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Jon Rappoport News Archive

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. Speaking of evil, which I did a day or two ago, let's consider the USDA, the august Dept. of Agriculture.

Their job, such as it is, is to protect US farmers, a dying breed. Except for the giant agri-corps, which are thriving.

So they, the USDA, patent a gene-technology for crops--a move that in itself is clearly against the law of the land because what is a government agency doing going into business--and it sells this technology to a company, thus putting it into the marketplace.

This is called TERMINATOR TECHNOLOGY. It means that seeds which drop from growing crops are magically sterile--for the first time in a million years--and farmers can't replant those seeds--which they have done for a million years. They have to go back to the seed seller and buy seeds for the next crop.

This helps put the small farmer out of business, by raising his costs. Wonderful.

Ah, I see. The role of government is to put people out of business. How silly of me to have missed that. What could I have been thinking?

And CLEARLY terminator tech is an advance is agriculture, isn't it? No? It's a step back into some dark age that never really was, until now? Hmm.

Hello all you activists out there! Take a long hard look at the USDA. Something is going on here.

"We at the USDA are doing our bit to wreck small farmers and at the same time introduce a technology that has no benefit at all. Next we're thinking of taking out a patent on CLOUDS. And selling that to Monsanto. If you want rain, you'll have to pay for it."

It's boggling. The agency that is supposed to protect farmers messes with their seeds. This is a gun in the back of every small farmer.

People should go to jail for this. It's a clear crime.

It's evil.

Just like a doc who gives a person a pill for an illness which makes the illness worse.

Except a gov agency can avoid responsibility because it is a group and because it is the government. You see? Who to single out? Who to point to?

Well, start with head of the USDA and leg irons.

Sentence? Ten years planting seeds for small farmers. The good seeds.

Only seems fair.

It would introduce a breath of fresh air into the arena of justice.

I think they call it responsibility.

"Ah but you see, in our society no one is really guilty because we are all guilty and every crime has an explanation which mitigates the act and treatment is the real option which will be administered by psychiatrists and it's really OUR fault because we are all one central mush of goo existing like a big jar of lard in one all-encompassing mass and let us forgive and forget and go broke..."

Hey, Springsteen! Wake up! Do a farm-aid concert about THIS. FOR THE SMALL FARMER, BORN IN THE USA MEANS DOOMED TO EXTINCTION.


That's a headline I can live with.

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