Our goal is to make this book brief, practical, and to-the-point.
The last thing a person with depression wants is an intricate tome, heavy with footnotes, citations, Latin words, and sentences such as "Depression is a biopsychosocial disorder, sometimes treated with monoamine oxidase inhibitors."
We have also included quotes from people, some well known and some not, across many cultures and centuries, to show that depression-and the desire to heal it-is a deeply human and universal experience.
Our approach to the treatment of depression is twofold. Each part is equally important.
One is healing the brain, as current medical research points to biochemical imbalances in the brain as the seat of depression.
The other is healing the mind-overcoming negative habits of thought and action which may cause, or be caused by, depression.
Treating the brain and the mind is the most effective way to heal depression. Recent medical and psychological breakthroughs make depression among the most successfully treatable of all serious illnesses.
Harold H. Bloomfield, M.D.
Peter McWilliams
Del Mar, California
February 20, 1994
I am in that temper
that if I were under water
I would scarcely kick
to come to the top.
Our book is divided into four parts.
In Part I, "Understanding Depression," we discuss what depression is (and is not); how you can be depressed without "feeling depressed"; and the possible causes of depression. There's even a short self-evaluation for depression, compliments of the National Institutes of Health (page 22).
In Part II, "Healing the Brain," we look at the biological causes of depression and its medical treatment. This includes antidepressant medication, nutrition, exercise, and such strenuous activities as hot baths and massage. This is the domain of the psychiatrist, family doctor, and other healthcare specialists.
Part III we call "Healing the Mind." We explore unlearning mental habits either caused by or contributing to depression, while learning new mental patterns that tend to enhance effectiveness, well-being, and emotional freedom. We discuss exciting new short-term therapies (usually only ten to twenty sessions) that have proven to be highly successful in healing depression. This is the domain of the psychologist, psychiatrist, clinical social worker, and mental health professional.
The final section, Part IV, is "As Healing Continues...." Although most people treated for depression find remarkable results within a short time, the complete healing of depression often continues for a while. There are ups and downs, lessons to be learned, new pathways to be explored.
Thank you for joining us on this healing journey.
Copyright © 1994-1996 Harold H. Bloomfield, M.D. & Peter McWilliams
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