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Never Give Up!

by Ellen Hatcher

If you are new to Internet marketing, I would like to give you a little advice. Never, ever, ever give up! It was not so long ago that I was a Newbie on the net. I was trying hard to learn everything I could and then I started trying to get my site advertised. The veteran netrepreneurs may intimidate you, but don't let them.

I had been working very hard for the past couple of years to build up my business. It was finally starting to pay off. Then yesterday, I got a very nasty email from another web master It really hurt my feelings. I turned the computer off and quit for the day.

Then I thought, who does he think he is? He probably didn't want to have to compete with me so he wanted to discourage me. I picked myself up, dusted myself off, and started all over again. I wish you success. I feel that if I help others, it will come back to me.

If you want to be successful in this business, you have got to keep trying no matter what the obstacles. I could give you a whole list of all the faults that I have. But one virtue that I have is perseverance. My husband calls its stubbornness but I call it determination.

I'm going to share a very personal thing with you, I hope you don't mind.

I have multiple sclerosis. To tell you it has been easy would definitely be a lie. However, I'm gonna keep on going no matter what. The last three years have been very difficult. It was at this time, that I lost the ability to walk. Sometimes, it was so difficult to push up to a stand, that I just wanted to quit. Sometimes there's just something inside me that makes me try again. At this time, I can push up to a stand and sometimes pivot.

It would be so easy to say I'm not going to do this any more but then where would I be today? I wouldn't be standing. I wouldn't be able to.

So what I want to say to you is, keep trying even with the hardships that come your way. If you want it, you can have it if you want it bad enough to keep trying. If not, you might as well stop right now.

If you're really serious about making money online, then start acting like a real business. If you're serious, then get off the free Web pages and get your own domain. If you want people to take you seriously, then certainly a real business can pay 35 dollars a year for its own domain name.

I started out with free Web pages from AOL so I know where you're coming from. I was afraid to put too much money into something that I wasn't sure of. I advertised in the newsgroups and all the free classifieds. Do you know how much money I made? Not one thin dime. Then I read a book by Jim Daniels called "Insider Internet Marketing". He gave the same advice I'm giving you right now. When I started getting serious, I got my own domain name, got a web host service, and paid some money for some classified ads in ezines. Finally, I made my first sale.

You can find Jim's book at I highly recommend this book. It made the turning point in my Internet business. To find out more about web hosting, send for my autoresponder report at

So what I'm saying is this. Get serious, pay $35 a year for a domain name, as little as $36 a month for a good hosting service like Virtualis,, and determine an advertising budget. Then advertise. Don't quit.

I read something the other day that surprised me. Michael Jordan was interviewed and he said he had missed thousands of shots. Thousands! He had lost many games. He had been called on to hit the winning shot and missed many times. Do you think he is a loser? Absolutely not! He just keeps going until he wins.

Don't let the "veterans" run you off. Pretty soon, you'll be standing and you can tell your scoffers and negative thinkers to go fly a kite.

Article written by Ellen Hatcher of Advanced Data Publishing. Her goal is to help you find success on the Internet by offering many free resources and information. Check out her site at or email her at

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