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There is a fundamental pathogen that infects every human culture.  It is a pathogen of the mind, born of ancient beliefs and ignorance in the mists of antiquity.  This pathogen would be inevitable with the emergence of any intelligent life form, when the ability to imagine and think evolves in the absence of a body of accumulated knowledge.  Where knowledge is absent, imagination and belief will fill the void.

Unable to understand the terrible forces that affected him, early man imagined great unseen powers at work, imposing control over the storms, the movement of herds of animals, over life and death.  There was no knowledge as to what existence is, how the parts and pieces fit, develop and work together.  Early man only understood power in terms of imposed force, the strength of one's own arm or that of the enemy; ultimately, belief in the power of gods.

These early ideas as to the nature of existence became the fundamental premises of the clan and eventually those of human societies, premises upon which the group operated and which the group perpetuated.  These ideas became institutionalized, becoming the fundamental premises of our predominate controlling institutions, those of religion and government.

Institutionalized within societies, our early delusions become tools for the control and manipulation of populations.  Regardless of knowledge gained, these early delusions continue to be maintained, instilled within populations with the effect of keeping the masses ignorant, helpless and dependent upon the controlling systems.  One's own psychological defense mechanisms are used against the individual. In order to maintain a belief, the reciprocal knowledge must be rejected.

A small percentage of any population always seems to cleave to reason, however, and is little affected by the institutional propaganda that gushes from the mass media.  These few are those not captured by cultural beliefs, but are guided by factual reality.  They want to know.  They follow the evidence.  It is from these few who are little affected by the cultural delusions and who dare to step beyond the boundaries set by their cultural institutions, that make possible the wonders of our science and technology.  These few gravitate toward the realities and make routine progress toward a better understanding of existence.

As yet, humanity remains essentially unable to make corrections in terms of groups; organizations, societies, nations or the species itself.  Individuals can and do make meaningful corrections, but rarely groups.  The greater numbers are largely controlled by belief.  They support the things they have been taught to believe in, completely oblivious to real cause and effect or the devastating effects their beliefs have on their own mentality.

The growth of human populations, in relation to the carrying capacity of the Earth environment, remains similar to that of simple parasites, multiplying beyond the carrying capacity of their environment and destroying the host environment in the process.  While some individuals break free of the mental controls, the larger numbers remain bound in chains of delusion and ignorance, puppets of their controlling institutions.  This is humanity's fundamental pathology, resulting from instituted delusion which maintains pathological levels of ignorance and dependency within populations.

To free the species, enabling populations to educate themselves, in spite of institutional pressures to the contrary, there must be a readily available forum for factual truth and reality, as well as a display of the root causes of problems, something that has been largely suppressed over the ages by human institutions.  The internet, the World Wide Web, so far, is exhibiting the ability to do this.  The "Free Press", so to speak, has ever been under the control of factions of special interests and of the cultural institutions.  The media has played a key role in the instillation and perpetuation of the delusions, shaping public opinion to support the controlling institutions and, thus, the fundamental social dysfunctions.  Societies always reflect the premises upon which they operate.

Real correction, social harmony and positive change, in terms of groups and organizations, can be realized only when popular rationality reaches levels high enough to press for and support those changes.  This increase in popular rationality will never occur under the control of our institutions. The premises upon which these institutions operate, and their motives, lie elsewhere.

In order for populations to support and push for effective change, the individual must first be given the tools to break free of the delusion/ignorance syndrome.  The individual must first be given the intellectual tools necessary to step beyond the restrictive mandates of culture. The survival and well-being of the species ultimately depends upon personal freedom, without it there can be no increase in popular rationality and responsibility.  The suppression of personal autonomy destroys the individual's ability to gain an orientation to factual reality.  If this reorientation to factual reality is to occur, it will have to be in spite of cultural pressures toward delusion. The health and well-being of the species can be no greater than the cumulative health of its individual members.

SpeciesUp, Inc., was founded for the purpose of providing new and here-to-fore suppressed information, necessary for the individual to make real corrections, gaining individual freedom and power in the process; to translate, propagate and disseminate, with minimal distortion, information as to the ultimate nature of the Cosmos, of life, and intelligent life as it affects the peoples of Earth. Such information will be essential if corrections by groups, and eventually by populations, are to be made. Ultimately, the survival of intelligent life on this planet will depend upon popular rationality, the acceptance of factual existence and the factual nature of our own species.

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