TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5. The first article I ever published, in 1982, was about nuclear weapons proliferation. It ran as a cover story in LA Weekly, and they had a cartoonist do a full-page illustration on the cover.
It showed the face of a ditzy self-involved starlet. Large tears were running down her cheeks. A thought balloon above her head read, "Nuclear war?! There goes my CAREER!"
When times get bad, we can focus on a pimple, and become totally depressed about that, or we can seize the opportunity to advance our lives by quantum leaps.
We can find holes and crawl into them or reach for something new.
As the stakes get higher, our choices begin to clarify and distil.
That's always the way it happens.
In this regard, I have received several letters about rather unusual healings of illnesses. From the tone of the letters, and the character of the people involved, it is clear that these stories are real.
The people are not particularly religious in any traditional sense. They have no experience to speak of in healing of any kind. Yet--something happened to their family members or friends.
They do not relate any "visitations." They write only of a new-found need for something important to occur. I'll omit the details of how this sort of healing was accomplished. The point is, it happened.
These people speak of crisis, of a sense that their control over life seemed to be slipping away--and then they did not give up. They intensified their determination to overcome their sense of crisis.
They discovered resources they did not know they had. They felt that that they had been thrown back on these inner resources by national and world events. Driven into a corner, they responded.
It reminds me of one of the great books of world literature, The Power Within Us, by Haniel Long. If you can find it, read it.
We certainly are at a turning point. Behind the facade of unbridled patriotism, people are feeling and thinking about their futures in a different way. If all is not what we are told it is, then what are we to do?
The pressures that are building are creating a situation in which we can, if we decide to, access greater power. It may seem strange to say so, but it is true.
Such a choice rests with each person.
This is not an invitation to surrender all common sense and rationality. It is simply a statement that the "crisis-opportunity" nexus is here.
It is here.
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