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By analysing the creations of the Mind, we might come to realise that much of our unhappiness and many of our problems can be attributed to our defective prefrontal cortex.

The illusions, delusions, hallucinations and revelations of our Mind suggest a prefrontal cortex detached from, and independent of, reality. The ideas of the Mind, such as virtual reality, suppositions, theories or theorems, could only have been conceived by a very confused prefrontal cortex.

Abstract thought, similarly, only exists by virtue of a state divorced from reality.

Only an uncertain prefrontal cortex could have inspired the Mind's abstract concepts such as ambiguity, puzzlement, or hypotheses as well as symbolic interpretations, metaphors, parables, analogies, allegories or caricatures.

When unable to discover patterns in reality our Mind invents the idea of randomness or supernatural. These phenomena do not exist; they represent an impaired perception of reality by our prefrontal cortex in a state of uncertainty.

One of the most important creations of our uncertain Mind is the Mind's systems of wishful beliefs.

Wishful beliefs, that fulfil the desire to be removed from irritating reality, bring with them aggressiveness. The tendency of irritation to find lesser irritation must have inspired the prefrontal cortex in its development of wishfulness or yearning.

The Mind's ability to transcend its wishful beliefs, in order to escape irritating reality, can lead to fanaticism What is more, the Mind's faith in its beliefs, which is supposed to reduce doubt, isolates the believer from reality and thus increases his fear. Any increase in fear brings the believer 's reptilian legacy to the surface, and this leads to unscrupulous-ness, violence, cruelty and excessive aggressiveness. The best examples of this are fanatical believers, who are the cruellest animals on our planet.

In its pretentiousness, inspired by its uncertainty, the Mind even developed a belief in miracles, which are contrary to the laws of Nature.

With its beliefs, fixed ideas,prejudices and dogmas, the Mind tends to reduce the effectiveness of our senses, and thus it reduces our ability to use our intuition. This is most obvious with fervent religious or ideological believers. Woman, on the other hand, seems to have better access to intuition.

Man, more than woman, tends to worship his beliefs as they provide excitement,creating the illusion of a more interesting life.

The Mind's beliefs can generate euphoria, which can lead to absurd behaviour especially during religious or ideological wars.

The Mind creates its own culture, which tends to perpetuate beliefs at the expense of the truth. The ideologies of the Mind tend to place themselves beyond science. Ideologies are always more successful than science, as they are more aggressive.

The Mind's culture of beliefs makes us credulous, and fairy tales, lies, illusions, mysteries, publicity or propaganda easily seduce us.

The Mind is also the main source of mental disorders and Mind related diseases (and the popularity of psychotherapy).

The abstract world of the Mind has difficulty in coping with the real world. The Mind in fact fears reality as this threatens the wishful world it has created. As it concentrates on its unreal world, the Mind avoids paying attention to the true status of our planet, allowing it to become polluted, degraded and impoverished.

Unhappy with his uncertain and fragile real self, man's Mind created a wishful and idealised self, its ego. Most people do not exhibit their real selves but adopt a persona in accordance with their Mind's ego and, in the effort to maintain this performance, become aggressive. This fictitious self can even turn on the real self. In fact, many suicides appear to be the murder of the real self by an inflated ego, because the real self could not live up to the ego 's aspirations.

The creation of the Mind's wishful ego brought about a most bizarre absurdity. In its infatuation with itself, the Mind's ego became offended and frustrated by work or labour, a significant aspect of life. An inflated ego feels degraded and humiliated by work as this brings it face to face with reality.

The Judeo-Christian god, created by man's egotistical Mind in his own image, considers work a punishment. Whereas women, who are not so self-centred, and do not have such an inflated ego, find work less offensive.

However, the side effects of the Mind's inflated ego can seriously damage our health. This can happen when the distance between the ego's desires and a person's ability to realise them is so vast it creates stress, which in turn generates stress related illnesses, such as heart disease and cancer. These diseases are multiplying as fast as modern progress is increasing the Minds expectations and desires.

With the development of the Mind, man acquired a new phenomenon in Nature,his Mind's aggression. This aggression is extremely damaging because it comes from the Mind's struggle to bend reality to fit fiction, which can only lead to self-destruction.

As man 's Mind is able to be devious, vicious, brutal and ruthless, his Mind's aggression tends to follow the same path.

Because woman has a more organised brain, and thus a less irrational Mind, she is far less offensively aggressive than man is. However, women who try to emulate men can often be as violent and as ruthless in their aggression as men.

There are two main views about the origin of man's aggression. To Instinctivists, our aggression is phylogenetically programmed, i.e. it is an evolving inborn tendency. This school of thought believes that life is a jungle in which the fittest, whatever that may mean, have a better chance of survival and of transmitting their aggressive genes to future generations. Behaviourists, on the other hand, believe that human aggression is mainly caused by social and cultural environments.

Some representatives of the Instinct Theory claim that our aggression is highly beneficial. In his book 'On Aggression' Konrad Lorenz wrote,"...we find that aggression, far from being the diabolic destructive principle that classical psychoanalysis makes it out to be, is really an essential part of life, preserving the organisation of instincts."

In Spengler's 'Man and Techniques', we read the following: "The beast of prey is the highest form of active life... The human race ranks highly because it belongs to the class of the beast of prey... the life of a man is the life of a brave and splendid, cruel and cunning beast of prey. He lives by catching, killing and consuming. Since he exists he must be master."

In Bertrand Russell's 'Authority and the Individual', we read, "The old instincts that have come down to us from our tribal ancestors, all kinds of aggressive impulses inherited from generations of savages..."

Those who insist that man was and is a born 'hunter and killer' should consider that Nature would never have given the predatory instinct to a species with the digestive system of a vegetarian. If man were a 'beast of prey', he would never have turned his hand to agriculture, the domestication of animals and the dairy industry. Above all, Nature would not have played such a joke as to give him the instinct of aggression without any innate aggressive weapon, such as canine teeth.

The following facts could help in proving that the origin of our destructive aggression lies in our Mind.

Ablation of the frontal lobe, where 'wishful thinking' seems to take place, reduces offensive aggression.

The Mind's offensive aggression can be influenced and manipulated by propaganda or brainwashing.

In order to arouse aggression in their followers, political and military leaders depict their opponents as 'monsters', criminals or dangerous war-mongers.

Conflicts are sustained by the energy generated by a fear of defeat, and a fear of defeat by monsters increases emotional arousal and aggression.

Hysterical delirium of the masses, created by the manipulation of their Minds, can lead to the most atrocious acts of destruction and savagery.

Superstitions, ideologies and religions are among the main sources of offensive aggression.

When the Mind becomes obsessed by a belief or an idea, it develops fanaticism, a major cause of destruction.

Tyranny, the epitome of offensive aggression, is usually based on an ideology.

The worst types of offensive aggression are manifest in persecutions or revolutions, and these are commonly inspired by ideals or beliefs.

Other major instigators of crime and violence are racial or national prejudices, which are all creations of the Mind. People inspired by these prejudices often justify their destructiveness or killings with the belief that they are not eliminating members of their own species, other human beings, but 'barbarians' or 'Untermenschen'.

Jealousy, envy, vanity, resentment, malice, hatred rage and spitefulness are all sources of offensive aggression, and all are a state of Mind, or emotions created by a state of Mind.

Throughout history, the torture of man by man has been committed in the name of a belief or a prejudice. The best inquisitors are always ardent believers.

Man considers a moral insult a good reason for a strong reaction, but insults stem from excessive self-esteem. Honour and manliness are the creations of the Mind and they are a major source of offensive aggression.

Some people insist that frustration is at the root of most of our offensive aggression. Frustration, however, is nothing more than self-infatuation offended by reality. We are frustrated in a bus or train full of people we consider ugly and ordinary. We are frustrated by working in a crowded office or factory. However, we are not frustrated by larger gatherings, for example at reception at Buckingham Palace or the White House, or a fashionable Night Club. A man is seldom frustrated by a crowd that applauds him, carries him on their shoulders, or asks him for his autograph, as these are signs of adoration that make him feel important.

Self-confidence is another significant source of destructive aggression.

The glorification of self-confidence invaded Western Europe with the Renaissance. "It is better to be adventurous than cautious," wrote Machiavelli,"because fortune is like a woman, and if you wish to keep her under, it is necessary to beat and ill use her." Machiavelli certainly did not know that self-confidence, in a life ruled by uncertainty and unpredictability, turns into stubbornness derided by irony. Corneille was much wiser when in'Le Cid'he explained:"Danger breeds best on too much confidence." The Mind's system of beliefs creates another form of aggression unique in Nature, arrogance.

The world 'arrogance' comes from the Latin 'adrogantia' meaning: assumption, pretension or the taking for granted, all of which are our Mind's inventions.

Arrogance impairs our sense of perception, our rationality, and our sense of humour. It increases tension and so can contribute to high blood pressure. By increasing strain and stress, arrogance can also damage the efficiency of our immune system.

In the past two centuries, the Western world seems to have been going through a phase of what could be described as suicidal aggression. This suicidal aggression is perpetuated in the name of another wishful belief of the pretentious Mind, pompously called ?progress'.

The degradation of the quality of our lives and the pollution of our planet and its atmosphere, caused by aggressive progress, provide increasing proof that the Mind's illusions can culminate in dangerous and suicidal delusions.

The World Health Organisation predicts a serious increase in depression in the Western World.

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