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Associates or Affiliates Programs

by Ellen Hatcher

What is an affiliate program? An affiliate program is where you, as a Webmaster can market someone else's products. There is no inventory for you to handle, no shipping for you to deal with, and all returns will be handled by the proprietary company. It's a win/win situation.

When you are just starting out in any Internet business, you may not have the capital to use your own products. This really helps you to be able to get started right away without risking a lot of your own money. This is a way for you to get started until you eventually get your own products.

So, the business owner gets his product marketed by you and you get a percentage of the sale. This works out well for everyone concerned.

I have been criticized for all the affiliate programs I take part in but I don't care and neither should you. A little income here, a little income there and it adds up to big income. But, make sure that you are promoting something that you, yourself use or you look like a hypocrite.

For instance, I use Virtualis Web Hosting services, How would you like me to be telling you the advantages of having your own domain and a web hosting service with 24 hour support, etc, and then you looked at my URL which reads, You'd think, "What a two-faced person!"

How can you recommend something that you didn't even want to buy?

I recently joined the affiliate program of Six Figures, This one is blowing my mind. You have three ways to join.

Affiliate - cost: FREE
Benefits: Affiliates receives a free SFI Affiliate Website, free Internet Income course, free lifetime subscription to our SFI Newsletter, plus you can earn commissions on sales of SFI magazine subscriptions, advertising, books, and many other exclusive information products and services. Affiliates also receive free entry in our international advertising co-op, Powerline.

Executive Affiliate - cost: $49 subscription to SFI magazine Benefits: Same as Affiliate, but commissions are DOUBLED.

Member - cost: $85
Benefits: All Affiliate and Executive Affiliate benefits described above, plus you now have the opportunity to additionally earn RESIDUAL income and OVERRIDES on the efforts of others in your downline in 43 countries worldwide. We help you get started through the Powerline co-op; any Affiliates placed under you in the Powerline who also upgrade to Member are automatically placed in your downline, but YOU must upgrade to Member first for this to benefit you.

I joined as a member and in less than a week, I had over 25 people under me. It's a great way to make a living.

So, if you want to find a low cost way to make money, why don't you try some affiliate programs. But, you can't just post a banner and sit back and watch the money roll in. You have to handle it like a business and promote, promote, promote. There is a great new online book out by Declan Dunn called "Winning the Affiliate Game". I purchased it and use it almost daily. And guess what? He's got an affiliate program to go along with it. You can find it at: Enough lecturing. Let's get out there and MAKE SOME MONEY!

Article written by Ellen Hatcher of Advanced Data Publishing. Her goal is to help you find success on the Internet by offering many free resources and information. Check out her site at or email her at

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