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Insider's Report: Marketing Like an MLM Pro, Automating Yourself for Maximum Effectiveness

by Randy Zakowski

Do either of these scenarios sound familiar to you?

1.) You call your leads only to get an answering machine. You leave messages, only to find out that very few people ever call back.

2.) You call your prospects, work through your presentation and have them tell you "it's not for me," or they ask for more information so they can get you off the phone. When you follow up with them, you find out they were not the prospect you had hoped for, and this cost you time and money to learn.

Are you tired of going through lead lists 2 and 3 times, and are you tired of wasting time with unqualified prospects? We have developed a system that will allow interested prospects to qualify themselves, and then call you.

I agree with the network marketing community when they say the phone is your most useful tool. To prospect by phone can even be cheaper than mail when you consider a 32 cent stamp, a sales letter, envelope and the time to put it all together. You get no guarantee your envelope will ever get opened. To overcome these obstacles we have developed this automated system to help with our recruiting process.

The Secret

After we get our leads each month, we call each and every one of our prospects. We ask them a few qualifying questions and give them the number to our Toll Free Presentation Line (for answering machines, we also try to qualify the person and direct them to the Toll Free Presentation Line). This is a short description of our program and we tell people what program we are working with. Within the brief message are 2 phone numbers. One is for our Fax On Demand, for people that would like to read more about the opportunity. The second is our presentation line. The prospect can listen to the same presentation we would give if we were to call them.

The Beauty of this process is three fold:

1. The prospect can determine for themselves if they like the opportunity and want to get involved. They don't feel pressured and can make an objective decision. The people that call us are pre-qualified and want us to answer their questions or sign them up.

2. A system like this is very duplicatable. You can easily teach this type of prospecting to your downline. For the part timer and new comer this is critical until they develop how they want to approach prospects.

3. Time saving. You're not chasing people who have no interest at all; you are dealing with people who have a serious interest.

Note: For people who have a big fear of the phone you can send a postcard or a letter. Make sure you direct people to your Toll Free presentation line and let the system take over.

Professionals sort, Amateurs sell.

Systems are duplicatable, people aren't.

Randy Zakowski is a Consultant to the Network Industry. Get more details by requesting our Free Report: For MLM Pros Only.

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