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How to Build Your Own National Sales Organization on the Internet

by Scott Bell

It used to be if you wanted to have your own national organization of hotshot sales people to move your products, you had to be nothing short of a multimillion dollar corporation.

Now, not only can ANYONE have their own national sales team, it is almost an imperative of doing business on the Internet. No matter how hard you promote your products and services online, an enthusiastic organization of affiliates or networking downline can get you 100 times more sales than you can achieve by yourself.

Fortunately, building your own sales empire is quick and relatively easy if you follow these four steps.

1. Find a business opportunity that offers solid value to customers. It should be something that works even better on the Internet than it would in local stores.

Watch out for obvious get-rich-quick schemes. Not only is the federal government shutting them down, their wild claims turn off customers.

2. Have a way for your affiliates or downline to easily present and promote the business. Replicating web pages that give each affiliate their own customized web site are very effective and extremely popular. Provide affiliates with quality ad copy, email signature file, and sales letters they can personalize and use.

3. Develop a consistent way to stay in contact with affiliates through email. Send out your own email newsletter at least once per month. You can also have an email discussion group that keeps your downline informed and pumped up with messages every day. is the top free service this kind of tool.

4. Be available on the telephone. Many fine affiliates just can't stay motivated without the human touch that the Internet sometimes lacks. Set aside an hour or two several times per week just to talk with affiliates. Many huge downlines of 15,000 or more are sustained year after year with this simple technique.

Scott Bell helps people build their own business on the Internet. He specializes in low-cost startups that earn solid profits and can be run in your spare time. See his newest video presentation online at: Tour his complete internet mall at: Reach Scott at

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