In our quest for truth and reality, the first and inevitable question is 'What is reality?'. This chapter is aimed at providing a factual answer to that question.
Human behavior and human systems are largely a reflection of what we have learned, and what we have failed to learn. If you examine the areas in which positive progress has been made, they are largely that of industry, commerce, technology and some of our sciences. Little progress has been made in the realm of governing or recognizing and accepting the nature of the human animal, or of existence itself. While a tiny fragment of humanity makes possible nearly all the amenities of living, lifting the burden of endless labor from human shoulders, developing cures for diseases, probing and plotting the nature of the Cosmos and discovering the most basic secrets of existence, the vast majority still cling to basic concepts that have changed little from those of neolithic savages. Although we learn to use the machines, the underlying principles, knowledge and implications are avoided by an overwhelming majority of humanity.
A recognition of the fundamental nature of existence would dissolve most human delusion and provide a stable foundation for the individual to build a store of dependable knowledge, moving toward increased rationality, even in the face of cultural mandates to the contrary.
Understanding the fundamental mechanisms of existence provides the key to human rationality while helping to dissolve the learning barriers generated by belief.
The nature of existence has been debated throughout recorded history. But, up until the latter half of this century, there has been little definitive knowledge, and virtually no knowledge of the fundamental mechanisms of existence. Until now there has been no definitive portrayal of existence at its most fundamental levels.
Work with particle accelerators had displayed some of the characteristics of the primary particles, allowing a wide-spread recognition that there were only three or four basic families of particles, the photon and electron being two. When it came to the nucleus of an atom, there were protons and neutrons, in their model, but the exact architecture and principles of interaction were missing in every category. Such is no longer the case. Now, there is a definitive model for all the fundamental mechanisms of existence. For the first time, we can view humanity and the Cosmos in the light of understanding its fundamental functions and activities.
The main, and as yet unsung hero in this saga of discovery, is not a physicist, per se, but an engineer. Recognizing the limitations of the experimental method in addressing the primary particles, this man understood that a new methodology would be required. He suspected that the body of data science has accumulated, and which provides the basis for technology and the wonders of modern science, could yield knowledge of the functions and mechanisms at the most fundamental levels of existence. He wondered what this data could tell him about fundamental existence, in its own right, stripped of human preconceptions and the wild speculations of theoretical physics. Could it be analyzed in terms of motion, his areas of expertise? Could it provide a door to the functions and activities at the very foundations of existence?
The physics data is organized as a compilation of numbers reflecting an almost complete set of the building blocks of nature. It is compiled and graphically organized in the nuclide chart and the periodic table, which present both the atoms and the isotopes. There remain missing nuclides at the top simply because the Earth environment lacks the necessary pressure for them to exist in a free state.
Our engineer reasoned that, if the intricate relationships within this body of data could be sorted out and mathematized, they might provide clues to the fundamentals of nature. At the time, he had no idea of what a comprehensive picture of existence this could provide.
By approaching the problem from this different perspective, he has been able to uncover secrets of nature never dreamed of in the beginning. It is a work that will bring to science an incredibly definitive portrayal of the primary particles and the fundamental mechanisms of energy, structure, movement, gravity and control throughout the whole spectrum of existence.
For the first time there is a unified system of description and calculation that reflects and matches the accumulated body of physics data, across the board. You will meet this man and his work in this chapter. My description of fundamental existence and the Cosmos will display the implications of this new knowledge.
Perhaps the most effective way to gain a feeling for unvarnished existence, is to view the Cosmos at its grandest scale, through a good telescope. The Hubble Space Telescope is providing the most detailed vistas of space, allowing us to see up to one hundred times farther than we have been able to see with Earth bound telescopes, impeded by the dust and gasses of our atmosphere..
What is Hubble showing us? Out beyond our prior viewing horizon, we see more galaxies, visually scattered like stars. Each galaxy contains billions of stars and most certainly trillions of satellites in terms of planets, moons and asteroids. These galaxies are scattered randomly, here thinly, there in clusters, vast voids, in other words, presenting more of what was viewed from Earth telescopes, the mottled tapestry of an endless Cosmos. This material is moving in random directions and is in various stages of development and degeneration. There is no indication of an expanding universe.
These vistas speak of a boundless universe, its galaxies moving aimlessly, effecting one another, often drastically, in the course of their restless wanderings. The universe is not expanding. There is no evidence of a boundary beyond which there is not more of the same. Nor is it possible to ascribe a boundary to this ageless pannoramma of Cosmos.
There is no indication that galaxies are capable of functioning as building blocks for larger development, simply because of their transient nature and the ever-changing character of their organization. There is no galactic scale mechanism that would provide a stable basis for further development in size scale. There is every reason to expect that these are the largest organized systems that matter can attain, unless. They continue to drift in every direction, in changing and scattered dishevel.
This is a universe doing what it is, endlessly developing and degenerating, ever changing, yet ever the same. This is our largest picture of existence, but what we see is only a local view of the cosmic stuff. There is a limit as to how far photons can carry these images to us, as they are slowly absorbed by other matter encountered on their trek through boundless space.
You may ask, then, how we can say anything meaningful about the total Cosmos, only being able to view but a fragment of it. The answer lies in the knowledge we have gained relative to the smallest particles of existence. This new knowledge provides a clear conception of what existence is and how it works. It provides a limited but effective schematic of the nature and source of all structure, energy and activity.
We now have knowledge as to how matter is formed and how it evolves or develops into increasingly complex forms and systems. We also now have knowledge as to what marks the limits to development and how matter gets recycled.
We can now deal with matter, within a consistent and unified conceptual framework, and understand the kinds of activities taking place at any level, from the simplest particles up through the greatest complexities matter can attain. We now truly hold the keys to the Cosmos.
Matter builds up or develops naturally from the simplest forms toward the complex. As increasing complexities and larger systems come into existence, they do so by modifying, or building upon, what already exists. At any given moment and at any level of development, active particle, atomic and molecular involvement is taking place.
Development involves the limited components of the immediate environment. It occurs only where that environment will permit and sustain a particular pattern of modification upon an existing formation.
The continued existence of a particular form is always dependent upon a supporting environment. When that environment no longer supports a particular pattern of development, or becomes destructive to that pattern, the development degenerates.
An enabling environment is always necessary to allow any form to continue to exist. As these environments change or are lost, the complex forms must be able to compensate and adapt or they will degenerate into simpler stuff, their atoms and molecules, as well as escaping particles, will be incorporated into other developing systems. In this sense, we find that evolution does not begin with life. It begins with the restless internal activities of the primary particles. The particles, in their active, ceaseless motion, continually interrelate with other particles, every possibility gets explored. If a stable form can come into being, if a particular environment will support it, that form develops.
Although we differentiate matter from space, the two are inextricably involved. The two are interlinked in ways and to degrees that remain mysteries. Matter changes the shape of space and a particle's internal patterns of movement change in accordance with the shape of space. Subatomic particles move through space in accordance with their internal movements, as accurately as if they were connected to space with cog wheels. A photon travels at the speed of C, 186,282 miles per second, because that is its internal rotational speed, the speed of primary motion. The composite of internal rotation speed translates to the lineal speed and direction of a particle or the largest development, such as a galaxy or a system of galaxies.
By the strict definition of the word, the universe encompasses all that is, from the smallest aspects of the primary particles, the fundamental building blocks of atoms, outward into the boundless reaches of space, an endless continuum of ever changing existence. There can be no boundaries beyond which the universe ceases to manifest itself and, although we have no means of reaching the distances we observe, we can expect that there exists no areas of the Cosmos which does not contain matter similar to that of our own galactic neighborhood. We know this because we now understand the mechanisms of fundamental existence, itself, and the limited ways in which the primary particles can interact. We know it also, because there is no way to ascribe a boundary or impediment to space and because the fundamental stuff or "essence" of existence is inextricable from motion. There was no beginning, and there is not end point to existence. It is the expression of the fundamental "IS", a continuum of endless development and degeneration.
The Cosmos is an endless continuum of changing existence, but of eternal sameness with respect to its fundamental mechanisms and principles. These principles are universal, all determined and actualized by primary motion. The primary particles, atoms and molecules develop naturally into systems of higher complexity. The parameters of possibility are determined by the limited ways in which the primary particles interact and the limited resources of any given environment.
Based on this view of existence, groundless speculation and theorizing becomes unwarranted. There is too much real stuff to explore, too many clues to hidden wonders, and too much of the real nature of the cosmos to discover. Our best course, then, is to try to understand what IS, the nature of existence itself, consciously avoiding the distortions or fantasies encouraged by our misdirected institutions, the myths and delusions of human cultures.
From our tiny planet, Earth, we look outward into a panorama more stupendous than we can imagine. The distances which we can view we call our viewing horizon. Until the development of Hubble it extended only a few billion light years, light traveling at a speed of 186,282 miles per second, or roughly 300,000 kilometers per second. Our limited view does not mark the bounds of the universe. It is only that there are limits to our viewing range, in terms of our own technology and limits to the distance light particles can travel, their essence or movement eventually being translated to other particles encountered along the way. Even so, we are still increasing our viewing range as we develop better and better tools of observation.
To grasp the unity and the dynamics of development throughout the total spectrum of existence, it is necessary to understand something of the architecture of the primary particles, the smallest structures in the Cosmos that have any meaning for us, and the fundamental building blocks of existence. These particles provide the basic mechanisms for structure, movement and the translation of energy, at any level of development of existence, as well as determining how the pieces fit together and develop. (A general recognition of these mechanisms by a significant percentage of Earth's human population would dissolve learning barriers and allow groups and nations to make real corrections, necessary for the survival of the species as an intelligent life form.)
We will look at some of the basic mechanisms, systems, structures and their implications, how they drastically modify our view of the Cosmos and the basic nature of existence, itself. We will also take a look at some of the areas in which theoretical science has gone awry, as it blindly follows the mathematics of its own invalid theories, making leaps of faith which cannot be justified and which lead to descriptions of the Cosmos that do not and can not exist in reality.
Human cultures are loaded with myths, misinformation and muddled thinking. The institutions of human cultures, including those of higher learning, labor to maintain these delusions, but a large part of the misdirection continues simply because of the sloppy ways in which people use language. Words are too often used in ways which keep meanings vague and ambiguous, allowing meanings and subjects to shift. We blithely wander off into the verbiage of our flawed cognizance, words that fit together nicely, yet become meaningless in terms of reflecting factual reality. We lose ourselves in circular semantics, speaking knowingly in concepts devoid of meaning.
I listened to a Hubble scientist from NASA a few days ago, showing a photograph of deep space and blathering about the Big Bang and the "beginning of time". The picture he was showing held more than enough information to destroy the theories of the Big Bang and the expanding universe, and of course, had absolutely nothing to say about the nature of time, beginning or otherwise.
It was a picture of deep space, showing galaxies a hundred times farther than we could see with Earth bound telescopes. It showed these galaxies in similar concentrations to those immediately beyond our own galaxy. It showed galaxies in random orientations and various stages of development, obviously moving in all directions. There was no evidence of an expanding universe, the galaxies diverging. The distances of these galaxies from Earth precluded the possibility of their having had their origin in "The Big Bang", twelve to twenty billion years ago, but then, this is true even of the distances we view with Earth-bound telescopes. Nuclear material does not travel at light speed.
The universe is not expanding. A strict definition of the word universe is that it contains the totality of existence. It is the set containing all sets. That the universe is expanding is an absurdity even by definition. In order to be expanding, it would have to be expanding into area which it already possessed. Not even science is safe from carelessness or deliberate ambiguity in the use of language.
The Big Bang Theory rests on a belief that the 'universe' is expanding which, in turn, rests on the misinterpretation of the progressive red-shift in light emanating from distant celestial objects. The reasoning is, that if the universe is expanding, there must have been a point of origin of that expansion. Since the literal definition of a point is that it has no dimensions, there exists here an easy popular inference that there must have been a Big Bang of creation at that point. Where do you suppose that idea came from?
The observed 'red shift' in light emanating from distant stars and galaxies is interpreted to be a manifestation of the Doppler Effect, wherein light from distant bodies, thought to be moving away from us, would be in effect, stretched out, exhibiting a longer wavelength, and thus exhibiting a shift in color toward the red area of the light spectrum. Although the Doppler effect is indeed a factor, for any body moving away from us, this observed color shift is also affected by another factor, an explanation that is ignored, that of the photon losing energy to other particles encountered along the way. As the photon loses energy, its diameter increases, translating to increased "wavelength".
Interestingly, there is no such thing as light 'waves'. There is no 'medium' which can propagate a wave in space, a virtual vacuum. There are only light particles, called photons, moving at the speed of light because that is their internal rotational speed, the natural speed of fundamental existence.. The wavelength of light is a function of ring diameter, which allows the photons to be sorted out in terms of wavelength, a mechanism which will be discussed later.
The expanding universe theory, derives from a false premise, the culprit that is at the basis of virtually every human problem. When the theory was formulated there was nothing known about the architecture of the particles. However, there was ample reason to drop the theory, even in the early days. Even then there was knowledge regarding the limited speed of nuclear particles and the problem of developing nuclear particles from photons. The coexisting "tired light" theory was obviously much closer to the truth, but it didn't have the magic of Creation.
Many of our absurd theories and premises are due to current common practices, in many areas of science, which allow for the introduction and maintenance of contra-indicated theories even when it requires ignoring or distorting the evidence.
Theoretical physics follows the mathematics, it would appear, regardless of the numbers that have been plugged into it. They will also freely add corrective constants to force the absurdities to agree with the data. Theoretical physicists appear to be oblivious of the need for physical validation.
The scientific absurdities encountered, especially in the realm of theoretical physics, result from scientists having failed to validate their theories. This absence of objective validation is not limited to any one sector of a culture. It is found wherever falsehoods are maintained. It is a necessary aspect of the maintenance of delusion.
Education provides little or no defense against the effects of false premises, falsehoods that have been internalized. Where the realities are rejected, flawed determinations quickly follow. This blatant disregard for physical reality takes many forms and permeates every area of a culture, including academy.
In science, the fundamental defect lies in the failure to tie the mathematics to physical reality. Resultant absurdities are eagerly sucked up by the media and used to titillate a gullible public. No one bothers to point out the obvious errors and absurdities in concept or language.
The Cosmos is real stuff and should be treated accordingly. There is never justification for a theory or working premise not indicated and supported by the known data and other objective evidence. On this note, lets take a look at two other scientific sacred cows that are being led into the slaughterhouse as we speak.
Einstein's General Theory of Relativity is no less perplexing than the ideas of the Big Bang and an expanding universe. Relativity is well ventilated by contradictions and absurdities. Here, obviously, is a conceptual system in which areas of its tenets do not have counterparts in physical reality, yet, which by default, have became largely accepted, unquestioned.
Einstein envisioned a relativistic universe, a concept that denies any absolute referent. Now, man having gained a knowledge of the fundamental mechanisms of existence, we know that there is a fundamental referent common to all existence.
In Einstein's work, much of which suffers from reasoning patterns as discussed earlier, one is forced to assume premises which have no counterpart in nature. In Relativity, existence is depicted as events. The continuum of endless motion and interaction is not recognized. Space is depicted as curved in such a manner that if you travel far enough in one direction, you may well end up back where you began, or it might fold back upon itself, allowing a 'worm hole', a possible short-cut between points billions of light years apart, were we are to believe Relativity and modern cosmology.
Space does curve as it relates to the particles of matter and objects that coexist within it, and which are inextricable from it, but it does not curve consistently in a single pattern, inscribing a tremendous sphere or bubble or possessing the characteristic of foldability. Space is defined by the movement within it. There is no way to assign a single pattern of curvature-surface to space except in terms of the fundamental particles and higher constructs that inhabit it.
The universe, interpreted from Relativity, is thought to be both finite and boundless, absolute and relative, the Einsteinian version of Alice in Wonderland. Einstein also saw space as a function of space/time. Perhaps this is the greatest mischief-making idea within Relativity. As it turns out, time doesn't exist for fundamental existence. Time is a human concept. Although it is quite useful to us at the macro-level, it has no meaning to existence at its most fundamental levels. Matter exists as repeating (cycling) patterns of continuous motion. The fundamental clock of existence is the "latching interval" of primary motion, an interval of motion. The smallest interval of 'time' is an interval of movement, 1/137 of a complete cycle of primary movement, cycling at the speed of C, at the diameter of an electron at 0.51 mev. More on this later. I keep getting ahead of myself.
The space/time concept is thus found to be meaningless. There is no space/time continuum, nor does time, as we measure it, play any role in the deterioration of matter, which is caused by movement translation. There are only intervals of movement within a continuum of movement and the changing of movement patterns. Developed patterns of matter continually change as an aspect of nature's endless motility.
Relativity holds the mystic idea that all things are relative, removing any referent for any existence, position or motion, yet the speed of light is maintained as a constant. No one seems to recognize the conflict in these notions.
Such discrepancies were once hotly debated within scientific circles. As the years have passed, there have been less and less discussion. Relativity became accepted by default. Everyone loves a mystery and, as a popular philosophy, Relativism is nebulous enough to accommodate all the myths, fantasies, ignorance and stupidity of genus Homo.
Quantum Mechanics is the mathematics mainstream physicists use to address plasma physics. It is based on wave theory and handles light as waves, rather than as discrete particles. It has been the only conceptual tool to deal with light, but there has been no supporting evidence for the 'ether', a mysterious, hypothetical substance that would be necessary to propagate a wave in the vacuum of space.
Quantum mechanics is not supported by the data, yet is made to work by the introduction of necessary constants or coefficients, 'fudge factors' appropriate for a particular application or range of function. There is nothing to justify a light wave theory, the ether, or any other idea in the absence of physical indices. Detected 'waves' from space can now be explained in terms of particle mechanics, and photon-class bodies, which are not waves at all.
One problem that mainstream science has yet to understand is the problem of measurability. By the inherent nature of measuring, the object being measured is affected to some degree by the process. As one goes down in size scale, the error introduced is proportionally larger. We do not have the means to physically measure objects anywhere near the scale of molecules or atoms. This, however, is not a problem for nature, where all originating activity and "measurement" takes place at the primary motion level. Mainstream science, at this dawn of a new millenium, does not know about primary movement.
The point here is that we can never be completely accurate with our measurements nor directly deal with the activities at this scale. Measurements at the primary particle level beyond five decimal places are meaningless, in any case, because intrusive movement and fluctuations are continuous. What we need to recognize is that, although human measurements are not exact, nature does not have this limitation. Its measurements are uniform and just a matter of what the essence of existence is. Its so-called measurements are absolutely exact in terms of 137 latching intervals per cycle of primary motion at the scale of the primary particles.
We can make inferences from the activities of existence at this level, but our tools can never measure, directly, the world much below the size of a virus.
Mathematics is the language most capable of providing accurate description and analysis. It cannot solve problems by itself, however. It is but a tool. It can be little more representative of real existence than the factors 'plugged into it'. However, because of its precise expression, and because it echoes the way nature works, it has a tendency to reflect some realities, even when misused. In mathematics, if you introduce factors which do not reflect physical reality, your determinations will not reflect physical reality. Just like a computer, if you put garbage in, you get garbage out.
But, enough of this. There are other new things to look at and a new system which will provide a consistent, unified view of the entire spectrum of physics. As we shall see, there are better intellectual tools for dealing with the basic nature of existence and the Cosmos. These discoveries continue to flow from the work of a man who labors alone, a quiet, dedicated engineer/scientist who has made greater progress in the area of physics than any individual in human history.
This mysterious stranger, although having made important contributions to modern technology, is virtually unknown. He is not from within academia, but from industry. He is not a member of the club.
This man works with the compiled data experimental science has accumulated over the years, relative to fundamental existence and as displayed on the Nuclide Chart. From his mind and his mathematics a new and unified picture of the Cosmos has emerged. This new system and its implications may well provide the foundation for humanity's next great advance.
His name is Russell Stewart Hall. Who is he? What has he done? How could any individual, working alone, achieve anything so spectacular in an era of modern science, government grants, large endowed institutions, multi-million dollar facilities and teams of highly trained scientists? He did it mostly by persistence, making the validation process the heart of the discovery process, and by moving only in directions indicated by the evidence.
This is a work that has been in active process since the late sixties. This project has been his abiding passion and has consumed many hundreds of thousands of hours time, leading up to and during this period. Hall is a retired engineer who, during his professional career, worked primarily at General Electric Company and later at Allison Division of General Motors. He has done some important things, but none to compare with the importance of this current work.
As an engineer at GE, during World War II, he had a pivotal role in the design of axial-flow compressors and the superchargers that give our planes air superiority in that they were able to fly higher than those of the foe.
Building upon the mathematics and techniques gained in boundary layer and laminal flow engineering, he guided the design of turbines, making possible the modern jet engine. He headed one of the teams that did the first feasibility studies of atomic energy for powered flight, showing the possibility but formidable limitations of such an application. Hall was also, from time to time, on the advisory board for NACA before it was reorganized as NASA.
During the early days of jet engines, there was the theory that a "ram jet" engine was possible, but no one had devised one. At the time, there was a voracious public appetite for any information about jet engines, rocket engines or anything related. Most information on these subjects was still classified. An important photographer from Life Magazine, Gigon Mili, had approached GE, the leading developer of jet engines at that time, about the possibility of photographing some engines. Nearly all of the physical development in this area was still under wraps. The ramjet theory was an area that was not classified. One morning, Hall was asked if he could produce an athodyd, a ramjet engine.
He immediately set to work, made some hurried calculations and drew up a sketch, which he handed to his shop foreman shortly after noon. His crew worked the rest of the day and into the night, staying on the job until the engine could be completed and fired up. It was near midnight when the engine was tested.
Fueled by propane, the little engine was only about sixteen inches long, including its five inch burner. It was hung in the exhaust of a 250 mph wind tunnel, which provided the required thrust of air. When the propane fuel was turned on, and its burner lit, the little engine let out a pygmy roar and dutifully thrust forward to the limits of its tether, a long, blue tail of flame shooting out the back.
As it turned out, Hall had made a slight miscalculation in the design of the burner which, consequently, did not perfectly oxidize the fuel. However, however the resultant blue tail photographed beautifully. The picture was seen by millions when it appeared in Life magazine.
Hall retired from industry in the late 1950's, when it became clear to him that his direct approaches to problems, necessitating methods free from convention and the proclivities of corporate politics, were generating increasing friction with management. Another factor leading to his retirement was that he came to realize there would be no niche within industry for him to pursue his abiding drive to understand the real nature of the fundamental particles of existence.
All during the course of his engineering career, Hall had been disturbed by the inconsistencies in accepted physics theories and mathematical systems. There were areas in Einstein's Relativity and the patched together character of quantum mechanics that he wanted to investigate, but there was no time to seriously pursue the problem.
The mathematics of physics worked well enough for engineering procedures. However, no one ever got around to resolving the fundamental conceptual inconsistencies. As the years wore on, the debate subsided and people came to ignore the discrepancies. Standardized constants, and system switching, made the systems workable.
Why weren't these problems resolved early on? Perhaps the main reason was that mainstream science did not possess the necessary precursors to generate insight. Perhaps Relativity was just too tantalizing. In any case, the engineering community didn't have time to do basic science and the theoretical scientists and mathematicians were clinging to intrenched methodology.
They expected any problems to eventually sort themselves out. This could never happen, of course, if the right questions were never asked. The basic nature of mathematics is such that it can be used as a tool to explore reality, but first requires conceptualization of the reality before the right methodology and numbers can be sought and means of testing can be formulated.
There is a time honored scholastic tradition which decrees that pure thought should not be dependent upon, or contaminated by, physical considerations. This kind of thinking started with the ancient Greek aristocracy, who were at the forefront of intellectual advancement but who were reluctant to do physical experiments. Such activity was equated with manual labor. Physical considerations were considered to be beneath their station in life. Purest truth was seen as formulating an ideal, devoid of any base or material considerations. Idealism.
Today, there are large amounts of vested interest in idealism. It is used to justify the continuance of myriad ineffective systems and approaches. It is used as a rallying banner by our government and for humanistic causes. It permeates our thinking. To counter this mental bent brings heavy resistance. There is little motivation for bucking our popular orientation to idealism.
Our cultures are rife with popular myths and fantasies that must be protected and maintained. A relative universe, where there are no absolutes, could accommodate them all, religion, politics, magic, even myths and fantasies within the realm of science.
The discrepancies in accepted systems constitute a can of worms that neat, reputation-conscious, mainstream science has successfully resisted. They will decimalize endlessly without consideration of what is being decimalized. They ignore the point completely that one tenth of an egg is no longer an egg; that decimal places beyond five is usually physically meaningless. Nature counts in integers.
Another problem with mainstream science is that, in the quest for 'objectivity', it carefully avoids any kind of involvement where 'value judgments' are required. Scientists fear being accused of bias. No one seems to notice that one cannot function as a scientist without exercising discrimination, and every discrimination is a value judgment. They have been willing to make value judgments in some areas, but not in others. This kind of science bothers Hall, exceedingly. He wants to know the truth, regardless of the icons it fractures or the fences it crosses. He wants to see the real pictures and the real players, the nature of real things. This has been an abiding drive throughout his life.
The sixties found Hall, having retired from industry, frolicking in the waters of Florida's lower keys, living on a small sailboat, exploring the reefs and the mangrove islands and occasionally pestering the local finned inhabitants. He hung around boat yards, partied with the locals and designed and built a neat little trimaran to live aboard. To all outward appearances he was just another 'boat bum'. However, appearances could hardly have been more deceiving.
Hall would frequently disappear, sometimes for weeks at a time, showing up only to stock up on groceries and fuel for his outboard. Hall was poking at the problem of wedding mathematics to physical reality, in the form of the physical data of the nuclide chart. He mused over what the primary building blocks of existence had to be. His poking and mathematical exploration increasingly indicated that the tool that could take him all the way was that of motion analysis . Whatever else existence was, it could be addressed in terms of motion, matter's changability, formability and countability. Hall's vocation had given him the necessary intellectual tools for making this approach.
Increasingly, periods of withdrawal from the laid-back and carefree existence of the Keys meant that new insights had surfaced and had to be investigated. It meant that pictures of possibilities were emerging which had to be brought into focus and mathematized; subjected to analysis, to be validated or discarded. In most cases it was the latter. Anything that didn't work consistently got discarded.
Regardless of whether he was playing or actively working on a problem, Hall, ever the engineer, consciously or subconsciously, was at work. Whether he was working or playing, the same questions that had gone unanswered during the whole of his professional life incubated in his restless and fertile mind and, with increasing frequency, were brought forth to be subjected to a different form of reasoning and analysis.
Increasingly, it was becoming obvious that the accumulated body of subatomic data could be analyzed in terms of movement and that validated determinations could be achieved and built upon. These new patterns of thought began to take on a life of their own as Hall increasingly was forced to accept the limitations expressed by the data.
In his new patterns of thought, all preconceived ideas became a hinderance, and increased attention was paid to cerebration taking place on deeper levels of awareness, below verbalized symbology. Here, in a meditative state, patterns, possibilities and relationships played on a stage of mind. When some aspect of the problem could be visualized, it eventually would find its way into mathematics to be tested against known referents. It would add to the developing picture or, which was usually the case, be rejected as being in some way flawed. Hall was making progress toward discovering what did exist by systematically rejecting what could not exist. The jigsaw puzzle of the particles was growing.
This methodology insured that determinations reflected physical reality. Objective validation was placed at the center of the process. Where a discovery fit the known data, it would be maintained and built upon. There was no wild hypothesizing. Paths were followed only so long as there was continuing objectively support.
The mathematics was harnessed to the scale and physicality of the real stuff at the level of the particles (the 0.51 mev electron being taken as a referent) and was not allowed to carry the project into idealized, arbitrarily theorized or preconceived absurdities. What Hall was tracking were the geometric necessities of movement at the level of the fundamental building blocks, the fundamental patterns of movement and form. Here was fundamental existence as it had to be. He sought the necessities that would eventually define the architecture of the primary particles. This was ever a process of elimination. As the process continued, the residue of valid material slowly accumulated.
In the late seventies, the personal computer emerged, a timely boon to cerebration which, at first, tweaked Hall's insatiable curiosity and then totally messed up his laid back life-style. Hall's quest for the architecture of the primary particles had remained a strong and continuing drive, but he had been hampered by the necessity to do endless calculations. Progress had been slow, grinding, barely perceptible, except for some few basic premises which appeared to be standing impregnable, one of them being that the whole range of existence was built upon cycling rings of motion. Now, the advent of the personal computer gave him the calculating power to attack the problem seriously and in-depth. It started with just a little innocent poking on a Texas Instrument programmable calculator but soon led to more serious hardware.
He bought a Radio Shack pocket computer and then, in 1985, discovered a desktop computer which, potentially, had the requirements necessary to adequately model activity patterns that must be taking place within the primary particles. Such a computer, with some modifications, could be fitted to this particular task, allowing him to better differentiate between possible and impossible particle activity.
The machine was a Sanyo 555 with a bit-mapped screen and two high density disc drives. It was called the Silver Fox. However, even though it had a bit-mapped screen and the high density disks that he needed, the machine did not have enough continuous memory, in its stock form, to do what Hall needed to do. The memory was broken up by a characteristic location of its operating system program. The Sanyo was not a clone, but closely followed the design leads of IBM, in this respect. This memory configuration, unfortunately, was a dumb idea in the first place that had become an industry standard.
The computer would have to be modified, its operational programming readdressed, shifted. Hall, never afraid to address any problem, modified the operating system, relocating it at the bottom of the memory stack, in order to give the computer the largest amount of uninterrupted RAM (random access memory) above this section.
Equations, plotted curves and graphs began to fill notebooks. His printer began spitting out the pages of the first part of his magnum opus, The Rings of Reality. The draft of the little trimaran increased with the weight of accumulating computer manuals, related literature and other reference works. The Sanyo, soon pushed to the limits of its memory, and given a digitizer (concocted by Hall), provided the computing power necessary for steady progress in the discovery of nature's geometric patterning. The pieces of the puzzle continued to fall into place.
When his computer broke down, which occurred several times along the way, Hall stopped work on his project and become a computer technician. As the work approached completion this became an increasing problem. Age, heavy use and the salt environment aboard the little boat had taken its toll on the Sanyo. Eventually he was overwhelmed by the presence of too many variables and had to abandon this faithful little machine. Another was found and used to transfer his essential files to an MS/DOS system, allowing him to complete his work.
Between Hall's mind and his computers, one becoming but an extension of the other, his Magnum Opus found a womb in which to grow, and grow it did! To date, he has finished the first two volumes, covering history, principals and approach, of what will come to be a three part book called Rings of Reality. The project was put on hold for a time when he realized that a different format was needed for a scientific presentation or tutorial. This latter work is now approaching completion.
Hall was always a 'wild hare', in industry and a wonder at solving problems and getting the job done. But left to his own devices and free to follow his own path, he was often a surprise, even to himself. He followed the evidence wherever it led. Nothing was sacrosanct. The Sacred Cows of Theoretical Science fell, one after the other, as if they were in a Chicago slaughter house. This was not planned, of course. The slaughter was incidental to the quest. What did exist shed light on that which did not. With the emerging picture of what the primary particles were all about and how they worked, many of the theoretical physicists' and science's most important theories simply dissolved.
The new knowledge undercut, obliterated or modified theories such as Relativity, the space/time continuum, quantum mechanics, Big Bang, Black Holes (as they are popularly envisioned), the expanding universe theory, the current concept and model of the atom, both in terms of its nucleus and its outer shells of electrons, mass, time, force and a host of detail factors and functions.
In his incidental search for reasonable foundations of epistemology he came to recognize that humankind was lost and floundering in a quagmire of verbal identifiers, words often nebulous in their own meaning and validated only by circular reasoning, using other verbal identifiers just as nebulous. He came to understand how completely language gets used as a barrier to understanding; how meanings shift to the point that nobody knows exactly what they are talking about or when a subject has been changed. He was discovering how completely language is used to maintain our myths and fantasized concepts of reality.
The most fundamental conceptual fallacy, in terms of our orientation to cultural delusions, and our resultant ignorance, is that our languages continually assume and expresses the idea of imposed force, as the source of all activity, rather than recognizing internal movement as the natural state of being and the source of all activity and of ultimate control. This problem emerges from the 'God' model of existence. It permeates our thinking and our popular approaches to problems. It results in Authoritarianism and is the primary delusion, leading to the myriad pathologies of our social systems.
Any language provides almost universally accepted verbiage representing concepts completely adrift from the physical reality they supposedly depict. In addition, the meaning of words and sentences constantly shift, not just over extended periods of time, but often within even a single conversation, as individuals grapple with the problem of maintaining their beliefs.
Increasingly, Hall discovered that the real pictures of reality were there, buried within the language and fragmented insight of individuals, in all walks of life and throughout history. Everyone senses the realities to some degree, probably for the simple reason that, as artifacts of the Cosmos, this is the way we and our brains function. Everything has common structural and functional components as one approaches the fundamental levels of existence. Even the religions express the concept of ultimate unity, although they are oblivious to the nature of that unity.
So too, although in rough and incomplete forms, in existing data and in fragmentary insights preserved in the original writings of the giants of science, such as Newton and Copernicus, Hall found clues pointing to the ultimate realities. Once a viable direction was established, all Hall had to do, in many cases, was to insert approximate numbers until the right combination was achieved and the parts of an algorithm would fall into place.
I met Hall in 1984 in Key West. A friend and I had gone off to romp a little 24 foot sailboat. We sailed down the Florida Keys, on the ocean side, ending up in Key West. A bewhiskered old gent, wearing a floppy fishing hat with a broad, drooping brim, came tooling up in a little ten foot outboard. It was Hall. Known to my sailing partner, Derek Lawler, who had taught school in Key West, Hall had come out, in place of another friend who was unable to meet us. The plan was to act as pilot , guiding us through the shoal waters north of Key West and around to a quiet little bay, north of Big Coppitt Key. That first evening we sat in the Raw Bar, just north of Mallory Dock and within minutes found ourselves talking about the nature of the Cosmos. It became immediately apparent that Hall's work provided a foundation of physical evidence that would support my own conclusions.
Before I met him, I had come to recognize that the Big Bang could be nothing more than a local event, that the universe was not expanding and that existence had to be a continuum, but I had no means of proving it, no means of quantifying these insights. I had only reasoned arguments. Hall has mathematized these realities and shows that physics can be more directly addressed by LaPlacian Mathematics and motion geometry than by our current systems.
Foremost among Hall's accomplishments is a description of the architecture of the primary particles, showing that they are not only the basic building blocks of existence, but the source of all energy, activity and fundamental control. They are the basic mechanisms of the universe, providing not only structure and movement, but determining what can exist and what cannot.
Hall's analysis of the accumulated data indicates that all activity of the universe translates from these fundamental mechanisms of existence, and can be calculated and understood.
Hall has devised a unified system of description and analysis that explains the entire spectrum of physics phenomena. The algorithms he has developed reflect the data across the board and accounts for all physics phenomena, including mass, charge and gravity. This work is neither a belief system nor a theory, but a factual depiction of objective relationships and functions discovered within, and drawn from the data. Looking at existence as motion, the fundamental mechanism is seen as a spinning ring of motion at the speed of C. This ring has a further characteristic of having 137 latching intervals per complete cycle, or 137 possibilities of articulating with other rings of primary movement within matter. Stable, or repeating patterns of motion provide structure for the primary particles and, thus, for all higher development. Thus, cycling patterns of motion constitute the fundamental nature of matter.
Stable patterns of motion constitute the structure of the Cosmos. Relatively simple configurations of primary motion form the primary particles, which in turn, function as building blocks for the atoms and all higher development.
Structure, then, is the shape of motion, repeating patterns of motion. Anything that exists will, thus, have shape and occupy space. Primary motion, as such, does not exhibit mass or inertia. These are generated by cross-vectored configurations, or cross products of primary motion.
All activity throughout the Cosmos translates from fundamental or primary motion, involving the primary particles. The latching interval mechanism is nature's clock, beating the tempo for all development and dissolution. Nature counts in integer intervals of movement, not time.
Existence is a continuum of endless change. All the pieces and subsystems are, fundamentally, made of the same stuff and they are active, endlessly seeking, as it were. The limited activities of the primary particles determine the way the larger pieces fit together. They determine what can exist as well as determining the limits to possibility, what can't exist.
There is a limited level of primary movement in space. It cannot be generated nor attenuated. It does what it is, and is what it does. Matter can easily translate to energy (movement) and energy can easily translate to matter (movement). As the fundamental mechanisms of existence, primary movement, as exhibited by the particles, is the ultimate source of all structure, control and energy.
The universe does what it is. Anything that a particular environment will support will come into being, owing to the active nature of the component parts. That which an environment will no longer support will degenerate. We live within an eternity of endless change. No beginning. No end. Only the endless ebb and flow of being. Development and degeneration are in constant flux.
Development must reach intelligent life levels before there can be reasoned choices. Homo sapiens represents the highest development of intelligent life on this planet, and our future depends upon the quality of choices we make. Intelligent life must ultimately engineer its own future, if it is to have one. Otherwise, without the ability to make reality based decisions, technological man will quickly destroy his own habitat. Our continued development as an intelligent life form depends upon populations casting off their cultural delusions, making objectively rational choices and restructuring their institutions accordingly.
Existence is made up of basically three or four forms of particles, depending upon the way they are categorized, and characterized by their different patterns of internal movement. These particles issue from primary movement.
The simplest transition is from spin, in a ring configuration, to rotation, similar to a smoke ring in terms of movement patterns. This is the photon-class body. Ring motion, in other configurations, make up the other particles as well. It is from these rings of intense movement that Hall gets the title for his book, The Rings of Reality.
As we go down the scale in terms of size, things get simpler. The organ is simpler than the organism. The cell is simpler than the organ. The molecule is simpler than the cell, etc. The atom is simpler yet and the primary particles are simpler than the atom. Within the primary particle we find the simplest mechanism of all, cycling rings of primary motion.
Primary movement was not handled as an entity at first. It is not meaningful apart from the particles. Its existence and character do not exist apart from the particles. A conceptually separate understanding of this movement, however, aids in the understanding the activities of the primary particles.
Primary movement has a constant internal speed, that of the speed of light, or 186,282 miles per second. It has a natural propensity to form spinning rings of varying diameters commensurate with energy levels. It is in the neighborhood of the electron body of radius 2.81794 E-13 centimeters at 0.51 mev (million electron volts). This is the radius of the electron at rest. It is also the radius of the photon at its highest energy level and the gamma at its lowest energy level. Any higher energy and the photon converts to a gamma. Any lower energy and the gamma converts to a photon. For the electron, any higher energy and the electron begins to move.
There is a given amount of primary movement which can neither be added to or subtracted from. It can only be induced to change patterns and translate among particles. The intense activity by such speed, in such a small radius, forms an impenetrable ring, save for the characteristic latching intervals which allows it to interrelate with other packages of primary motion.
The latching interval allows primary motion to form stable compound configurations, generating the characteristic structures of the primary particles. Repeating patterns of motion that can be penetrated only by other such movement is the structure of the Cosmos.
The simplest of the primary particles is the photon. The photon class body is like a smoke ring, its rotational movement translating to lineal movement, speeds at or near the speed of light being its natural state of existence. If it stops, it turns into another form, translating its movement to other matter or converting to a gamma, losing its hole in the center. If it is absorbed, its movement is added to the particles absorbing it.
The photon moves in space as exactingly as if it were connected to space by cogwheels, its light-speed rotation translating to lineal light speed for the particle. As it involves itself with other particles its straight line path is distorted and its lineal speed may decrease accordingly, as in penetrating a different medium, such as a glass lens or water.
As it encounters other particles, its energy may be diminished, resulting and its radius increasing. If it encounters the right stuff, it is absorbed completely, all of its motion being transferred to the other material.
The photon class includes light photons, radio emissions, x-rays, neutrinos, gammas, etc. The gamma could be given its own class on the basis of its configuration, it has no hole. At energy below 0.51 mev (million electron volts) its center opens and it becomes a photon. At 0.51 mev, the gamma, photon and electron have the same radius and volume. At higher energy levels, the photon becomes a gamma, the electron begins to move. At 0.51 mev, the electron is at rest.
The photon and the gamma move at the speed of light, exhibiting no mass, but responding to gravity at an angle of ninety degrees to the space distortions caused by the gravity field of an object, such as a planet. Their path of travel is affected by distorted space, as they pass near objects.
Thus, in terms of rotation, internal motion of the primary particle is the primary source of all movement of all objects. Particles are packages of motion which transmute or translate to other packages of motion, here, adding to the store of energy, there, increasing the lineal speed, etc.
The electron can also move at variable speeds approaching the speed of light, depending upon its energy level, as it, too, has rotation similar to that of the photon. The electron is also a single ring particle but, like the gamma, has motion patterns that occlude the hole at its axis, in contrast to the photon.
The electron is the second type of particle and is able to eject or absorb photons, which cause it to change speed. At zero velocity, it exhibits the 'mass' as assigned to it and the characteristics described above. By absorbing photons (accumulating movement), its speed increases, reaching a maximum in free space, approaching the speed of light, its shape changes from that of a somewhat flattened form to a nearly round form as it approaches light speed. It can absorb a tremendous amount of energy (photon packages of movement) to become a high energy particle.
The third type of primary particle, the nucleon or heavy particle, is a double ring arrangement with the rings interlocked, like two donuts, one through the hole of the other, spinning is opposite directions at a tangent of ninety degrees to one another. It is largely cross-vectored motion which generates the phenomenon of "mass". Differential ring size determines its valence or charge. Composite rotation determines its lineal speed. Orientation of rotation determines the particles lineal direction. This arrangement is a nuclear particle and the basic form of the nucleus of an atom. It is the fundamental building block for all larger developments which have the capability of remaining stationary. These patterns of motion take the place of the neutron and the proton, necessitating a new model for the atom. Both the proton and neutron effects can be exhibited by the nucleon.
For larger pieces of matter, which include the nuclei of atoms, to reach the speed of light would require the impossible. Nuclear particles have no lineal speed mechanism capable of that speed. Their internal structure is such that part of their internal motion is counter to another and acts as an energy storage mechanism, never allowing its composite rotational movement to be translated to light-speed. This is also why mass increases with speed. As nucleons are forced to higher lineal speeds, motion is increasingly stored within these particles as "spin", instead of functioning to increase speed..
External differential pressures have the ability to impart changes in the internal movements of the nucleon, affecting a change in particle speed or direction by affecting changes in movement patterns. These changes in movement patterns are what we experience as mass, inertia, force, acceleration and deceleration. e.g., The process of movement translation makes the particle resistant to changes in direction, thus, exhibiting the inertia we experience at the macro level.
Because of their scale and movement, only certain aspects of the nature of the smallest particles in existence can ever be known. Its most basic characteristic, however, is motion, without which it cannot exhibit its existence. Stated another way, it can have no meaning for us unless it is in motion. It is handled mathematically in terms of its geometry, its speed, size, direction, etc. At the level or scale of primary particles, the concepts of mass, force and charge, as they are traditionally conceived, cease to be meaningful. More to the point, at this scale, the concepts of classical physics simply don't reflect what is going on.
The second law of thermodynamics, that stating the principle that all systems gradually run down, does not operate at the primary movement level. Primary motion exhibits a constant state of existence. Matter breaks down only to the point that it can be used as a component block in another development. Ultimately, as matter accumulates through gravity, a nuclear "bang" will throw off a spectrum of particles and elements commensurate with the nature of the bang. Meditate on this view of the nature of the
primary particles, and thus, existence, and you will soon realize why the universe can never reach a state of equilibrium, why it can never remain still or ever completely 'run down'.
Since the very basic or primary particles of existence are continually moving, there existing no mechanism which can attenuate that motion, they insure that all larger constructs will also be in constant motion. The only things that never change are the principals of nature, the simplest of which being encompassed in primary motion and the primary particles.
The patterns of all movement changes, mandating unending change for all configurations of existence. The simple and exacting relationships among the primary particles allow for very stable patterns of repeating movement. However, any environment eventually changes, intrusive movement disrupting and modifying the even the most stable of movement patterns.
Hall would be quick to point out that these discoveries are not 'theories', a word he considers unworthy of science, so much delusion persisting as theory. The word theory suggests a state of ignorance. It's use as in the 'theory' of electricity or the 'theory' of evolution, is inaccurate, if not silly. There is a difference between this body of knowledge and that of the ideas of Big Bang, expanding universe, space/time continuum, etc. The difference is that this body of knowledge fits the known data, without having to twist it.
Hall's work is an analysis of known data and portrays inescapable geometric necessities of existence which must exist at the sub-atomic level. If they did not, the pieces to this puzzle would not fit.
Clearly, approaching fundamental physics in terms of movement is going to cause no end of turmoil, if not stark consternation, within the ranks of theoretical physics and cosmology. These are the areas of science that are going to feel the greatest impact of Hall's work. Theoretical physics, especially, will have its premises and practices severely undercut, its fantasy land displayed to be just that.
For the first time, Hall is providing humanity with a basis and a technique with which the absolute nature of things can be discerned. From this firm and absolute foundation of nature, humanity can now dismiss most of the mythical premise structures of its various cultures and move with confidence toward a workable understanding of the Cosmos, at any level.
For the first time, there is clear indication that all existence is physical, or an aspect of the physical, and that science is incompatible with myths, magic and religion. The nature of reality cannot be abridged by anyone or anything. There is no god simply because that is not the way things work. There is no place for one, except in the imagination.
Certainly there is need for meditation and the expression and celebration of the wonders of existence, but we can do without the falsehoods, the delusion and hypocrisy, the myths and fantasies foisted upon us by our cultures. Love, sharing, human empathy, goodness, integrity and reverence for all life are now seen as aspects of intelligence and knowledge. These two hallmarks of intelligent life are increasingly significant for the survival and well being of the species. They are essential for the maintenance of our fragile Earth habitat.
In these and other areas, we can discover what cannot exist through gaining knowledge and acceptance of what does exist. We can discover what works and have the courage to recognize that which does not. We do not have to continue on our present course toward degeneration, destroying the Earth habitat and sealing our own fate in the process. But, to avoid such destruction, we are required to change our thinking, and with it, our behavior.
Now that you have an overview of real existence, you are in a much better position to understand and recognize many of your culture's fallacies and fantasies. As you have read, you have probably felt no small amount of stress in that much of this information conflicts with things you have been taught and accepted as true.
I can't offer you a magic pill for this discomfort. All I can say is that (a) These feelings are natural, (b) that these feelings of discomfort will pass and (c), that, unless you have rejected the information because of the way you feel, you will have grown and you will never be quite the same.
It may not be much consolation, but this change is healthy and to the good, for both you and your society. In that you've come this far, hang in there. Don't accept anything you've read here at face value. These are only our current best approximations of existence. Every concept should be kept open for reevaluation. Check out these ideas as you go along. Watch for Hall's work , which should be published in the near future. He
does a good job of tracing the history of our thinking and the mistakes we have made along the way. There is something in it for everyone.
Look carefully at the arguments others give in their attempts to refute this information. As you gain more accurate pictures of the realities, new insights should come in rapid succession. Allow yourself, as an individual autonomous mind, to make the final determinations.
The BIG bang never occurred. Such an event is as fully absurd as wishing or willing the universe into existence. Instead, there is a rejuvenating process carried out by an endless series of relatively little bangs, at stellar scale, and probably, at or near galactic scale. In the meantime, we know that there is a continuing series of 'little bangs' as stars of the proper mass and makeup lose their ability to hang together and blow off some or most of their material.
Gravity, on the other hand, forever pulls matter together, while states of 'critical mass' and the disruption of surface gravity limit the amount of matter that can come together before becoming unstable. This insures a continuing process of reducing matter, again, to primary building components. Like everything else in nature, bangs happen because they can do none other.
There are eventual conditions under which matter accumulates beyond binding forces' ability to hold it together. At that precise moment, a 'bang' occurs, reducing matter to particles. Such cosmic events limit the amount of material that can be drawn together and reduces a collection of matter to fundamental forms which again recombine in new developments. The background radiation thought to be the remnant of the Big Bang is just the natural ambient background radiation of the Cosmos, issuing from endless activity at the scale of plasma.
'Bangs' are a necessary function within the syndrome of endless change. A 'bang' mechanism and, thus, a 'bang' theory was inevitable, however, its first proponents missed the mark on location, number, scale and implications.
With theories adrift from physical evidence, difficulties in the interpretation of data is inevitable. All human institutions have irrational dogma to protect. The individual is no less zealous in protecting an irrational belief system. It pretty well comes down to vested interests and natural defense mechanisms. Neither scientists nor individuals are exempt.
There are tremendous pressures not to interpret data in a way which would conflict with, or fly in the face of, existing beliefs and cultural delusions, especially in the realm of religion.
Our organizations and institutions will not cast off false beliefs on their own. They will have neither the integrity nor the drive. Only the individual can monitor and modify his or her own beliefs, becoming increasingly or decreasingly rational in the process.
Only with an increase in the level of objective rationality within populations, will sufficient pressures be brought to bear upon the institutions of a society to affect systemic changes in the direction of accepting and reflecting reality. This is why the autonomy of the individual must be preserved and expanded, if the species is to survive as an intelligent life form. Humanity cannot avoid degeneration if our institutions cannot make corrections, and the institutions cannot make corrections except through the activities and pressures of populations, ultimately, individuals.
We can safely assume that we are living in the midst of, and are part of, an endless process of being. We live in the midst of eternity, if you care to think of it in terms of time.
If we can accept the idea that existence is a continuum, we cannot escape the idea that there are no breaks in that continuum. There can be no moments, no periods when existence 'disappears'. A continuum continues. This means that things around us are made up of particles for which time has no meaning. The stuff that is has always been, made of the same components, developing the same way, although not to result in a replication of what we now experience.
If we accept the idea that existence is a continuum, we cannot evade the concept that we are part of, and an aspect of, that continuum, that our evolving form is one natural expression of that continuum, possessing in common the mechanisms of such existence. Also, we must eventually recognize that what is, what exists, is the culmination of eternity. It has had an unending evolvement in getting to be the way it is. What can exist must surely exist, somewhere, sometime. And, what do we see at this moment in eternity? We see continuing change, continuing development and degeneration, continuing existence. We see every indication that existence will march on as an unending continuum, an unfathomable forever.
From our vantage point in space we can chart our little planet and our little solar system and part of our own little galaxy (over 100,000 light years in diameter). We can look out beyond our galaxy and see billions of other galaxies, scattered at random and drifting restlessly in limitless space.
If there is anything that we have come to rely upon, in the course of our human experience, it is that nature forever duplicates. We may find infinite variability, but we don't find just one, of anything. Not just one cell, not just one grain of sand, one planet, one star or one galaxy. We, therefore, have every reason to expect that the scattering of galaxies in space continues without end.
There is ample evidence of there being boundaries to any system. However, there is no evidence to indicate that there is a limit to the number of systems that exist. In other words, there is no evidence to indicate that there is a boundary to the true universe. What the scientists have been calling the universe is not the universe at all, it is just our galactic neighborhood.
Water planets are probably quite rare but, given the stupendous number of solar systems there are, they probably number in the billions in our own galaxy alone. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is thought to contain over three hundred billion stars, each with its own system of satellites and orbiting debris. Our star is a smallish-medium star compared to others in our galaxy. The satellites in our solar system exhibit great variability, which would argue for a very low percentage of water planets in the galaxy, even though many of them have abundant water in the form of ice. Compensating for this factor, however, are the large number of satellites within our solar system and which would be orbiting any star. This suggests that the number of planets throughout the whole galaxy must be truly astounding. There must be large numbers of other types as well, which do not find representation within our solar system.
So, with this in mind, and considering that there are billions of other galaxies within our own viewing range, and a limitless number of others scattered endlessly beyond, let me ask you, is ours the only water planet? Is ours the only planet where life has evolved? Is ours the only planet where intelligent life has evolved?
Organic life is probably the only form which can evolve into intelligent live. Only carbon-based (organic) chemistry can form the complex molecules necessary as the precursors of the diverse functions required for life. Only from organic chemistry could evolve the necessary changeability and adaptability required for the cells and organelles of life. For this reason, we can expect that any form of life, throughout the universe, will have organic chemistry as its foundation and have its beginnings on a water planet similar to our own, within the necessary ranges of temperature and gravity. Life first requires a highly evolved chemical environment.
Such an environment is, itself, very fragile. Its ability to exist can be wiped away by slight changes in temperature and/or pressure. It is a rare environment in the Cosmos.
Life evolved on Earth because of its environment. It was an environment in which all the necessary chemical precursors were able to develop, as well as having all the other environmental requirements. Where the conditions are right, life forms will be generated. Not only did life evolve here, since the conditions were right, it could not have done otherwise. Where the conditions are right, life will come into being. Where there are not the necessary precursors, life cannot come into being. This is what matter tells us. Under any particular set of circumstances, existence is the only way it can be. The nature of an existence is determined by its environment.
In spite of the currently popular chaos theory, at its fundamental levels, existence is absolutely precise in its motions, patterns and relationships. Everything works according to precise physical requirements, the geometric necessities of existence.
Louis Sullivan, developer of the steel skeleton system that made 'skyscrapers' possible, considered the most innovative architect of the nineteenth century, stated that "form follows function". His protégé, Frank Lloyd Wright, gained the added insight to say that "form is function". As it turned out, Wright could not have stated it more accurately.
We are artifacts of the Cosmos. We are this universe functioning at one particular level, that of intelligent life. For this reason, we have the innate capability to understand and work with the very nature of existence.
On Earth, perhaps as early as three and a half billion years ago, the conditions of chemistry, temperature, atmosphere, etc. had reached conditions which could support life of the most primitive order. The popular phrase is that the seas became the cauldrons in which Mother Nature stirred her 'primordial soup', the complex amino acids and other necessities of life having slowly developed over the ages. The generation of life naturally followed. Forming as a single cell which could reproduce and adapt itself (any other forms having perished), it slowly (by our standards of time) evolved into billions of forms of ever-increasing complexity.
Each change in the code of reproduction, wrought by natural forces, brought a change in the life form. Each change had something that had been successful to build upon. Each development provided a foundation for further elaboration, upon which nature could add another bit of form and function.
Where the changes were functional, the organism was more likely to thrive and live to reproduce. Where the changes were dysfunctional, or where conditions became unsatisfactory, the organism was more likely to die. Thus, life moved, down through the ages, from the simple to the complex, from the few to the many, from the monoforms to the florid diversity we see today.
The seas became the cradle of life for both plant and animal as these early forms multiplied and diversified, some moving out of the water and on to land, either to creep or develop root systems. The story is so well told that there is no point in repeating it here, other than to emphasize its inevitability and that the direction of evolution tends to be ever from the simple to the complex, over the range of its existence, until such time when the continued evolution is interrupted by environmental changes and degeneration begins.
At the most complex level we find intelligent life as represented by the human species. Are we the only highly intelligent life in the universe? Of course not. Are we likely to encounter another? Probably not. The numbers of celestial bodies make the existence of intelligent life, scattered throughout the universe, a virtual certainty. But the celestial distances, the rarity of intelligent life forms, the scant likelihood of a nearby, coexisting planet with life in a similar stage of development, make the probability quite remote.
Will the human species ever be able to make contact with other intelligent life forms, or have we, at some time in the past, made contact with them? Highly unlikely, but then, we have some pretty perplexing mysteries. We should keep ourselves open to any new information.
Perhaps the key to understanding existence is to look at motion in a different light. We are used to observing motion on the macro scale where objects are seen to move, where objects exhibit mass and inertia, where gravity 'attracts' objects. Primary motion doesn't exhibit mass or inertia, these are the products of systems of primary motion. Primary motion differs from motion, as we are accustomed to.
The most important single piece of information this chapter has to offer is the fact that existence has absolute characteristics. We do not live in a relativistic universe. We do not live in a magic universe. The fundamental building blocks of the universe have absolute parameters and characteristics and inter-relate in absolute and understandable ways. Every activity translates from primary movement at the primary particle level, including structure. Every movement at the macroscale reflects changes in patterns of movement at the primary particle scale. The source of all energy is now seen to also be the essence of existence, itself. It is the fundamental stuff of existence, repeating patterns of intense movement which generate structure as well as all activity at any level.
Even at the level of intelligent life, ultimate control is still largely an algebraic summation of all internal control. Unfortunately, at our stage of development, that summation does not reflect much intelligence. This is indeed unfortunate in that we have, at this point in our development, pretty well overtaxed the environment and remain mired in belief systems that make positive change difficult at best. We have failed to make meaningful changes away from our primitive delusions throughout the course of our recorded history. Until now, however, we have not had the advantage of factual knowledge as to what existence is all about. A wide recognition and acceptance of this knowledge would break the gridlock.
Energy and control is not imposed from outside, as our cultures would have us believe. We have come to be effective in our efforts only to the degree that those efforts are in harmony with the internal systems of our make-up, the materials we work with; and in harmony with the laws and principles of nature.
We have the possibility of continuing existence mainly because intelligent life has the ability to create and maintain its own environments. Our greatest threats to survival as an intelligent life form are delusions and the defective social systems that perpetuate them, the ignorance and superstitions maintained within populations by our institutions.
There is no magic. There is no nature beyond nature, no super nature or supernatural. Be this as it may, we still hear those crying in consternation, 'This is flying in the face of religion!' Yes, it is. Sorry about that. It can't be otherwise. We either quit lying to ourselves and get real or we continue our endless cultural stupidities. Our myths and fantasies can never be true nor be integrated into science and reality. We cannot make existence be other than it is. Nothing can.
Real evidence supports only a material universe. There is never evidence to support cultural myths. Good science is not compatible with cultural delusion. Attempts by science
to accommodate the myths and superstitions of our cultures have only resulted in its own corruption. One of nature's most fundamental laws is that, in effect, 'You can't have your cake and eat it, too.' To survive as intelligent life, we must choose reality.
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