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Help for Originating Ideas
For You to Submit
to Your Company's Suggestion System

Many companies have suggestion systems, employee involvement programs, quality initiatives and similar programs. Many of these offer monetary rewards.

Remember - even if your company doesn't have a formal plan, submit ideas anyway. Idea originators, problem solvers, good decision makers and those with the entrepreneurial spirit receive promotions, salary increases and become managers or executives.

Suggestions and Ideas to Help You Use SM-14 to Earn More Money:

  1. Study this information and reflect on its application to your company and to your job.
  2. Carefully review the pages on curious observation (Stage #1) and on creativity. These will be of special help in originating ideas that will save your company money or increase sales.
  3. Redesign certain pages or add pages to this booklet to make it a tool tailored to your organization's needs.
  4. Recommend use of the rating scale.
  5. Suggest this booklet's use in training courses and general operations as:

Copyright © 2000, Norman W. Edmund - All Rights Reserved

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