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You Can't Afford The Luxury of a Negative Thought

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Part Three


The currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part and parcel of God.


An affirmation is a statement of positive fact. It's always worded in the present and usually begins with "I am." Affirmations are designed "to make firm" the positive things about yourself.

Affirmations may be truer in the future than they are now, but the affirmation is always claimed here and now. Affirmations can be said anywhere, silently or out loud. The more often they're used, the more real, true, solid, and "firm" they become.

Setting aside periods of time especially for affirmations is valuable. Go to your sanctuary, sit in the sacred room, and say a selected affirmation over and over again. After a while, go to the video screen and watch yourself living that affirmation fully.

Then go to the ability closet and put on the ability suit for that affirmation. Go to the ability practice area and live the affirmation.

Affirmations are very powerful. When you repeat them in front of a mirror while looking into your eyes, all the negative thoughts and feelings that keep you from fulfilling your affirmation will surface. Let them surface; let them float away. Beneath all the limitations is a part of you that knows the truth of the affirmation.

Create affirmations to suit your particular situations. Remember to keep them positive statements of the present. "I am healthy, wealthy, and happy," not "I want to be healthy, wealthy, and happy," or "Pretty soon, with enough luck, I'll be healthy, wealthy, and happy."

I am the maker of my own fortune. I think of the Great Spirit that rules this universe.


Here are some affirmations to get you started. Pilfer these, and then go on to create your own.

Affirmations others have used ...

And here are some others you might try ...