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The Strangest Nutritional Secret

Special - An ancient Greek suggested that all substances in our universe are made of the same tiny building blocks.

Thousands of years later, the idea still haunts us.

We dig ever deeper into the substance of the universe, seeking the elusive BASIC particle of matter.

With no success. Why?

Just when we thought we had it, we realize it's not a particle at all. Instead, it's a moving structure of electrical charges.

The Atom Isn't Even There!

Earth is 93 million miles from the sun. Lots of elbow room. But make an atom to scale of the solar system, nucleus the same size as the sun then the electrons are 47 times farther from the nucleus than Earth is from the sun! Instead of our ultimate building block, the atom is 99+% empty space.

It gets worse.

The atom's pieces aren't pieces. A proton isn't solid lots of empty space between its parts. The neutron is actually electrical inside, neutral only on the surface. And electrons are negatively charged.

Molecules are held together by electrical charges. Atoms are minute electric patterns occupying space. A strong internal electric relationship withstands external stresses. So the deeper you go into our miniature universe, the farther you get from that "ultimate" particle. Instead, it's layer upon layer of electrical critters.

And our internal electrical universe opens a whole new world including nutrition.

Falling Off The Truck

In our electrical universe, nutrients must follow laws of electrical interaction.

If you need calcium a specific electrical package it must be in a form electrically designed for your body. Otherwise, you can't absorb, transport and use the calcium.

If your car has 14" wheels, it won't take 16" tires. That doesn't mean 16" tires aren't tires. They just aren't designed for your car.

Like calcium carbonate. Definitely not designed for your body. Yes, it's calcium. But it's an electrical package not accepted by your body as a nutrient.

And if you eat it anyway?

Well, your body can't take the calcium to where it's needed. It falls off the truck. It precipitates.

And when it precipitates in the kidneys, you get kidney stones (calcium phosphate). Or gallstones (calcium oxylate) in the gall bladder. In the muscles, polymiolitis. In the brain, temperal arthritis. In the joints, arthritis. In your arteries, arterial sclerosis.

So you need calcium and all nutrients in a package your body accepts. You can look to enzymes, physiology, biochemistry, herbs, etc. That's fine. But if they aren't oriented to the electrical universe that drives and controls your body's processes, they'll unravel in chaos and continue the health failures of our last 100 years.

This principle is crucial. If you don't understand the problem, you can't solve it.

If you don't understand the electric universe, you can't understand nutrition.

If you don't understand the electric universe, you can't understand health or how to establish or support it.

Homeostasis is the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements. A living organism isn't static. It's always functioning influx within the organism's designed limits. Go outside these parameters, and you'll wish you hadn't.

You can't assess health by measuring one function at a single moment. Strength, quality and range of function over time equal status.

So within its intended parameters, an organism is in homeostasis. Otherwise, it's a sick puppy.

Your Body's Blueprint

You have inherited characteristics in every cell. This data creates your structure and controls your function 100%.

All structural information is in your DNA, including the optimal level and ranges. If the DNA expresses itself without interference, you're in homeostasis a true reflection of your genetics. But lacking the right tools, your structure won't work right. And no amount of nutrition will get you to homeostasis.

Dealing with a single symptom doesn't work. Don't you wonder what such a product does to your body? What about side effects? Forget homeostasis. You're getting further from normal function. Any product not under your body's control is a drug. By definition, it's dangerous.

A properly formulated product is a tool your body uses to supply the proper quantity, quality or electrical configuration of nutrients lacking in your regular diet or supplementation. When your body suddenly gets what it's been missing, you may see alleviation of a lot of symptoms.

You could define "illness" as that which stops accurate expression of your body's genetic data. And proper electric configuration is essential for nutrient utilization.

Remember if you don't understand the problem, you can't solve it. So if a product isn't formulated with an understanding of electrical patterns, how can it address your problems? Answer: it can't. It's just more garbage for your body to get rid of.

H2O: Definitely NOT The Sum Of Its Parts

Water (H20) is a unique electrical matrix no resemblance to hydrogen or oxygen.

Oxygen? You breathe it. Fire requires it to burn. (Both you and fire will drown if you try to breathe water.)

Hydrogen? An explosive gas. Don't throw fire anywhere near it.

Yet we say hydrogen & oxygen make water. Bad conclusion. Oxygen, hydrogen & water are entirely different. And each is electrically unique.

And Calcium?

Let's see. Is that elemental calcium? Calcium carbonate? Calcium citrate? Calcium lactate? Calcium glucinate?

All are electrically unique. There's no resemblance in how they operate or how your body interacts with them

For nutritional benefit, you must supply the electrical package called for in your body's blueprints. If nutrients don't conform to your body's electrical pathways, delivery systems & metabolic pathways, you're wasting your money & your life.

Conclusion: You are NOT The Body Chemical.
You ARE The Body Electric.

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