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Raw Food Directory

See also Freedom Portal ➔ Health ➔ Raw Food

Aajonus Vonderplanitz
"A nutritionist, speaker and writer who lives in Venice, California. His patients' rate of disease reversal is astoundingly high, including for cancer and heart disease."

All Raw Times
A good source of information on raw food eating, including some articles on anopsology.

Animal Nutrition
"The Key to nutrition for healthy, happy cats and dogs is raw food. Pat McKay, Inc, is devoted to giving you the information, products and services necessary for feeding your carnivores the way Mother Nature intended."

Ann Wigmore Foundation
"Founded by Ann Wigmore and operated in Boston for 32 years, we are now located in a radiant oasis, high in the desert of enchanting New Mexico in the shadow of Mt. Taylor. Come for a quiet retreat and discover renewed vitality, emotional balance, and spiritual strength."

"This diet advocates instinct-guided mono-eating (one food only at a time) of raw foods, and is largely a raw version of a Paleolithic diet."

Arnold's Way
"We being man, the most so called advanced of all living creatures the ones with the largest brain, have the least sense when it comes to dietary choice. No other animal destroys their food before eating it."

Beyond Vegetarianism
"Featuring no-holds-barred writing, questioning and going beyond the typical raw or vegan or instincto (or whatever) "party line." The order of the day will be examination of practices and ideology that those of us behind the site have found through hard experience or long observation simply may not work as advertised for many people, or that fail the test of the evidence from up-to-date scientific research....
    "You'll also find tips, thoughts, and experiences about what happens in life "after raw," or life after disillusionment with what you may have thought was the gospel dietary truth. About becoming less dependent on dietary gurus and more on thinking and evaluating things independently for yourself."

David Klein's "Living Nutrition" Magazine
"A magazine that teaches health seekers how make a transition to eating our natural raw food diet and how to live more healthfully."

Durian Online
"Durian is a fruit: a big, green thorny fruit. But wait, it is not just another exotic and expensive fruit from South East Asia. In fact, it is considered "King of the Fruit" throughout the region. Personally, I think that is an understatement of the millenium since we Asian are humble people. In fact, the actual status of Durian is "THE GOD OF ALL FRUIT!"."

Arnold Ehret Health Club
Prof. Arnold Ehret was an influential teacher on fasting and real natural health.

Fern's Homestead ~ Biblical Nutrition from God's Garden
Here you will find in-depth information about Biblical Nutrition; Herbs from God's Pharmacy; Raw Foods and Enzymes; Learn How to Grow Your Own Sprouts!; Healthy Recipes; and Fern's Recommended Books on Nutrition, Aromatherapy, Health, Herbals and Living Food Recipe Books to get you started on the road to living a healthier lifestyle.

Fresh Network
"Exists to bring together those who have an interest in a 100% or high percentage raw food diet. A Network to exchange vital education information, ideas and person experiences so that individuals can change their diet and lifestyle with help and support from others, to suit their own personal set of ever changing needs and circumstances."

From the Planets
Book review of We Want to Live by Aajonus Vonderplanitz.

Roe Gallo
Features the raw-food books: Perfect Body and Body Ecology.

The Garden Diet
"Take time out to enjoy your body, your world, your life! Make the greatest contribution to your family, your community, and your universe that you can - taking care of your own health! When you are whole, everything else falls into place. When you are healthy, everything IS easier!"

Garden of Health!
"Discover a place where the laws of nature embrace body, mind and spirit to rejuvenate, restore and heal in ways previously thought unimaginable!"

Gerson Therapy
"The Gerson Therapy is an intensive, nutrition-based and detoxifying medical treatment for cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other chronic, degenerative diseases. It works closely with nature to help the sick body to rid itself of disease through the supportive effects of simple foods, juices, and non-toxic medication. Its successes in curing the dread diseases of our times for the past 75 years have no parallel in the conventional medical context."

Hallelujah Diet(sm)
"The Hallelujah Diet(sm) is a long-term lifestyle plan, based on God's original instructions to mankind in Genesis 1:29, that emphasizes the importance of raw, living plant foods and their juices. Since the body is made up of living cells, it needs living food at the cellular level. The Hallelujah Diet(sm) is designed to maximize the amount of vital nutrients that reach the body's many cells. When the body is given the resources and conditions that it needs, it is able to maximize the built-in healing power given by the Creator."

Health & Beyond Online
"Chet Day's Internet library of assumption-busting articles on how humans beings can take charge of their own bodies and consequently build superior health without medication and without turning over the responsibility for their lives to shamans, doctors, fakirs, or gurus."

Hippocrates Health Institute
"Since 1956 the Hippocrates Health Institute has been the worlds leader in the field of natural and alternative health care and education."

Instinctive Nutrition
Do-it-yourself experiments in raw-food eating.

Just Eat an Apple
"The very best magazine on the subject of raw foods and natural living."

Living and Raw Foods
"Educating the world about the power of living and raw foods."

Live-Food Information Center
"This site is designed to serve as an information-sharing resource for those interested in, or already implementing a live-food way of eating."

Natural Hygiene Webrings
"Natural Hygiene is a philosophy and a set of principles and practices based on science, that leads to an extraordinary level of personal health and happiness."

Nature's First Law
Contains a catalog of books and tapes on raw food eating.

Nourishing Traditions
"The premise of this book is that modern food choices and preparation techniques constitute a radical change from the way man has nourished himself for thousands of years and, from the perspective of history, represent a fad that not only has severely compromised his health and vitality, but may well destroy him; and that the culinary traditions of our ancestors, and the food choices and preparation techniques of healthy nonindustrialized peoples, should serve as the model for contemporary eating habits, even and especially during this modern technological age."
    [Also contains a chapter on raw meat appetizers.]

The Paleolithic Diet
What the hunter/gatherers ate.

Paleolithic Diet vs. Vegetarianism
"What was humanity's original, natural diet?"

Intentional community of raw-foodists in Hawaii

Premier Raw-foodists of the World
A listing of raw-foodists, including some notable raw-food advocates of the past.

Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation
"Through the dissemination of the ancestral wisdom practiced by pre-industrial societies, and through modern scientific validation of the principles of sound nutrition, the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation (PPNF) provides guidance for the reversal of modern "civilized" dietary trends that promote disease and physical & mental degeneration."

Primal Diet
Information on Aajonus Vonderplanitz's approach to raw-food, which includes eating raw meat.

Raw Food Diet Studies
Links to research articles relevant to raw-food diets.

Raw Foods
Each and every day, we should all incorporate raw foods into our meals. Many valuable but fragile vitamins, enzymes, phytochemicals and probably other things as well are destroyed during cooking. By adding fresh-as-possible vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts to your diet, you will be greatly enhancing the nutritional value of your eating regimen.

Raw Foods in the Media
Media articles on raw food.

Raw Foods Vs. Cooked Foods
"There is a common misconception that cooking makes food more digestible. While this is true in a few isolated incidences, on the whole it is utterly false. Cooking or heating often makes a bad food safe to eat, but it never makes it a better food."
An information source for raw-foodists.

Raw Food Vacations
"Raw Food Vacations are opportunities for raw foodists, and anyone seriously interested in a raw foods experience, to relax and enjoy a vacation in the company of like-minded people. Our emphasis is on creating a safe, natural, raw environment for quality learning and leisure time."

Raw Paleo Diet
"The primary purpose of this site is to provide information, articles and links on largely-raw traditional diets which include raw animal products along with raw plant (vegetation) products."

Raw Vegan/Raw Food Diet Research
"A listing of research articles on raw vegan/raw food diets, with links to abstracts and--where available--online full text."

Dr. Herbert Shelton
Natural Hygiene pioneer

Shinui Living Foods Retreat and Learning Center
"Dedicated to teaching and promoting the living foods lifestyle for mind, body and spiritual awareness. This knowledge will empower you to be able to feed yourself the diet nature intended, and reap the benefits thereof."

Sterilizing Raw Meats
If you are concerned about bacteria and parasites from eating raw meat, you can sterilize the meat with food grade hydrogen peroxide.

Tilden's Toxemia Explained
This classic work explains how "enervating habits" weaken or destroy our health and vitality.

TrueHealth Freedom
"Article by Dr. Robert Sniadach in which you'll learn not only the principles upon which we can build and improve our health, but also the principles upon which rests our potential for living as free human beings."

Tune Up Manual For Humans
"Dr. Jack Alpan was written for every child, woman, and man who wants to assume full responsibility for their condition to avoid degenerative diseases and achieve the highest levels of mental and physical performance possible."

Types of Raw Food Diets: A Brief Survey
A list with descriptions of many types of raw food diets.

UK Centre for Living Foods
"Use Living Foods for radiant health and vibrant energy."

Wai Says
"If people believe most common diseases are 'genetic', pharmaceutic companies can sell lots of drugs 'attacking our genetic shortcomings'. Logically, 'they' want us to believe common diseases are genetically determined... What does cause most common diseases, is consuming proteinous prepared food (like heated-in-any-way fish, -meat, -beans, -soy or -eggs) and milk in particular.... Most common serious diseases can be prevented through consuming as little prepared food, and as much fruits (there are about 6000 different fruits), and some fresh raw animal food, like sashimi, regularly."

The Weston A. Price Foundation for Wise Traditions
"The Weston A. Price Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charity founded in 1999 to disseminate the research of nutrition pioneer Dr. Weston Price, whose studies of isolated nonindustrialized peoples established the parameters of human health and determined the optimum characteristics of human diets. Dr. Price's research demonstrated that humans achieve perfect physical form and perfect health generation after generation only when they consume nutrient-dense whole foods and the vital fat-soluble activators found exclusively in animal fats."

We Want To Live
Information on Aajonus Vonderplanitz's approach to raw-food, which includes eating raw meat.

Bob Wynman's Recommendations for General Health
"Since I've been using myself as an experiment for every health concept that has made sense to me since the early 70's, friends sometimes ask if I'm still living as a vegetarian, a carnivore, a vegan, a natural hygienist, an anopsologist, an instinctive nutritionist, a mega-supplement advocate, etc., etc.. So, on the next several pages, here's more info than you'll ever want."

You Want Studies!
"Who said there are no studies done of living foodists!"

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