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What To Look For in a Network Marketing Company (a.k.a. MLM or Multi-Level Marketing)

by Julie and Tommy Frost

Have you been considering joining a network marketing company? Maybe you've seen some advertisements, or gone to a home party where they asked you to join the business, or you liked the idea of multiple streams of income, or the fact that you can work completely from home. Well great! Many people consider MLM to be an honest and relatively easy way to reach their financial goals. We certainly did. But we were a bit hesitant about joining "just any" MLM. We decided to take our time and really learn about the business in general and about the different companies and what they had to offer. We learned a lot in the process, and hope to share it with you.

So what should you look for in a network marketing company before signing up? The bad news is there is quite a bit of work involved (just like anything else worth having). Actually, we had a fun time searching - sort of like looking for a new home; you decide what features you like and those you don't.

The thing is, many people just sign up with an MLM because their sister-in-law or "friend of a friend" TOLD them it was a reputable company. Or because the ad TOLD them they would make big money overnight. These are not good reasons for joining a network marketing company! There should be research and footwork involved before signing anything.

Did you know that many MLM's that have been in the business for years and years may not be the best companies to join? "Why?" you ask? Many of these companies have outdated pay plans, bad reputations, or a myriad of other problems you may not want to get involved with. Of course, if you find one that fulfills all of your requirements - Fantastic! Just don't assume that because they have been around that they are reputable - many are not, unfortunately. The effort involved may seem overwhelming at first, but the following should help you find the right MLM to join...

--- Illegal Scheme or Legitimate Business Opportunity?

We all know there are scams, pyramids and schemes out there - not only in MLM, but that's what we are talking about today so that's what we'll focus on. No one wants to get suckered into something like this, so how do you know if the MLM you want to join is legit?

First call the local Better Business Bureau where the company is located. Remember, the BBB takes complaints and tries to help the customer and business resolve those complaints. If there are no complaints, that doesn't mean you're free and clear to sign up (the company may be so new there are no complaints - yet.) But if there are complaints, be sure to see how the company resolved them before you discount them completely. A company that works with those folks who complain is the only kind you should consider joining.

The FTC also has a lot of information on which MLM's to stay away from. Just by doing a search at for multi-level marketing you can get a ton of information. You can find out which companies are or were being investigated or taken to court by the FTC, and lots more. There is an article that will help you decide if the business you're looking at is MLM or (an illegal) Pyramid. You can find it at:

Also, I think most of the time you can really tell when something is on the level and when it's not. Ads that read "Make Millions While You Sleep" or "We Do ALL the Work for You!" are clear indicators of something fishy, if not clearly a scheme that you'll want no part of. Follow your instincts a bit here - ask yourself if the company represents something you'd be proud to represent as well, or if it's all "HYPE!!" and lies. Only YOU know best what kind of company you'll be happy and enthusiastic about representing.

--- Pay plans.

Let's face it, we start a business - regardless of whether it's a network marketing business, a franchise, a business you start at your kitchen table, or any other type of business - because we'd like to make some money. You may have a million different reasons WHY you want more money and the freedom of owning your own business (to be with your family more, fight traffic less, quit your J-O-B, make more money, retire early, watch your children grow, live in a better area, work completely from home, fund your kids education, be your own boss, etc.) but the point is, why would you want to work hard for less then you're worth?

A good MLM company will pay you at least 60 to 70 percent on the first three levels. Period. This type of pay plan is structured to put MORE money in your pocket quicker. In fact, on average these plans are paying 3 to 5 times more than most plans.

Did you know - as of the release date of this article there are only around two dozen Network Marketing companies that pay this much?! In fact, this type of pay plan is relatively new. But what does it mean for you?

Not only does this mean YOU make more money, faster than you would with some of the other company's pay plans (if at all), but it also means that the people in your downline will make money faster, as well. (And in MLM, their success means your success.)

It also guarantees those of you working part time will make enough money to stay interested and working the business. There is a statistic that shows people who make at least $300 a month in their MLM business will stay with that business and make it work. If you're getting paid 60-70% on the first three levels, you will make that $300 a lot sooner (and potentially a whole lot more!)

Here are a couple of things to remember: just because an MLM has been around for many years or has branded their name does not mean they have a superior pay plan (unfortunately). And, if you need a Masters Degree to figure out the pay plan, stay far, far away. Businesses that try to confuse you with the 'many ways you'll get paid' are usually only trying to pull wool over your eyes.

--- The Products.

My own opinion is that I could not, under any circumstances, sell a product that I didn't believe in. You should have confidence that the products are effective, high quality, etc. You should also have your own testimonial of how the products have made your life better.

A good test is to ask yourself: Would you honestly buy and use the products if you weren't involved with the company? And to go even further, would you recommend them to others?

When you have honest enthusiasm for the products, you don't have to "sell" anything! Your positive attitude and change in behavior (or looks, etc. - whatever fits your product results) will be noticeable and enviable! When you tell people how great you're feeling because of your products, they will want to know 'how they can get some and how soon can they get it?!' In my experience, it makes working your business more fun and a lot easier.

But besides unique and wonderful products, one of the things that we looked for in an MLM was a product that is consumable. What that means for you is making sales on a regular basis. It's hard to earn an income from one time sales (or even from sales that are a year apart.) Unique, consumable products are products that will sell themselves!

--- Ask Questions.

Not just the upline (the people or person that sponsored you), but the downline (the people that they have already sponsored or sold products/services too) as well! The upline can tell you they'll be supportive and help you start you business, but make sure they're really coming through on their promises by talking to their downline.

You see, one of the biggest draws to MLM is that you have a support system in place. This means if you can't answer a question, if you're not sure what your next move should be, if you don't know how to set up your business, if you don't have the answer about your products or services, and so on, your upline can help. So it's very important that your upline be supportive, helpful, and knowledgeable about the company and products, as well as running a business.

More questions: is the company Year-2000 prepared? The answer should be yes. If they've been in business many years, how long have they been MLM? (Some companies have been around for dozens of years but only been MLM for a little while. See more in the next section about this.) Also, do they allow you to promote your business with a web site? The answer should be yes. How many Reps do they have? And how many customers? Does the system used to build your business work with your schedule and budget? Is there a clearly defined system in place that you can just plug into so that it becomes a turnkey operation and allows everyone to duplicate? These questions should start you off on a solid path.

--- Ground Floor or Long Term?

With start-up MLM's - like all businesses - most will fail in the first year. So while it may sound good to get in on the "ground floor", most of the time it's better to position yourself with a more established business. Of course, the choice, and risk, are up to you.

There are a lot of things to consider when joining an MLM, and it takes lots of time and work (we took over 8 months to find ours). But it really is worth it. You'll find out a lot about the business in general when you go through your due diligence, plus you will (hopefully!) end up with a company that is just right for you - a company that brings success (however you may define that) to your life!

Julie & Tommy Frost decided to get into MLM after researching different home based business ideas & opportunities, & finding that the right MLM would enable them to be home with their children & earn a substantial income sooner & easier. You can learn more about how they found their MLM by sending any email to: - Or you can visit their web site at or reach them via email at

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