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Are You Making This Marketing Mistake?

by The Link-O-Matic Support Team

With over 60,000 subscribers to this newsletter, and lots of traffic to the Link-O-Matic web site, we get tons of email on a daily basis. Many of these emails are from stressed out Internet marketers begging for help, and we think you'll benefit from the observations we've made.

"We have the greatest product since sliced bread, we can't figure out what the problem is. We submitted our site to search engines and post tons of ads, but we only get 25-50 visitors a day and no one is buying from us! Is anyone actually making any money on the Internet? Help!!!"

We get a lot of emails like this, maybe the situation sounds familiar to you. Our initial response to an email like this is to ask a very simple but important three-part question: "Who is your target market, how did you determine they will buy your product, and how are you reaching them?"

Nine times out of ten the person can't answer these questions at all. On average, only one person out of ten can give decent answers that make any type of sense. We're far from know-it-alls, but these are the most important marketing concepts and most people don't understand them.

The Biggest And Most Common Mistake Direct Marketers Make

The three questions posed above are actually all related; three pieces of a puzzle that can not be separated. Until you can answer all three of them with specifics, and understand the concepts they represent, you will never realize any type of success in direct marketing.

The single biggest mistake that wannabe marketers make is that they do everything backwards. They fall in love with a product or service and then try to figure out who to sell it to. Unfortunately, there isn't an easier way to lose money, waste lots of time, and ultimately fail.

If you go about things in this way, you will have an extremely hard time answering any of the above three questions. If the product or service is really great you may eventually figure out the answers, but you'll still waste tons of time and money in the process.

What you need to do is learn these basic direct marketing principles, and figure out the answers to these three important questions before you do anything else. They should form the base that your business is built upon. If done correctly, everything else just falls into place.

The Three Questions You Must Answer To Succeed

1. Who is your target market?

Rather than creating a product and then trying to figure out who to sell it to, you need to do it the other way around. You should first identify a market, a group of people who have money, that you will eventually target with your advertising. The more specific your answer the better.

2. How did you determine they will buy your product?

Once you have identified a market, you need to figure out what they are likely to buy. What kind of problems do they have in common that you cansolve? How can you help them reach their goals? What have they bought in the past? If you can't answer these questions, go back to step one.

3. How are you going to reach your market?

Now that you have identified a market and know what they want to buy, it's simply a matter of creating a product and letting them know that you can solve their problems and fulfill their wants. Figure out how to reach this market with your advertising and you can never ever fail.

Honestly. If you have identified a market and know what they want to buy, all you need to do is let them know you have what they want. This way, you don't have to try to convince anyone to buy your product. It will simply sell itself. If it sounds too easy, that's because it really is.

This Is The Big Picture, You Must Understand It

The original focus of this newsletter was on web site promotion. And technically it still is. However, after talking with so many struggling Internet marketers over the past few years we firmly believe that most people do not even understand the basics of direct marketing.

It really doesn't matter whether you're marketing in the real world or on the Internet. If you do not understand these basic principles of direct marketing that have already been established and proven by countless entrepreneurs over the years, it's pointless to promote your web site.

If your online ventures are not based upon the three principles outlined in this article, you really need to take a time-out and re-evaluate what you are doing. Once you learn how to identify a market and their wants, you can develop a very profitable business in absolutely no time at all.

Spend some good quality time learning and understanding these basic ideas. The beauty of it is that once you understand how to do this, you can do it over and over and literally make as much money as you want.

Successfully yours,

The Link-O-Matic Support Team

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