- A.N.T.S. - Australian Nikola Tesla Society
- Coils Safety Sheet - Tesla Coil figures by Chip Atkinson
- Electric Magician: Tesla - Parascope/Enigma resource directory
- Erased at the Smithsonian - Tesla died alone and all but forgotten
- Experimenter's Tesla Turbine Kits - Multi-fluid capable boundary layer turbines, 10-inch diameter rotors. Serious research tool or part of an ultra-clean burning turbogenerator system for going off grid. Franchise opportunities available.
- The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla by Nikola Tesla
- FrankGermano.com - Tesla Technology Today
- Free Energy. The Tunguska Explosion - Tesla's Fuelless Generator
- High Voltage! - Nikola Tesla, Tesla Coils, Van De Graaff & more
- Humanitarian Genius - Journal of the International Tesla Society
- Information Unlimited - Tesla Coils, high voltage engineering
- International Tesla Society in Review by Michael Riversong
- Interpreting Dream - personal blog of powerful visionary experience and lucid dream interaction with Nikola Tesla, a comparative exploration of relevant renaissance and postmodern art.
- The Laura Lee Show - Tesla Collection
- Lightning On Demand by Greg Leyh
- A Man Out of Time - Nikola Tesla
- Nick's Bookstore - All of Nikola Tesla's books
- Pennsylvania Department - Nikola Tesla
- The Primary - AAA Nikola Tesla Resources
- Science Projects - Tesla Coil, cathode ray tube, etc.
- T.C.B.O.R. - Tesla Coil Builders of Richmond
- T.E.B.A. - Tesla Engine Builders Association
- Nikola Tesla - Forgotten Genius Of Science
- Nikola Tesla - Suggested Readings and Videos
- Nikola Tesla - Alternative energy
- Nikola Tesla - The Serbian-American inventor and scientist
- Nikola Tesla - Makes Thomas Edison look like an idiot
- Nikola Tesla (Open Directory)
- Nikola Tesla (Yahoo! Directory)
- Nikola Tesla (Lycos Directory)
- Nikola Tesla - The great forgotten hero in the history of science
- Tesla - The Lost Inventions by George Trinkaus
- The Tesla Coil Mailing List - The mailing list FAQ
- Tesla Coil Web Ring - For Tesla coil builders and researchers
- Tesla Information Exchange - For discussion on Tesla technology
- The Tesla Museum - Beograd
- Nikola Tesla Resources by Bill Beaty
- Nikola Tesla Tribute - Resource directory
- Tesla Turbine Myths - Debunking the Debunkers
- Tesla Wardenclyfe Project - To use & preserve Tesla's lab
- Nikola Tesla's Patents - Complete Collection
- TESLAco - About Our Name and Nikola Tesla
- University of Nikola Tesla - Knin, Republic of Serbian Krayina
- Unofficial Center For Weird Studies Teslapage! - Link directory
- The Use of Tesla's Technology in Todays World by Wm. R. Lyne
- Virtual Theater - Tesla, Van De Graaff, Unusual Science & More
- Wireless Electricity - Nikola Tesla The Prodigal Genius
- Wizard - On the Life and Times of Nikola Tesla
- Zero Point Energy - Nikola Tesla The Ether Vril