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I Have A Web Site, Now What?

by Ellen Hatcher

One of my affiliates asked me that question last week. Do you have a product to sell but don't know where to go now? Let me see if I can give you a hand.

1. Do you know your product or service inside and out? If people have questions, can you answer them? One of the services I sell, Virtualis Systems, is a web hosting service. How do I know everything there is to know about it? I use it myself. If you are going to try to sell a product, you better know and believe in what you're selling.

2. Now, you can design your web site. Make certain you have a plan for your site. I'm going to devote my whole article next week on how to plan your site.

3. You've built your site, how do you get people to come? It's very simple. Promote, promote and promote. Do you know what Spam is? SPAM IS OUT! That's what it is.

There are much easier and smarter ways to promote your site.

4. Submit your site to the major search engines. Alta Vista, Infoseek, Yahoo, AOLFind. The best way is to go to each site individually. One good site that helps you submit individually is ADD Me! They quickly take you to each search engine page.

5. Place your ads in some economical ezines. Some ezines run specials and have special promotions. My ezine, Internet Business Success Weekly, has a special where, if you go to my link contest page at, get the link to my page, link to it from your page, and email me with your URL, you can get 3 weeks free advertising for your 40 word ad, a 30 day link from my page, and a special report. You can't beat that!

6. Start your own ezine to advertise in. It's really easy to do, costs nothing, and will help you learn as you earn and earn as you learn. At first, you may want to use others' articles. That's what I did. You can find free articles to print at

7. You can place some ads in free classifieds, but I have found little if any response there.

In closing, I would like to say that the Internet is a wonderful place to earn money but remember this: you do have to earn it. The over-used maxim, build it and they will come, just isn't true. You have to work. But it's the kind of work that to me is fun and exciting. I'll never forget when I got my first check. I had sold two of Jim Daniels' book, "Insider Internet Marketing". Which, by the way, is my Internet Marketing Bible. I was thrilled! $20.00! You would have thought it was two thousand.

Learn your product, use it, design your site, promote, promote, promote and start reaping the rewards!

Article written by Ellen Hatcher of Advanced Data Publishing. Her goal is to help you find success on the Internet by offering many free resources and information. Check out her site at or email her at

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