By Joshua Reimer
I get many people asking me, "are banner exchanges worth it?". Why do they ask that question? It's because they see their banner's terrible statistics, usually something like this:
Banner Displayed 198 times
0 Click Throughs
6 Credits
Isn't that exciting? You have displayed this banner exchange's banner almost two hundred times and have received nothing in exchange. This is the way it is with most people. If the exchange offers a 2:1 exchange ratio, and your banner has a click through ratio of 100:1 click (not uncommon on the Internet), then your statistics will most likely not look to pretty.
The debate goes on... are banner exchanges only good for the people who run them?
It is starting to sound like that.
Personally, I think that banner exchanges do have their place, if you do it right. Here are some things that you can do to optimize your banner exchange experience:
FourCorners has lots of information on designing good banners.
Webreference is another good example of a site that integrates banners well into their site design.
LinkBuddies is one such exchange. They offer a 4:3 exchange ratio.
enSurge trades click throughs instead of traffic and supports HTML ads and rich media. This exchange works really well!
Finally, check out a number of different exchanges to see which works best for you. My website, Promotion World, has reviews and ratings of over 35 different banner exchanges to help make your decisions a bit easier. There are also a number of different articles on the subject of banner exchanges. Have a look at
If done right, banner exchanges can be a reasonably useful tool for getting a bit of extra traffic. Make sure, however, that you don't rely on them alone. There are many, many other forms of promotion available. There are lots of websites dedicated to the subject of website promotion, and I recommend you visit some. Some of my favorites include:
My own site, Promotion World at
Advertising at
May your banners be blessed with high click through rates!
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Writen by Joshua Reimer
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