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Get Serious

by Bob Osgoodby

In browsing some of the ads on the net, it is immediately evident that some people just don't have a clue. I read a few yesterday as follows:

"Join our MLM and earn beg income". This is either a typo or they are promising very little in the way of earnings. This person obviously didn't proof their copy before submitting the ad.

Another ad promised huge earnings, but gave no contact information. Not a web site URL or an email address to be found. Guess they figure it is so powerful an offer, we will find them. What a waste of time.

"Make Money! Turn $10 into $40,000 CASH like I did" - but wait - this guy is using a free email account. If he's making all that money, wouldn't you think he could afford one for ten bucks a month - maybe he is saving all those $10 bills so he can earn $40,000 CASH with each one.

"Tired of the "Rat Race"? Free online training and no capitol needed!" Did this guy mean "capital"? I'll hang on every word he has to say.

"Exciting,EasyandProfitable" - guess this person never learned how to use that big bar on the bottom of the keyboard.

I think you see where this article is going.

If you are going to advertise a business on the web, and you present less than a professional image - you're not going to do business. If you present yourself like the above examples, enjoy your "walk on the quiet side". Most people are not idiots, and I'm sure the authors of the above ads are not either. But why give that impression? I sure wouldn't do business with any one of them.

I read another ad for Web Design and the HTML coding in his ad was wrong. That sure built a lot of confidence.

Most people scan poorly constructed ads and simply "click away". Guess they feel like I do. If you don't care enough to write a credible ad, why should I think you'll care about me if I buy from you?

Many people rely too heavily on the spell checker on their computer. This is a mistake. After you do spell check, get someone else to read it. When writing something, many times you get so close to the article, you miss mistakes that someone else would quickly find. Many words that are being used incorrectly will pass spell check.

Remember - you usually only get one "shot" when a person sees your ad. If it is written well, and has an attention getting headline, you just might make that sale. If you want to do business on the web, "Get Serious".

Bob publishes the free weekly "Your Business" Newsletter Visit his Web Site at to subscribe. As a bonus, get 40,000 FREE E-Books from Larry Dotson, when you visit

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