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What's It Gonna Take?

by Cathy Bryant

Operating a home-based business is challenging; anyone who is doing it, or has attempted to do it in the past, knows that this is an understatement! Nothing worth doing comes without hard work and a personal commitment to succeed. If you believe that you can achieve success in your home-based business overnight with minimal effort (and there are those who will try to tell you that their "opportunity" can do just that) then you are setting yourself up for failure and disappointment.

With that said, you may be asking yourself, "But what do I really need to know to be successful, and what really works?" Those are tough questions to answer, and the answer is not the same for everyone. Each individual person will have different talents, interests, and desires. And each person also comes to the decision to operate their business with varying degrees of knowledge.

Let's start with the first question - What do I need to know? The first thing you need to know is yourself - let me elaborate. Chances are, if you are reading this, you have already attempted some type of home-based business in the past. Perhaps you achieved some success, or maybe it didn't work for you. But you probably did learn a lot about yourself in the process. So ask yourself these questions; What did I really enjoy about that particular business? What parts of the business did I dislike doing? Do I think - with more knowledge about this business - that this is something I would enjoy doing again? If not, why not? It's important for you to really be honest with yourself, since you will never be successful doing something you don't enjoy.

Now, there are always going to be tasks associated with your business that are not especially to your liking - there's no way around that. But it's important to distinguish minor tasks that might be somewhat distasteful to you as opposed to the central core of your business. For example, if you dislike tasks such as bill paying, filing taxes, and so on, would it make sense for you to operate a bookkeeping service? Of course not. Yet, bookkeeping in any business is a necessity - one of those things that has to be done. Know what you enjoy doing and find a business that will allow you to focus most of your energies into doing those things you're comfortable with. That's why you often see individuals who have turned their hobbies into successful business ventures.

"What really works?" Simple - it's whatever works for you, as long as you work at it! Consistency and persistence are the keys to long-term success; no matter how much you know about what you're doing, you will NEVER achieve your dreams if you give up too quickly. I cannot emphasize this enough - nothing else is as significant in operating your own business as persistence. The reality is that you are going to make mistakes, no matter what. Learn from them and go on. Don't allow yourself to let minor setbacks convince you that you can't do it, because you can!

Don't be afraid to start your business because you feel that you don't know enough about it - as the Nike commercial says, "Just DO IT!" You're never going to know everything about a particular business when you begin - no one does. The really important thing to know is that you can be happy doing the type of work that is required to be successful. And don't be afraid to ask for help from others. You will find that most successful entrepreneurs are happy to give advice to new business owners. Why? Because they've been there, and you can be sure that they most likely can attribute a lot of their success to those who helped them when they first began their businesses.

Know yourself, and be confident in your ability to succeed. Work your business consistently, and you will reap the rewards that being your own boss can bring.

Cathy Bryant is the creator and publisher of HomeBizJunction E-Zine, an email newsletter dedicated to helping anyone who is interested in starting or improving their own home-based business. To subscribe, send a blank email to:
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