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The Top 10 Tips for Successful Opt-In E-Mail Campaigns

by Kate Schultz

1. Develop your Opt-In Marketing Database by providing something of value and offering it for free on your Web site.

2. Ask for an e-mail address so that you can send the valuable item to the requester.

3. Publishing an e-mail newsletter is a popular way to provide both something of value and a way for you to capture e-mail addresses.

4. Maintain a quality list by managing your list. Be sure to process "remove" and "add" requests on a timely basis.

5. Personalize your messages. Collect enough information so that you can address your messages using the recipient's first name.

6. Include several links in your e-mail offers. Send your subscribers to different parts of your Web site with different offers.

7. Provide instructions for an easy way to opt out at any time. Include opt out instructions in every e-mail message. Give consumers control of their e-mail.

8. Establish a schedule for mailings and stick to it. A consistent schedule will build continuous and steady traffic to your site.

9. Test and track the results from each e-mail campaign. Due to the almost immediate response from e-mail campaigns, you can track your responses to much quicker and easier than with traditional direct mail.

10. Be ready to handle the expected response rate. Make sure you are properly staffed to handle the increased customer service requests and sales resulting from your e-mail campaigns.

Kate Schultz is the Publisher of E-ZineZ: the E-Zine About E-Zines! Visit for FREE how-to help for your Internet Newsletter. To subscribe to E-ZineZ put SUBSCRIBE in the BODY of an e-mail to

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