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Life must have been imposed upon some less stable molecules of inorganic matter, by a particular set of conditions, such as the presence of water in a liquid state, and subtle changes taking place on our planet. Having been imposed life consisted and still consists of irritation, instability and restlessness in search of less irritation, instability and respite.

This echoes current scientific opinion that suggests our universe came into existence because of a massive release of unstable energy seeking stability, i.e. energy coalesced into mass, Einstein's formula E = MC2 in reverse, and the cycle continues, destabilised mass reverts to energy (begging the eternal question -- which came first and where from?).

Living organisms try to reduce their irritation by absorbing from the environment whatever can placate this condition. The absorption of nutrients leads to growth. As irritation is a constant factor of life and as the organisms try to relieve this irritation, they grow excessively. Excessive growth ultimately leads to a point when the organisms hive off or release parts of themselves, and this is the origin of the reproduction of life.

In their effort to reduce their constant irritation all living beings, some sooner, some later, exert themselves to the point of exhaustion and collapse, therefore mortality is the result of life's continuous search for lesser irritation. The more determined and aggressive we are in trying to reduce our irritation, the more we shorten our lifespan. It is a scientifically proven fact that by reducing unnecessary food consumption, animals and humans can prolong their lifespan and reduce procreation.

There is a radical difference between human beings and all other life forms on Earth and that is our Mind.

Is it possible that our Mind, this pride of man, is a result of an anomaly of our brain? Dealing as it does with the world of fantasy, illusions and absurdities; the Mind is an illogical accoutrement and could not have been the creation of a well-organised and rational brain.

In order to understand the self-deceiving ability of the Mind, I suggest the following view of the origin of our species and our large brain, which produced its brainchild, our Mind, with its world of fiction and fantasy.

Next: Neoteny

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