FREE!

By Chuck Crawley

If you'll marketing on the net these days, then I would bet that you could use a little help with your ad and copywriting techniques. After all, your ads are like little robots that go out and pull in traffic for your product or service.

A good robot can *trickle* in a little traffic. A great robot can draw in traffic like ants to sugar! A Killer robot can create an absolute *traffic jam*.

So what is a Killer Ad anyway? Let me explain. A Killer ad is like the Killer robot. It will overhelm you with so much traffic and sales that you will not know how to deal with it all! Plus a Killer ad can be used over and over again and still produce these same kind of results. In other words A Killer Ad will literally make you rich overnight!

Again I ask. Can you use a little help with your ad and copywriting techniques?

Not too long ago I was working on an advertising campaign for a product that I wanted to promote on the Internet. I had spent several days and many hours trying to create several ads to use in my promotion of this product. My wife came into my office and strongly suggested that I need to take a break and go to the grocery store with her. Reluctantly, I agreed and went along.

While we were standing in the checkout line my wife started to browse through some of the women's magazines that were on display at the checkout line. Since I was just standing there waiting, I reached over and grabbed one of the magazines. As I glanced over the cover page.. It hit me like a ton of bricks! Right on the cover of these magazines were some of the best ads that I had seen anywhere.

They really grabbed my attention! I bought a couple of copies of the magazines and took them home with me. And guess what? I've been buying them every since.

Most of these women magazines plus many of the other magazines that you will find in any grocery store are full of benefit packed, emotional driven ads that sell millions of dollars worth of magazines everyday. Professional ad writers write these ads so why not learn from the pros. Here are a few examples:

YOU may be owed thousands! 6 phone calls that can make you RICH!

Tired all the time? The common disease that may be to blame.

Lose 10 lbs in 2 Weeks..On the diet that turns off cravings!

GET LUCKY! 5 secrets of people who Get All The Breaks!

How To Give your smile a youth-lift!

Now tell me that these are not great ads. Much more exciting than most of the ads that I see flowing around the net. Can you learn a lot from reading these ad? You bet you can! Use these ads as guides for writing your own ads. Notice how the words are laid out in each ad. Also notice how they appeal to your emotions. These ads can be a Gold Mine of help for you in your advertising campaign.

I'm not in the business of selling magazines in the grocery store but the point here is that information is always available to you if you know where to look. So why not get some FREE help from the professionals. Creating that once in a lifetime KILLER AD is not easy but is certainly not out of your reach.

This article was written by Chuck Crawley, home-based business owner for the last 12 years and editor of the "ADSTPLC Newsletter". The only Free Newsletter that is dedicated exclusively to teaching and informing it subscribers on how to create ads and ad copy that pull like crazy. Stop by,subscribe, and pickup the FREE E-book "The Ad Writing Tips Super Book". Just goto: Subscribe

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