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Chironia Community


by Frederick Mann

The basic idea behind Chironia is to create a community of Sovereign Individuals. The main inspiration for this initiative is the book Voyage from Yesteryear by James P. Hogan.

An aim of Chironia is that its Sovereign Individuals rid themselves as far as possible of the "hatreds and prejudices [that] were programmed in at an early age."

In Kicking the Sacred Cow: Questioning the Unquestionable and Thinking the Impermissible, Mr. Hogan writes:

"Before long I found myself questioning and checking just about everything I thought I knew."

Sovereign Individuals of Chironia are encouraged to develop their willingness and ability to question everything... without exception!

In Kicking the Sacred Cow: Questioning the Unquestionable and Thinking the Impermissible, Mr. Hogan also writes:

"The problems that the world had been getting itself into all through history would all be solved straightforwardly once people came around to seeing things the right way."

Sovereign Individuals of Chironia are advised that seeing things through the lenses of "common human culture, conditioning, and language" may cause major problems.

An area of interest to Sovereign Individuals of Chironia is self-empowerment and "seeing things the right way" so that hopefully solutions can be found for apparently intractable human problems.

To find out more about Sovereign Individuals, do a Google search for "Sovereign Individual".

"Our parents did the best they could knowing what they did at the time. We, as adults, must now take responsibility for our own lives and learn what "normal" is so that we can have healthier, more productive lives." --

"We must overcome the notion that we must be regular. It robs you of the chance to be extraordinary and leads you to the mediocre." -- Uta Hagen

Discover why to be "normal" is to be "average" is to be "programmed for mediocrity." Among other things, to be "normal" is to resign yourself to the inevitability of aging, declining health, and eventual death. Chironians are determined to upgrade themselves and their technologies to whatever extent necessary to conquer death! Find out more at The 2%er/98%er Profile and How to Become More Successful -- Core Power and Core Helplessness -- Freedom, Health, Life-Extension & Biological/Physical Immortality.


by Frederick Mann

A "big opportunity" is available to Chironians and to anyone else who can come up with the practical and effective means for "normal humans" to "upgrade their brain software." This opportunity stems from the fact that the vast majority of humans operate with "ancient/primitive/obsolete/destructive software" in their brains.

Currently, nobody I know of is providing humans in general with effective means to "upgrade their software." (There are many philosophies, brands of psychology, self-improvement gurus, books, workshops, etc., but nobody I know of comes even close to doing an adequate "upgrade job.")

Think of the modern PC. Think of the first PCs about 20 years ago. Think of the difference between the first PCs and modern PCs as an "opportunity gap." With his role in the software upgrades that helped advance the first PCs to the modern PC, Bill Gates became the richest man in the world. (I realize that Gates/Microsoft may have a "use-every-dirty-trick-we-can-get-away-with" policy and that some Microsoft products have security and other weaknesses, so this is neither an endorsement of Bill Gates nor of Microsoft products.)

Most "modern humans" are stuck with "ancient/primitive/obsolete/destructive software" in their brains. Much of this software is passed on from generation to generation. (Parents, politicians, preachers, teachers, and the media play major roles in perpetuating this "dead-end human software.")

In James P. Hogan's science-fiction story, Voyage from Yesteryear, the children of Chiron were raised by computers/robots so they weren't brainwashed the way practially all "modern humans" have been.

The "opportunity gap" between where most humans are and where they could be is vastly greater than the "PC opportunity gap" Gates utilized to become the richest man in the world.

If we can figure out the basic methodology to "persuade people to upgrade" -- in addition to the incalculable benefits to humans -- this may become one of the greatest breakthroughs of all time! See The 2%er/98%er Profile and How to Become More Successful -- Core Power and Core Helplessness -- Freedom, Health, Life-Extension & Biological/Physical Immortality.

The biggest obstacle that prevents people from upgrading and that also sabotages their success has been identified. And a great deal of progress has been made toward the solution!
Click Here for the Solution!


  1. Chironians own their own lives, minds, bodies, and labor, and may do with them anything that doesn't violate the equal rights of others. This principle of individual sovereignty or self-ownership is the foundation for all legitimate property.
  2. Chironians have the right to own property, which consists of all possessions acquired without coercing others. They respect the equal right of others to own property, which forms the basis for productive and cooperative human relationships.
  3. No individual, group, or majority has the right to initiate or threaten force, fraud, violence, or theft against Chironians or their property.
  4. Chironians have a right to choose whether to communicate or associate with others, or not. These rights of speech and privacy follow directly from the principle of individual sovereignty or self-ownership.
  5. Chironians have the right to associate with others and to enter into agreements and contracts. For a contract between Chironians to be valid, it needs to be entered into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally.
  6. Chironians have the right to produce and exchange property, and to own the products of their labor and thought. No individual, group, or majority has a right to the labor, ideas, production, or property of a Chironian, or any part thereof, without prior consent or agreement.
  7. Chironians have the right to defend and protect themselves and their property against coercive aggression, and to contract with others to assist them. The authority of voluntarily-chosen agents to defend or protect Chironians and/or their property is strictly limited to that defense or protection.
  8. Chironians consider a crime to occur only when there is a damaged person or property. Therefore, there is no such thing as a "victimless crime," and no Chironian can commit a crime simply by disobeying the arbitrary rules of tyrants or coercive organizations.
  9. To be legitimate, courts and trials must be based on voluntary association and agreement, rather than on coercion. However, anyone who infringes on the person or property of another may be subject to a requirement for restitution by the damaged person.
  10. Chironians recognize that social order and cooperation develop spontaneously in the absence of coercion. They also recognize that leadership by example and productive effort is more beneficial than leadership by force, violence, compulsion, or fear.
  11. The principles stated in this Code apply to all Chironians without regard to age, race, religion, philosophy, background, birthplace, geographic location, gender, or sexual preference.
  12. For a right to be valid its exercise may not impose a positive obligation on another; it only depends on others not taking coercive actions. Chironians respect the equal rights of other Chironians, and therefore do not expect others to contribute to their interests, except through voluntary transactions or contributions.

(Note: This Code is based on the Terra Libra Code.)

Can You Become 10 Times as Effective and Efficient as You Are Now?

Click Here to Find Out!

Is New Brain Software Available for Me to Install to Upgrade by a Factor of 10?

According to Andre Bacard in Hunger for Power: Who Rules the World and How: "It is hard to overstate how deeply many followers conform to their leaders. The passion to obey is every bit as intense as the hunger to command. When Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin died, millions of Russians rushed into the streets and cried. Persons whose families had been sent to Siberian labor camps mourned the mass murderer who fomented their nightmares. These rank-and-file citizens deluded themselves that Stalin was innocent of all wrongdoing, that his orders were misinterpreted by zealous subordinates (like themselves)..." This phenomenon has to do with "capture-bonding" and "human domestication" and has profound implications. Click Here for the Details!

Website for Project Chironia provided by BuildFreedom.

[Below is a flattened partial copy of the Chironia Community Forum's front-page (on 2008-06-03 - just prior to deletion), so you can see a list of the topics which were available.]

Questions, problems, complaints.
Moderator: neil
21 Posts in
19 Topics

Open conversation. Talk about anything on your mind.
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4 Topics
PG-rated area
PG-rated area for young people.
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1 Topics
Jon Rappoport
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2 Topics

Personal Freedom Philosophy
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2 Topics
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Health and Well Being
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9 Posts in
2 Topics
Positive Science and Technology
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10 Posts in
10 Topics
Freedom in Literature and History
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Educational system(s)
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General Religious Discussions
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4 Posts in
2 Topics

General discussion of the materials available on BuildFreedom.
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Comments and suggestions for improving the BuildFreedom website.
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Tell us how you've benefited from studying and/or applying the information on BuildFreedom.
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Moderator: neil
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1 Topics

Speculative Fiction
Voyage From Yesteryear
Moderator: neil
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1 Topics

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