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New Search Engine Breakthrough

by Ernie West

You must consistently submit your site to the search engines for a new reason!

I've discovered something new, something that I haven't come across yet from the search engine experts on the web.

I've been studying search engine algorithms for quite a while now. I've been through the highs and the lows. I've enjoyed a high ranking only to watch in horror as my site plummeted completely off the listings. Sound familiar?

Every time I thought I had them figured out, the rules would change. Only, I didn't know they were changing. I thought I was doing something wrong.

I only recently discovered that the search engines were changing their algorithm programming ON PURPOSE in order to prevent anyone from mastering the listings. As a service to their visitors, the engines want to continually reshuffle search results to keep them fresh.

For example, if you entered a search for "toys" today, and then did the same thing sometime down the road, the exact same results would have an appearance of being stale. It is for this reason that they are always "stirring up the pot" to keep the results different.

Every now and then they also do a "flushing out" of their index to remove the spammers' mirror sites and the junk. Along with those go many innocent sites, and the webmasters must resubmit their site to be spidered once again.

Under new and different rules.

That said, you probably have read material written by others who speak of the importance of continually submitting your site for two reasons:

1. Your ranking gradually declines over time and submitting it every so often gets it spidered once again. (Under new and different rules!) This helps to maintain your ranking.

2. Your site should never remain static. You must always be refreshing the content in order to keep your visitors coming back. New content often means new subpages, which when spidered could result in a higher ranking for your main page.

I've discovered a third reason.

Let me explain:

Gone are the days when you could submit your site and have it indexed the same day or even within 24 hours. The waiting list of submitted sites is in the tens of millions. Yes, the spiders are fast, but when you consider that they follow link after link from each submitted URL, it really adds up.

Realistically today you must give your site a minimum of six to eight weeks before it gets listed. I've read of cases of sites taking three, six, and even eight months to show up in search results.

This annoyed me, because when you want to test something, you don't exactly have an entire eon to make sufficient trials and adjustments. Particularly when the Internet itself is changing at light speed. You want to be able to test your changes and have the results determined quickly.

Here is my breakthrough: picture in your mind the huge list of sites waiting to be indexed. Now, think of YOUR site among the mix, showing up every one hundred thousand times or so. Yes, each time your site comes up to be spidered, it was a couple months ago that you submitted it. But so what? It doesn't matter. Do you understand what I'm saying here?

Here's what I used to do: I'd read some new and fantastic tip on achieving a higher ranking. I'd make the necessary changes to my site, resubmit it to the engines and wait to see if it worked or not. By the time it would show up, things would've changed. New and different rules.

SUBMIT YOUR SITE ON A REGULAR BASIS WHETHER OR NOT YOU'VE MADE CHANGES TO YOUR SITE! You have no way of predicting the future, to know what kind of changes you might be making to your site down the road. Why not set yourself up by peppering the waiting list with your URL?

This is a form of planning in advance. If the waiting list is "eight weeks long", submit today to get listed eight weeks from now. Submit next week to get relisted nine weeks from now. And so on. When the 8-9 week period rolls around, you might discover something new and employ it on your site. And then whammo! you are relisted with your new idea right away, rather than twiddling your thumbs for another couple months.

If you are anything like me, you are constantly making changes to your site anyway. By the time a couple months rolls around from your original test submission, you've made so many other changes that it's impossible to find out if the original experiment worked or not.

By then, the rules would've changed so much anyway that your original idea is probably obsolete.

Be sure to read the submission rules of the engine first and follow them. I recommend submitting once every week or two. Submitting daily or multiple times in a day could cause you to be red-flagged and labelled as a spammer. Death to your online business, goals and dreams. You definitely do NOT want to be banned from being listed in any search engine.

In summing up, think of the waiting list as a giant conveyor belt. Every so often you see your URL among the crowd, inching slowly toward the end of the belt and eventual spidering. By submitting consistently and purposefully today, at the other end you know that you will have a site that is frequently spidered. This gives you an edge to experiment with different techniques mentioned in various articles, such as keywords, meta tags, body content, linking, and so on.

Hope this helps you build your online business!

Ernie runs a free publication called the Inner Circle Biz Tips newsletter. Subscribe at his site:

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