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The "Just Click Send" Formula for Making Money on the Internet

by Marlon Sanders

I have a formula for making money on the Internet. Almost no one uses it. Yet ...

What is this amazing formula? I call it "just click send." It's simple. You have a list of customers. People who have purchased from you. You have people who have specifically requested (i.e. opted in) to your mailing list.

These people know you. They trust you. In some cases, they adore you. All you need to do is sell something. Go to Pick out a product you believe in, preferably one you yourself have benefited greatly from. Write a brief endorsement letter.

Then click send.

Send your letter by email. Send it by fax. You can even send it snail mail. But the crucial thing is that ...

... you send it.

Simply because you endorsed the product, your customers WILL buy from you. You almost certainly will make sales.

Many associate programs have proven sales letters. They have tracking mechanisms in place. They have tested products that people want to buy. The only thing they need is a list -- your list.

I issue this challenge: For the next month, "just click send" every week. That's right. Once a week ask your customers to buy something.

Try this and just see if you don't immediately and substantially improve your profits.

I have a client that does $7-8 million in sales annually. You know what profit formula I suggested to them recently?

Just click send! They have customers from whom they don't consistently and regularly ask for more money. But now that I gave them my "just click send" marketing formula, they ARE doing it. And I make a little piece from every sale for lending a helping hand.

As long as you only endorse high quality products that create outstanding value for your customers, you can milk this cash cow for a long time to come.

I urge you.

I implore you.

I challenge you.

Just click send every week or two. And see what happens to your bottom line.

Article by Marlon Sanders, the Ambassador of "Just Click Send" marketing. For FREE software and tools to help you make more money with "Just Click Send" marketing, hop over to: . For free details on: "The Amazing Formula That Sells Products Like Crazy" send any email to:

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