Stressful, agitating, competitive, fast and often violent, the American way of life incites many a gullible American to seek solace or lesser discomfort by believing that the American dream is real and supreme.
This is in spite of the fact that a large percentage of Americans live below the poverty line; in spite of the fact that Americans do not live longer than people in other areas of the developed world; in spite the fact that there are more psychotherapists per capita in the United States than in any other country in the world; in spite of the epidemic obesity amongst the American people; in spite of the United States' high level of crime and prison population; in spite of the high rate of suicide among Americans; in spite of the huge cost of pursuing justice; in spite of the fact that America's obsessive pursuit of material wealth is detrimental to their well-being and quality of life; in spite of the enormous contribution by America to the pollution of the planet; in spite of their fire-arms cult and in spite of the fact that the USA has fewer friends in the world than any other nation.
Americans even take pride in being hated by other nations, convinced it is caused by envy of their superiority, and using this conviction to evoke a national pride in their ideals, and insisting that other, perhaps more harmonious cultures, convert to this self-destructive path.
Today all our lives, and in fact all life on our planet is either dominated, or influenced, by the North Americans. Yet they themselves are dominated, or influenced, by their juvenile mentality and can have no real claim to superiority. Real superiority can only be realised with maturity, which implies fruitfulness and a willingness to share, i.e. generosity.
The American youth cult originated with the first immigrants, who were mainly young and adventurous people in search of material wealth and a way of life that was in tune with their juvenile mentality.
In fact, from the beginning many people went to America to make as much money as possible, as quickly as possible. This driving ambition of the early immigrants, which is also the reason many people go to the United States today, accounts for the expedient aggressive opportunism, and short-term outlook which characterise the American attitude to life.
The American youth cult has been perpetuated by a regular influx of young immigrants attracted by the wealth of the country and by the American way of life. The young, and those who felt young, soon became excited by the untrammelled freedom of the United States. The relative lack of regulation and constraints allowed youthful exuberance to express itself with less inhibition.
A major proportion of migrants to America also went there in order to escape from their past or to liberate themselves from the coercive traditions of their original countries. Some writers insist that Americans have no roots, this may be true for a good number of people in America, but it was deliberate.
Once free of their past and the restrictions of traditions, many immigrants reverted to an infantile or adolescent attitude towards life, which encouraged their juvenile mentality to flourish and be independently exuberant, in the free land of America.
This youthful exuberance created American restlessness and agitation, and the fast, often frenetic rhythm of life in the USA.
However, the excited and exuberant American Minds seldom realised that the accelerated rhythm of life generated anxiety. What is more, as this accelerated style of life became the rule, anxiety became a permanent feature of the American's existence.
The juvenile mentality operates on the principle of instant, here-and-now satisfaction, which prevents it developing any long-term vision. Long-term thinking is a function of leadership, and if American leaders are unable to think long-term and form a vision, the United States is likely to have serious difficulties in maintaining its leading position in the world. Moreover, the unpredictable, improvised and opportunistic modus operandi of the United States, generates confusion and disorientation among those who depend on American policies.
The more juvenile a mentality, the more extreme and dualistic or polarised its attitudes tend to be. An increasing number of Americans have adopted, and operate on, the principle of 'Who is not with me is against me'. Such an attitude precludes understanding and tolerance, making dialogue and compromise impossible. Yet it is only dialogue and compromise together, that can achieve peaceful and mutually beneficial co-existence.
The juvenile mentality is a borrowing mentality, which is perhaps why Americans are not enthusiastic about the idea of saving. People who have no appreciation of saving tend to be less concerned about waste. The practice of saving is more in tune with maturity, which the juvenile mentality fears and this could be another reason why Americans, who are predominantly of a juvenile mentality, are disinclined to save.
A person with a juvenile mentality has a strong desire to be loved. What such a person seldom realises is that the craving to be loved prevents them loving, and that someone who does not love is seldom loved, andrarer still loved for any length of time.
Some Americans, and particularly those responsible for foreign policy, aspire to being respected. The 'here and now' attitude of American foreign policy and its consequent unpredictability, which can cause offence, is more likely to inspire fear, and those we fear we cannot love or respect.
By its excessive cult of individualism, the American mentality is progressively destroying home life, the sense of family,and togetherness. More and more children and parents take their meals apart, sitting in their own rooms in front of a television or a computer.
Americans tend to believe that whatever is good for them must be good for the rest of the world. It is laughable that Americans should try to give advice to other peoples when they are ignorant of other civilisations and when their own way of life is not conducive to mental and physical well-being but is even positively unhealthy.
That it is unhealthy is apparent from the widespread obesity to be found in the United States. There is evidence that it is the more infantile infants, adolescents and adults who tend to overeat. Could it be that the American cult of the juvenile mentality is also arresting the development of the body's mechanism for controlling food intake, keeping it at the infantile stage?
If America and the West examined their belief in the superiority of Western civilisation they would realise how ill founded and hypocritical it was.
If America and the West transformed their aggressive belief in their superiority into a true superiority based on benevolence and generosity, Islam would be less threatened, and being less threatened they would become less threatening, less terrorising.
After all, having exploited the Muslim world for centuries, is it not time that the West became more appreciative, benevolent and generous towards it?
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