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The 4 Main Components of a Content-Rich Web Site

by Monique Harris

You hear it all the time.

"A Web site that's rich in content will create greater traffic, and keep your visitors coming back for more."

Very true. The problem is that many Web site owners don't know what types of content to put on their sites. And better yet, how often do you change the content... and what do you do when you run out of content? (Instead of writer's block, you'll get 'content block!')

Here are four suggestions to help you crank out a steady flow of content, on a regular basis.

1) Reviews

Opinions are like noses - everybody has one. So why not take yours and create content out of them. How?

My Online Sales Power! Web site has a section called "The Guru Review," It features my glowing, (or not-so-glowing), reviews of various information products, for Internet marketers. I know that it's a hot stopping point, because it's one of the top 5 most visited pages on my site.

Depending on the theme of your site, you can do something similar. For instance, if your site is geared towards people who jog, then create a section where you review various running shoes, or energy boosting edibles.

2) Links

This is probably the easiest way to generate content if you're in a hurry. All you have to do is go to your favorite search engine/directory... enter the term(s) most applicable to your sites focus... create a short description of what's on each site... and build a Links page to put everything on.

The reason why I suggest you include a description of each site, is because it helps build greater 'value' into your
content. Visitors will be more likely to remember a links page with descriptions, than one without.

3) Articles

Most people are very apprehensive about doing this one because it seems time consuming. However writing articles gives you a lot of mileage and credibility in your marketing efforts.

The key to long-term success is to write one 300-700 word article a week. If you do this diligently, you'll have 52-articles in a year. That's A LOT of content! And don't forget, you can also submit your articles to appropriate e-zines, for greater coverage.

Now let's say you're NOT a writer, but you still want to take advantage of this one. You can always use...

4) Other Peoples Content

There are a number of directories where you can find and use content, written by other people. (Isn't that convenient!) The content is often free, with the exception that your retain the resource/bio box at the end of the article.

Here are a few to check out:

* World Wide Information Outlet

* IdeaMarketers

* E-zinez Classified Ad Exchange

Monique Harris is the co-author of "Make Your Knowledge Sell." This 1,143 page manual is packed with info on creating, promoting and selling your booklets, e-books, audio tapes, newsletters, and other information products. For more info go to

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