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You Can Do It - If You Think You Can

One of the very first steps . . . . you MUST believe in yourself. You must have the confidence. The ability! Ambition! Desire! Are you ready for the challenge?

All of us know someone who didn't make it. Failed in business. Failed in marriage. Fell off their bicycle. Tore up knees on Rollerblades. Busted their "behind" on Skates. You name it! We all have been there ourselves.

Just remember..YOU got back up, on, or over..tried it again! That's the difference in success and failure. You never fail until you refuse to get UP!

Similarities exist in all of life. Business. Marriage. School. Etc. How are they similar? You must WORK at all of them to be successful. It takes years! Sometimes we almost give up. Fortunately, we keep going; believing we will make it! All of us can remember those days in school when it would have been so much easier to just QUIT . . . . but you refused. Today, you're glad!

We all know a loser. The person who could have ?? (and wanted to), but let fear overcome. One of the "devils" hardest working tools.FEAR.of the unknown. Maybe it was an opportunity to be in business. Take a new job. Get married. Sing a solo. Go to college. Read in front of a group. So many possibilities, yet a little small voice speaks up . . . . you can't do it! Don't make a fool of yourself.

Rather than RISK failure we give up. Refuse the challenge. Stay where we are. Never leave our false security. Most security is NO security. There are no guarantees. Faith is our guiding light.

You must look beyond yourself. Your limits. Only God knows the future. Look beyond your limited vision. Faith is believing in that which is not seen. Life only comes in short steps. Put one foot in front of the other to begin. Remember, Life is a journey, not a destination!

You'll never know the future. Fortunetellers? I don't think so. About the same possibility as your winning the lottery. Get your palm read. You've got a long lifeline. Who knows?? Only God. Do you believe it . . . . doesn't matter (I hope you do!) . . . . He is in control. Your life. My life. He gives you one step at a time, no more, no less.

Just want to go into business for the right reasons. One of the very best reasons to own your own business is to SERVE. You are not hampered by the negative opinions or thinking of someone else. It's all up to you. Gives you an opportunity to expand your horizons. Hire other people to help you build an enterprise. You can share your vision.

Think about service above self. Is your service going to be beneficial to others? Will it build lasting friendships and
goodwill? Is it an honest way to make a living? Is it fair to all your customers?

In order to grow your business it is necessary to hire other workers/staff. It gives you an opportunity to lead and develop the potential of another person. Your challenge will be to train and develop a reliable workforce. Learn how to give (train) . . then let go. Expect the best from every employee. You are entitled to a good return for your investment.

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