AIDS and the Man: Electromagnetism and the Immune System
"The idea that AIDS is caused by a virus is a well-protected fiction. The possibility that immune deficits, both mild and serious, can be acquired through over-exposure to non-ionising electromagnetic fields is, however, real, and proven in the laboratory..."
#TL09A: AIDS: Bad Science or Hoax?
"Government lies about practically everything -- why not also AIDS?"
AIDS Controversy
Powerful quotes from various doctors and researchers questioning the HIV hypothesis of AIDS.
AIDS Criticism Resource Guide
Directory of websites which question the HIV hypothesis.
'AIDS Inc.; Scandal of the century'
* Virus is not the cause.
* Definition of AIDS is worthless.
* Treatment is poison.Investigative reporter Jon Rappoport uncovers the shocking truth about AIDS: Thousands die needlessly as the medical world and media pull off the bigest scandal of our time - all for the love of power and money.
AIDS Inc. takes you on a sizzling behind-the-scenes tour of laboratories, newsrooms and even the White House to expose the real killers behind the disease. It's the most explosive, myth-shattering book you'll read.
The AIDS Information Center
"Toxicology pathologist Mohammed Al-Bayati, PhD, left his research position at the University of California, Davis, in 1997 to start a consulting practice. One of his first assignments: determine the causes of opportunistic infections in an "HIV-negative" patient. His unexpected conclusion: AIDS caused by drugs, not HIV. An expanded investigation revealed several non-HIV causes of AIDS, and compelled him to dismiss HIV altogether as a cause of AIDS. His former mentor, UC-Davis emeritus toxicology professor Otto Raabe, examined his analysis and agrees."
The AIDS Mirage by Professor Hiram Caton
"Debunking the AIDS Myth; an explanation why and how the medical profession kills gays."
AIDS Myth Exposed
A public message board that is part of the international movement to reappraise mainstream thinking on "HIV" and "AIDS". After more than 20 years and billions of dollars in research, there is still no proof that anyone has ever been "infected" with "HIV" nor that it is the underlying cause of all the old diseases that are now called "AIDS". So what are the REAL risks faced by those who test so- called "HIV-positive"? Find out here on the AIDS Myth Exposed forum.
AIDS Mythology Books
List of books which debunk the "Infectious HIV" Theory.
AIDS Reconsidered
Contains important information regarding the HIV hypothesis.
AIDS Rethinkers Central
Rethinking AIDS reports from around the world.
Important AIDS website; contains many resources.
"Almost as many American men will die this year from taking AZT for AIDS as died in the entire Vietnam War.
The same government that brought us Vietnam is telling us about AIDS and HIV.
Is it possible that they're wrong -- again?
Is it possible that something other than HIV causes AIDS?
Is it possible that the "cure" for HIV (AZT) may be killing more people than AIDS itself -- an unintentional (?) mass murder by lethal drugs?
Is it possible that you and I can do something to stop them from dying?"
Alive & Well AIDS Alternatives
"Alive & Well AIDS Alternatives encourages open public discussion and open scientific research on the HIV hypothesis based on a growing body of scientific, medical, and epidemiological data that challenge popular beliefs and assumptions about HIV and AIDS. We offer life-affirming facts and peer support to HIV positive diagnosed persons and concerned citizens worldwide, and promote informed choice in all matters regarding AIDS including HIV testing and treatment."
Dissident Scientific and Alternative Health Restoration Faith-based Social Justice. We endorse a multi-factorial approach to immune sufficiency and sustainability for the 29 previously known and unrelated AIDS-like illnesses -- of which HIV non-specific marker positivity is only one possible indicator. Disbelievers in a SAME-SEXUAL=SIN=SICKNESS mindset having lead to the unquestioned acceptance of HIV=AIDS=DEATH.
Duesberg - Inventing the AIDS Virus
"AIDS not contagious -- but caused by recreational and anti-HIV drugs."
Exposing the AIDS Scam
A review of Why We Will Never Win the War on AIDS by Bryan J. Ellison and Dr. Peter H. Duesberg. Review written by Vin Suprynowicz.
Fear of Losing HIV
"We do not need another article about the fear of getting HIV. We understand that fear. It has been skillfully and unrelentingly marketed to us by the HIV/AIDS industry until HIV=AIDS=DEATH is accepted without question, without proof, and obvious contradictions brushed aside without regard."
Finding Wellness
"Welcome to our study on words used to describe "HIV and AIDS". The terms HIV and AIDS are probably the most confusing and misleading attempts ever developed at defining disease. The definitions and information contained here are ones you may have never heard before, and are presented in such a way as to help YOU determine what is fact and what is not. It is a collection of material from many sources, all of whom are questioning AIDS science and present definitions." (See"Everybody Reacts Positive on the Elisa For HIV".)
"The orthodox view on AIDS holds that it is caused by the virus known as HIV that is transmitted through the exchange of bodily fluids... Despite huge sums of money spent on medical research, there is still no cure, just drug therapies said to slow the progression of the disease, and regular T cell counts to measure health. A whole industry has evolved around AIDS, on which many careers and businesses depend, but which offers little hope to those affected. "
The HIV = AIDS Controversy
List of many important AIDS websites. Highly recommended.
HIV=AIDS: Fact or Fraud?
"One of the most powerful video documentaries of our time boldly reveals the modern medical-industrial complex's dire descent into utter corruption. This feature-length expose explains exactly how the 300-Billion-dollar AID$ fraud began, why HIV can NOT be the cause of AIDS, what the real causes could be, and who manipulates the public's good intentions while poisoning hundreds of thousands with toxic drugs that cause the very disease they are supposed to prevent. This is a systematic dissection of the HIV/AID$ machine and how they hijacked a program designed to fight a worldwide plight of human suffering and drove it down the road to hell. Yet this program offers hope, inspired by the courage and articulate arguments of a group of growing voices internationally challenging the HIV=AIDS=DEATH hysteria. A MUST SEE for anyone interested in truly understanding the facts about HIV/AID$."
HIV Is Not the Cause of AIDS
by James DeMeo, Ph.D. Reprinted from On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy, Pulse of the Planet #4, 1993.
Is AIDS a Lie?
The HEMPEROR's three stories on the history of AIDS.
Is AIDS Killing Your Mind?
"What we really need is a condom for the mind, because AIDS is already killing the human psyche. As has been seen, many people have immunities that allow them to survive almost anything of this sort. There will always be some epidemic just around the corner, and some of them will indeed be real, horrifying and deadly. But there is a great deal to be said about ignorance being bliss in the case of a fatal mindgame. AIDS may very well be effective bone-pointing to those who are in terror of it. And for those who are immune to such hypnosis, it may be nothing at all."
John Curtis Hunter
"One of today's most pervasive beliefs is the utter certainty most people attach to the notion that AIDS is a condition caused by a virus called HIV. I used to accept this idea; I've taken the HIV antibody test whenever I did something risky sexually. My first clue that HIV-AIDS was a false connection was a book review in the Laissez Faire Books catalog."
The Real Cause of AIDS
Interview with pathologist and toxicologist Dr. Mohammed Al-Bayati. - AIDS
Articles that question the HIV hypothesis.
Rethinking AIDS
"Is the AIDS virus harmless? Is AIDS not contagious? Are the AIDS tests worthless? Is AIDS medication killing patients? Find out what the AIDS establishment and media do not want you to know..."
Scientific Focus on HIV
"Does the currently available evidence prove beyond reasonable doubt that a unique, exogenously acquired retrovirus has been isolated from the tissues of AIDS patients? Perhaps. Perhaps not. This is what I invite you to judge. And in case you are inclined to be assaulted by the opinions of overwhelming majorities, you may take comfort from a most venerated, international scientist who said, 'In Science the authority embodied in the opinion of thousands is not worth a spark of reason in one man.' I shall reward you with his identity at the end of this talk."
Sumeria: The Immune System
Contains numerous articles by various AIDS "dissenters" and those who question the HIV hypothesis.
What If Everything We Have Been Told About AIDS Is a Lie?
"Fifteen years into the "epidemic," it has become a multi-billion dollar a year industry which has made millionaires of scientists and drug pushers alike. Some 15 years later, people still are dying. With annual federal funding at more that $7 billion, AIDS research is better funded than any other disease. Yet, it has produced the fewest results. Why?"
What's wrong with the traditional 'HIV/AIDS' theory?
"Comprehensive website questioning the "HIV-Causes-AIDS" theory."
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