One can best grasp what existence is all about by gaining a general understanding of existence at its most fundamental level, the generation of structure. There most certainly are aspects to existence below the level of structure, but this can have no practical relevance to human cognizance because we presently have no means of addressing sub-structure levels. Matter cannot manifest its existence below the level of structure. That is what matter is, structure.
There are three inevitable, inextricable and continuous aspects to existence. These are space, movement in space and distance or duration of movement in space. There is no means of ascribing a boundary to space, it is the nature of space to be endless. There is no way to measure space except in terms of "things" in space and/or space in "things". It might be a good thing to pause at this point and consider this.
The essence of existence can only be approached in terms of the mathematics of movement. This "essence" calculates out to movement, cycling at the speed of C, light speed, 300,000 kilometers or 186,282 miles per second, at the radius of the electron at rest, at 0.51 mev. This is the fundamental speed of existence, and is the reason the photon travels at its characteristic speed. This cycling "primary motion" has 137 latching intervals per cycle, during which rings of this movement can articulate in stable configurations, becoming structure for the three families of primary particles. The radius of the electron at 0.51 mev is also the radius of the photon at its highest energy level and the gamma at the point of its lowest energy level, below which, it becomes a photon.
Existence measures activity in terms of 137 intervals of movement per cycle. This is the fundamental clock of all development, degeneration and activity, throughout the Cosmos. All primary movement is made up of articulating segments, 137 per fundamental cycle. Each center of activity, each ring of primary motion, is an autonomous entity, possessing both the material of structure and the measuring device, and constitute the fundamental clocking mechanisms of existence, as well as providing the fundamental unit of structure.
The smallest division of primary motion, 1/137th of a fundamental cycle of primary motion, is the smallest meaningful dimension in physics and is a unit that is common to all existence. With the mathematical treatment of this single referent, one can address the complete spectrum of any physics phenomenon, mass, charge, gravity, energy, heat, light, inertia, binding forces, etc. This provides the most direct, accurate and comprehensive approach to physics yet devised.
Primary movement is movement in space. This essence moves as if it were attached to space by cog wheels. Any object that moves in space will move at a speed equal to the algebraic summation of all primary movement rotation within the object.
There are two types of cycling motion, spin and rotation. Spin can remain in one position, moving around an axis. Rotation accounts for the lineal movement of objects. It is primary movement in the pattern of a smoke ring (a smoke ring is an harmonic of this fundamental pattern of movement). An object will move at the speed of the algebraic summation of all internal rotation.
For any object to move at the macro scale, all internal rotation must be aligned to facilitate that lineal speed and direction. If you hold an apple in your hand, the "weight" of the apple is the apple's internal rotation, responding to the mutual gravity of Earth and apple, pressing to change rotation patterns to facilitate movement toward one-another. When you remove your hand, the apple's internal rotation realigns as the apple takes off toward the larger body.
There is a limited amount of primary motion within space. It can be neither generated nor attenuated. Existence is a continuum of development and degeneration, an endless, ever-changing IS. The Cosmos is a universal ecosystem where everything gets recycled. It exists in endless duration, having had forever to get to be the way it is, and will continue without end.
All the parts and pieces, down to the smallest activity center, is naturally autonomous and active, seeking, as it were. When an environment has all the necessary precursors for a development, it comes into being, all development building upon some existing entity. When an environment will no longer support a configuration, or is destructive to a development, it will degenerate, its components becoming parts of other developments.
Development is purely mechanistic up through life to the development of a brain and cognizance. Here, conception, purpose and planning are added to the equation. Intelligent life is capable of gaining an understanding of itself and existence, and has the potential to develop viable environments and engineer its own form and function within the bounds of environmental possibility.
Humanity is now at a cusp, where it must quickly become objectively rational, in terms of its greater numbers, or it will destroy itself as it destroys the carrying capacity of its Earth habitat, unable to make fundamental corrections. Humanity has reached a point in its development where a small faction of its numbers have become largely oriented to factual existence, while all controlling institutions, and a large majority within human populations maintain primitive beliefs in magic and authority. The addressing of this fundamental problem has not been possible till now, with the amassing of a necessary store of knowledge and global accessibility to that knowledge, by the individual.
This, again, is a good place to pause and meditate over what has been covered so far. In fact, it will be helpful to go away for awhile, allowing your mind to deal with all the interrelationships expressed and implied here. Then, come back and read it again, to check your understanding of it.
This portrayal of fundamental existence is a result of an analysis of the existing body of physics data, as provided by the Nuclide Chart. It should be noted that most of the nuclides displayed on that chart exist only in fleeting transitory moments, and within high energy environments. Most are completely unstable in the Earth environment and have little relevance or human usage.
There is no aspect of this new system of physics, called Analytic MetaPhysics, that is not suggested by, and/or is a result of, analysis of the existing body of data. The new system provides a view of fundamental existence in the absence of preconceived concepts, influenced by existing beliefs within both science and human cultures.
Everett E. Allie
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Miami Shores, Florida 33153
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