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Creating a Winning Mindset for Marketing on the Net

by Monique Harris

Although I've been an avid Netpreneur for more than four years, I can honestly say that 1999 has definitely brought more than its fair share of successes to me.
You see, in the beginning of this year I started selling a totally new product. Almost nine months later, I'm racking in a six-figure income. I've done well before, but never to this degree. (And to make life even sweeter, I can honestly see myself reaching millionaire status within the next year.)

Now that I sit back to compare what I did those previous years, to what I'm doing now, I can clearly see that a huge portion of my current success is due to a change in attitude.

Sounds so simple doesn't it?

Well... believe it or not, it is!

I'm going to tell you exactly what I had to change in my own mindset to achieve these phenomenal results. When these principles are combined with a salable product AND an on-point promotional strategy, money making fireworks occur. So feel free to use them liberally in your own Net sales ventures.

1) Love your customers.

Cuddle them, nurture them, show them that you really do care. Everyday I vow that I'm going to be a miracle in at least one of my customers lives. The theory is that the more you help your customers grow, the more they'll help you grow.

Here are a few ways that I show my love:

* Call them up periodically to see how business is going, and offer advice if they need some;

* E-mail to inquire about projects that they're working on. (They always e-mail me back with the same reply, "WOW Thanks! How did you remember I was working on that?")

* Tell them about various opportunities they might benefit from. For instance, if I run across a chance for publicity, I'll pass it on to customers who I feel can best utilize it.

As you can see, it doesn't take a lot. Maybe an hour, per customer, per year. But the results can truly make your bank account bulge in the long run.

2) Focus your energy.

You cannot be everything to everybody. Pick a niche - just one niche - and embody it completely. Make it yours to the very fiber of your being. (And I mean to sound very dramatic when I say this.)

I see a gazillion Netpreneurs get swayed by this opportunity, or that affiliate program, just because others are hyping it up.

I don't get swayed.

I'm queen of one little subject category - (teaching others how to successfully create and sell information products online) - and I stick to it. If every guru on the Net were promoting XYZ Widget, I STILL wouldn't sell XYZ Widgets. As much money as the XYZ salespeople may be making, they don't apply to my niche. So to incorporate them into my strategy would be foolish.

Don't let yourself be moved every time some new thing hits the Net. Find something to sell that YOU personally enjoy, and your own enthusiasm will guide you to greater profits, than any hot, new opportunity.

3) Vow to be the best in your niche.

I didn't fully incorporate this mindset until just a few months ago. But when I did, business increased drastically.

Anybody who subscribes to my "Stories From a Brain Food Saleswoman" newsletter, knows that I don't take any shortcomings in this category. I work hard to be number one, and it's working. Since I made the vow, I have become the best in my niche.

Guru's that I've looked up to for years, are now coming to ME for advice! No longer do I have to pound on doors to get a little attention... they easily swing open for me. That feels incredibly good.

But it only comes when you make that internal commitment to transcend all the wanna-be's, and devote your efforts to being the top dog. There's a local radio DJ who always says, "Shoot for the moon, and even if you don't reach it, you'll always be among the stars." Take this point and run with it.

Well there you have it. Three attitude adjustments that transformed my business into a growing powerhouse. They're very simple principles, but they do require extra effort to make them work.

Now Go... change your attitude, and grow a rich business!

Monique Harris is the co-author of "Make Your Knowledge Sell." This 1,143 page manual is packed with info on creating, promoting and selling your booklets, e-books, audio tapes, newsletters, and other information products. For more info go to

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