SATURDAY, MARCH 16. In view of mail received since yesterday's newsletter was sent out, I want to make a few points of my own. Let's title this the super-android factor.
Consider planet Earth as a grand sociological experiment/game, in which individuals play out assigned roles. Now maybe you think such an idea is lunacy, and if so, just take all this as a metaphor.
The net effect of all these roles interacting is a sum of zero.
To be more specific, the net effect is an historical carpet of boom-bust, build-destruction. Civilizations rise and then they fall.
This rise and fall is a box. Everything appears to happen inside the all-inclusive box.
The designers of such a nasty game would, of course, invent these millions and billions of roles so that this particular box stays in place, so that the rise and fall do, in fact, keep taking place.
If so, then individual consciousness cannot simply be written off as some kind of delusion-luxury without true purpose. Quite the opposite. It becomes quite necessary to see the game in all its sordid glory in order to end it.
It's all too easy to say that this analysis is abstract. Or to ask, "But what do I do?" As if someone appointed a group leader with "all the answers."
Let's extend the metaphor. Suppose the discovery of this "grand game" were visualized as some expedition out to the barren reaches of the box. And then everyone turns to YOU and says, "What happens now? How do we penetrate the walls of the box?"
If this discussion arouses any shred of interest in you, then I suggest you might look up the work of the late Robert Monroe. Not because he has the answers to everything, but because he made it his business to explore multiple dimensions; i.e., what lies beyond the box.
And I'll tell you something else. It's a good idea to report your own findings, to assume the NEW role of leader-in-training-getting-out-of-the-box. Will this new role make you instantly and universally popular? Is the Pope Protestant?
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