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Tell Your Success Story

by Dr. Kevin Nunley

People love success stories. If they can't find a real story, they will make one up.

Quick example. Linda started an electronics store in the late 1970s. Having worked for an advertising company, she knew how to carefully research a business opportunity before jumping in. Marketing plan, investors, the works. The time was right.

Within a few short years Linda owned a chain of large stores stretching across several states.

Quite a success story, right? But people wanted more. They were so impressed that they embellished the tale. Before long everyone was just sure Linda rolled into town with $500, all she had in the world, and, on a hunch, started her first store in a back room.

"Not a lick of truth to it," Linda told me, although she clearly relished the free publicity.

There's a lesson here for all of us. Success stories get attention. People remember them. Think about your business and life. Find your own nuggets of success and tell about them in your marketing.

Kevin supplies marketing advice and copywriting fast and at low cost. Call (801)253-4536, or Get his new book "101 Best Biz Tips, Low Cost Ways to Promote Your Business:"

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