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The Scientific Method Today

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Practical Help
With Everyday Problems & Decisions

The full SM-14 formula, which you have just read, is usually for complex, ill-structured problems that require research and study. However, problems come in a variety of complexities. Here is a shortened formula:

SM-7 For Intermediate-Type Problems and Decisions

(Can also be used as a preliminary or introduction to teaching the full SM-14 formula)

Short Scientific Method - 7 Stages, Labeled A to G
A 1 Curious Observation. Find a problem.
B 2 Is There A Problem? Consider purpose, define problem, and estimate requirements to solve problem, all in relation to the time available.
C 4 Search - Explore. Review and reflect mentally for solutions. If important enough and time is available, gather evidence as described on Pages 15. Your intuitive base may supply you with answers.
D 5 Alternative Solutions. Be sure to devote enough time to generating logical or creative alternative solutions.
E 6 Evaluate. If it is an important problem or decision, you must evaluate, rate, and challenge all possible solutions. Again, memories of past experiences in your intuitive base may be of help.
F 7 Guess - Hypothesis. Time may force you to settle for "good enough."
G 11 Take Action!

Instantaneous Decisions and Problem Solutions

In the course of a day you make hundreds of simple decisions and problem solutions, usually based on your intuition. They are called by such names as:

Snap judgment Quick guess Habit decision
Intuitive decision Trial & error solution Instantaneous decision
Leap of understanding Good enough Shoot from the hip
Emotional decision Off the top of your head Arbitrary guess
Immediate apprehension Jumping to a conclusion Hasty decision

Many of these solutions and decisions are really simple, unimportant, and in the habit-type class.

Others are of varied importance that you make instantly because of time frames, a good-enough answer will suffice, or you have self-confidence in your intuition.

Since some may be important, too many errors can hurt your success, relationships, or reputation. Therefore, it is important to develop your intuition.

"Man is a problem-solving, skill-using, social animal."

Copyright © 2000, Norman W. Edmund - All Rights Reserved

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