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Edited and compiled by Frederick Mann
Copyright © 1998 Build Freedom Holdings ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

[Acknowledgment: Thanks to Tom J. Kennedy for his generous assistance in putting together this report.]

Some people read the "buildfreedom" materials, and they say, "This information only applies to America. I don't live in America so all this stuff is of no use to me."

While it's true that much of the "surface detail" applies to America, there are underlying principles that apply everywhere. At the level of underlying principles, what applies to America also applies worldwide. Of course, there will be some differences in the actual process of achieving your freedom.

People from all around the world have read the materials and asked questions such as, "What principles are involved here?" and "How can I apply this information to live free elsewhere in the world?" Visit David T. Freeman's website, read the reports and inform yourself of the many disempowering things which almost everyone seems to be unaware of, and learn how to better understand and make use of the empowering things. The URL is:

Attitude is a most important attribute for those persons serious about "seizing their freedom." If you adopt the attitude of determination to achieve your freedom, you're well on your way. You may have to do considerable self-educating and even personal development to master certain aspects of your individual makeup that have in the past prevented you from achieving your freedom. If you expect freedom to be handed to you on a platter, you may have some self-development work to do.

Letter from Someone Who's Done the Work

"Bravo, Bravo, Bravo!

Finally a man after my own heart. I was beginning to believe that I was the only one who thought like you. I live in B.C., Canada. You'll have to excuse my writing. It's 3:57 a.m. but I couldn't stop reading your literature. I too left "the system" in 1989 (never to return). You're right , most people are scared to death to attempt what you and I have accomplished with seemingly such ease. I have been chastised by others for having the BELIEFS and opinions that I have. My own mother called me "Pond Scum" because I have absolutely NO desire to follow the rest of the "SHEEPLE" and pay robbery "taxes".

Over the years I have tried to educate myself by learning certain case laws, the Canadian Constitution, British North American Act, The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Income War Tax Act of 1917. It appears at this point I have enough ammunition to fend off the "Terrocrats" of which you speak. I have not "volunteered" to pay taxes nor have I filed since 1988.

They've contacted me twice in the last 8 months. Making their feeble attempts at extortion and coercion. Claiming that they were going to send out a "field investigator" to maybe do a search and seizure. I went ballistic on this individual, quoting section after subsection of MY rights. I think he's decided to leave me alone. Maybe it had something to do with my last statement to him: "Right now you're dealing with only one pissed off Canadian... If you insist on continuing your efforts against me...I 'll make a media event out of it... I'd love to be the one to educate the Canadian public and be the one who is solely responsible for having your ass fired."

I've often thought of making a business out of what I know with reference to "living outside the system" -- apparently you have. Unfortunately I have not read all the articles you have on your site... but I will! As I was reading your information, I couldn't stop laughing. I printed a great deal off and have sent it to my girlfriend who lives in another province. I asked her to read every word and then tell me who it reminds her of and who does she see. I know it will be me. She continues to tell me that I need to come above ground and get a real life. NOT IN THIS LIFETIME! Not under the current conditions. I will continue to read your info and I support you and your people 100% Do you know of anything like this in Canada? If not then maybe I should give serious consideration to starting something like this.

Should I find myself in the future with a web site... I'll be sure to display the green ribbon.

I wish you well!"

"Thunder Graham"

NOTE: The individual above seized his freedom without having read one word of the "buildfreedom" materials.

A Message From Another Visitor to buildfreedom:

"It has been about two weeks since I first happened upon Frederick Mann's webpage. I have read several of the reports up to #TL10. The common thread, that I have found, is how to leave the "American" system. Which is fine, if you happen to live in the States. But I was born and have been conditioned into the "Canadian" system, so I'm curious, is there anybody out there that has safely seized his/her freedom from the "Canadian" system that can help me seize my freedom?"

Frederick Mann: Your next step might be to re-read the materials at buildfreedom while looking for other "common threads" -- e.g., "What are the underlying principles?", "How can I apply this in Canada?", "How do I stop paying illegal taxes?", "How do I set myself up so that I can barter and trade without using federal cash?", etc.

Someone responded to the above message: "The only exposure I have had is to a book titled Take Your Money and Run that is freely available in bookstores in Canada."

Canadians Promoting Reform, Freedom, and/or Sovereignty
The Borrowers' Action Society: BAS promoted truth in lending and justice for borrowers. Best known for its class action suits.

British Columbia Libertarian Party

Canadian Association for Free Expression:

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives: Best known for its publications Canadian Forum and The Monitor advocating monetary reform.

Canadian Libertarian Home Page

Canadian National Debt Clock: This shows an up-to-the-minute estimate of the federal debt and has various related hot-links.

Canadian Property Rights Research Institute

Democracy Watch: Consumer watchdog lobby group which has several campaigns including bank accountability.


Enter Stage Right

Fax the Feds: Here's an activist's quickest way of faxing your favorite MP and getting involved in a boycott.

The Fraser Institute: Free Market Solutions for Public Policy Problems.


Free Speech is the Issue:

Freedom Party of Ontario

Friends of Liberty:

The Grand Barn

Libertarian Party of Canada

Monetary Reform Magazine: Excellent reform magazine edited by Ian Woods in Canada.

Murray Gauvreau:

The National Citizens' Coalition

Ontario Libertarian Party

Pierre Lemieux: -- check out his correspondence with terrocrats.

Patriots on Guard (Fred Kyburz):

Quackgrass Press:

Le Québécois Libre:

The Right Ideology:

Shareholders of Canada Educational Initiative (Ottawa Chapter) P.O. Box 33059, Nepean, Ontario, K2C 3Y9 - Tel: 1.613.248.9831. Class action suit to challenge Revenue Canada Taxation --; follow the links: "Economics" to "Untax" to "Shareholders of Canada."

St. Lawrence Institute for the Advancement of Learning:

Thirst for Justice:

Tom J. Kennedy:

West Coast Libertarian Foundation:

The Worldwide Affiliate Network

Déclaration de Souveraineté Individuelle (Pierre Lemieux)
Je déclare être un individu souverain à qui personne n'a le droit moral d'imposer quoi que ce soit sans son consentement, à part l'obligation générale de respecter la souveraineté égale des autres individus. Je déclare donc que, à l'instar de M. Henry David Thoreau, "je ne veux être considéré membre d'aucune société à laquelle je n'ai pas adhéré" (A Duty of Civil Disobedience, 1849). Cette déclaration s'adresse à tout individu, maître-esclavagiste, groupe, mafia ou État qui prétendrait m'imposer des charges auxquelles je n'ai pas consenti soit dans mon intérêt, soit comme contribution libre et volontaire au bien commun.

La présente déclaration s'adresse notamment aux États qui prétendent m'imposer leur soi-disant souveraineté et leurs rackets camouflés sous le nom de "lois". J'admets que l'individu souverain peut, comme moindre mal, se soumette à un État auquel il n'a pas consenti parce qu'il juge que les avantages de celui-ci continuent de surpasser ses coûts en termes d'expropriation et de dignité personnelle. Mais cet État est au mieux qualifié de bon tyran, pour reprendre l'interprétation que M. John Simmons nous donne de M. John Locke (On the Edge of Anarchy: Locke, Consent, and the Limits of Society, 1993). Toutefois, quand l'État impose à un individu souverain des coûts plus élevés que la soi-disant protection qu'il le force d'accepter, il devient mauvais tyran -- une "association de brigands et d'assassins" comme disait M. Lysander Spooner (The Constitution of No Authority, 1870). Je déclare être, en tant qu'individu souverain, le seul juge de l'utilité de l'organisation qui se pare du nom d'État.

Je rejette bien entendu le principe mafieux qui voudrait m'imposer de partir si je ne suis pas satisfait. Ce sont plutôt les oppresseurs de l'individu souverain qui violent le droit et qui sont dans l'obligation morale de se désister et de cesser de nuire.

A tous ceux que vise la présente déclaration, qu'il soit signifié que, le cas échéant, toute soumission de ma part ne relève que de la violence qu'ils exercent contre moi ou dont ils me menacent, et qu'elle ne préjuge nullement de mon consentement ni de ma soumission future devant eux. Je proclame ma volonté souveraine de vivre en paix et déclare que, en droit, leurs édits, obligations et prohibitions ne me concernent pas.

"La notion de la "loi" (soi-disant) est une halloicination." ("The notion of "law" (so-called) is an hallawcination.") -- Frederick Mann

Declaration of Individual Sovereignty (Pierre Lemieux) - English Translation
I declare myself a sovereign individual upon whom nobody has a moral right to impose anything without my consent; and I honor the general obligation to respect the equal sovereignty of other individuals. I thus declare, following the example of Henry David Thoreau, that "I do not want to be considered a member of any society which I did not choose to belong to" (A Duty of Civil Disobedience, 1849). This declaration is addressed to any individual, master-slavist, group, mafia or State that pretends to impose obligations upon me that I have not agreed to in my own interest or as a free and voluntary contribution to the common good.

The present declaration is addressed particularly to those States who claim to impose upon me their so-called sovereignty and their rackets camouflaged under the word "laws." I recognize that a sovereign individual may, as a lesser evil, accept submission to a State to which he did not consent because he judges that the advantages of this submission continue to exceed the costs in terms of expropriation and personal dignity. But this State can best be described as a "good tyrant" -- the interpretation John Simmons gives us of John Locke (On the Edge of Anarchy: Locke, Consent, and the Limits of Society, 1993). However, when the State imposes upon a sovereign individual higher costs than the value of its forced, so-called protection, then it becomes a bad tyrant -- a "band of robbers and murderers" as explained by Lysander Spooner (The Constitution of No Authority, 1870). I declare, as a sovereign individual, that I am the only judge of the utility of any organization which embellishes itself with the word "State."

I of course reject the mafia principle which says that I should leave if I am not satisfied. It is rather the oppressors of sovereign individuals who are outlaws and who have the moral obligation to cease and desist from their harmful actions.

To all those who set eyes on this declaration, I serve notice that any submission on my part does not imply acceptance of violence, or threats of violence against me, and that no such submission implies that I will submit in future. I proclaim my sovereign will to live in peace and declare that, by right, their edicts, obligations and prohibitions are not binding on me.

The Cyberclass Network
I recommend that you explore The Cyberclass Network Here you will learn which rights and freedoms have been stolen from you in Canada. You will also learn about the illegality of the Income Tax Act and how to challenge Revenue Canada Taxation after you have protected your assets. In addition, you will learn about resources that can enhance your financial health.

Joining a local LETSystem (Local Employment Trading System) is also a worthwhile endeavour for anyone seeking to seize their freedom and become a sovereign citizen in Canada or elsewhere. This will permit participants to barter and trade their skills and services using interest-free barter credits instead of interest-bearing federal cash. Follow the links from to "Economics" to "Barter/Lets."

Appendix I - Studying Our Nation - The Canadian Constitution

by George Armstrong

Nearly every Canadian outside of Ottawa (and even a very few there) can see that Canada today is a country which is in very serious trouble. There is massive unemployment on the West Coast as the fishery has disintegrated, the situation is so bad on the East Coast that the fishery which has sustained the entire economy since 1947 has been shut down completely.

In Quebec, there is a massive separatist movement which is thriving on a steady diet of unemployment, misdirected nationalism and deliberate misinformation. In the West, there s a growing separatist movement which is fueled largely by a century and more of economic exploitation combined with a general attitude emanating from the federal government that the West just doesn't matter.

Crime is at very high levels, and nothing the government can say with regard to statistics can allay the growing perception of the great majority of the people that crime is completely out of control... and that this is largely to be traced to government policies of one kind or another. In recent years, we have seen an alarming tendency on the part of the court system, and the Supreme Court in particular, toward making law in the courtrooms rather than in the legislatures. One thing after another, we were told, can never be upheld by the charter of Rights and Freedoms...

And, one thing after another we have seen that the exact same Charter does uphold, exactly as the so-called "right-wing fringe" elements have said all along, exactly as one federal government has said all along was not. Clearly, there is something desperately wrong.

The politicians, of course, keep saying, "Well, if you'll just let us tinker with the Constitution a little more, we'll fix everything up." And the people keep replying, "Hey, things were just fine until you started tinkering with it in the first place!"

No one trusts the leaders of the country to change the Constitution, simply because Canadians have far too much experience already with Great Leaders foisting their own political agendas, or the political agendas of small, unpopular pressure groups operating with huge government subsidies, ever to trust a Canadian politician again. But the people sense, due probably to our proximity to the United States, that there is something special about the Constitution. The American Constitution protects the rights of the American people, so, one would think, the Canadian Constitution should protect the rights of Canadians.

But Canadians don't know. They don't know, simply because the great majority of Canadians have never seen a copy of the Canadian Constitution. They go to the public freedomry: it's not there. They go to school: it's not there. They go to a government book store: it's not there. They ask their Member of Parliament: they get no reply. And if they persist in trying to obtain a copy, they will be told that the Government of Canada will not even sell a copy of the Canadian Constitution to a Canadian citizen. But they are certainly willing to take his tax money.

And so the inescapable thoughts begin happening: if the Government of Canada won't even sell a constitution to me, there must be something in it that they don't want me to find out... And when any Citizen gets to this point in his/her thinking, he/she is right, for the Canadian Constitution, if used correctly, can be just as effective a document as that of our cousins to the south. But we have to use it. And, if we are going to use it, first we have to know it... which is difficult if the government won't let you have a copy.

The solution to this dilemma, of course, is simply to pirate an edition of the Canadian Constitution and make it available at a reasonable price so that any Canadian can read it for him/herself.

A copy of The Canadian Constitution has been reproduced photographically, so what you will read is precisely what the Government is concealing. It was not even reset, purposely, in order that a perfect copy be produced, so if some of the type is hard to read, blame the government. But, and this is big "but": the larger type is what the Law actually is today; the smaller type is historical background and changes since 1867.

So, let's open up this "forbidden book" and see what's inside. The first thing the reader will notice in the Foreword on Pages xiv-xvi. This is designed to guide the reader through the remainder of the book, and gives a certain amount of historical background on the text. The reader will notice that there has been a lot of tinkering already with the Constitution, this in the form of amendments, repeals, additions, substitutions, spent provisions, alterations and additions by the British Parliament (whose Act this was until 1982), alterations by the Canadian Parliament, alterations by the Legislatures of the various Provinces, and so forth.

These will all be found in tabular form, on pages 74 et seq., and explained in tiny type throughout the text. On reading this section, perhaps the first thing the reader will notice is that, quite contrary to popular belief, the old British North America Act of 1867, which we all learned about in grade school, is alive and well. This Act, as we all know, was the original Canadian Constitution, even though it was not really written as such, but rather as more or less of a "housekeeping" act to give Canada a legal framework in which to operate.

Some may have learned, in senior courses, that the BNA Act was not what Sir John A. MacDonald wanted. Others may even know that Sir John A. was furious when he found out what was in it. A very few may even know why Sir John A. was furious when he read the BNA Act because it did not give him the near-absolute power he wanted so desperately. And an even tinier number, although growing every day, will realize that, once he found out what was in the BNA Act, MacDonald immediately set out to subvert the act in every way he could, a process that continues to this day.

A student, on reading the entire Constitution of Canada and assimilating it completely, will quickly realize one very important thing: although the Charter of Rights and Freedoms may be a seriously flawed document, the vast bulk of the powers to stop excess on the part of Government is contained within the sections of the old British North America Act. A thorough knowledge of this Act, combined with the willpower to live by this Act, on the part of enough Canadians, will roll back the near dictatorial powers of our Governments of today, and reintroduce to a new generation of Canadians the freedom which our ancestors knew and fought to preserve.

The old BNA Act was in 11 sections, plus the Preamble. Current fashion has it that the Preamble is simply a few lines of Nineteenth-Century legal puffery, and that is precisely what the government would like you to believe. In actual fact, the entire Act is written in plain English and is quite easy to understand. As to the Preamble, a careful reading will show that it is anything but legal puffery, that it is in fact a set of overriding conditions which the entire Act, and anything done under the Act, must accord with in order to have legal power.

The bit about "a constitution similar in principle to that of the United Kingdom" gives us Common Law, Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights, property ownership (including firearms), our entire system of justice, the right of bail, the principle of presumed innocence ... even the right to physically oppose a government which does not do as the people wish. It is a long, long way from being legal puffery, and it is very easy to understand.The problem, in Canada, seems to be enforcing it. But it's here, and it belongs to you.

Any visitor to The Cyberclass Network can order a copy of The Canadian Constitution which has been pirated from the Government's own edition. Simply send $8.00, postage and handling included, to: Shareholders of Canada, Ottawa Chapter, P.O. Box 33059, Nepean, Ontario K2C 3Y9.

Studying Our Nation is a partial reprint of the Introduction to The Canadian Constitution by George Armstrong - a constitutional authority. He provides an overall view of the Constitution and directs readers to specific sections of both Schedule A, which is the modernized version of the old British North America Act, and Schedule B, which is generally known as the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The book The Canadian Constitution affords every reader a solid, authoritative overview of the supreme law of the land... and of its limitations.

[George Armstrong, Box 1870, Virden, Manitoba ROM 2CO - 1.204.748.2257.]

Appendix II - Income Tax - Is It Illegal?

by Joseph W. Duggan

The origins of income tax may surprise you. First of all, the Federal Government cannot legally collect taxes in Canada. The only way the Canadian Government was able to enact an income tax was to bring it into effect under the War Measures Act in 1917 as the Income War Tax Act. The Federal Government only needed an income tax in 1917 because in 1913 it gave away its exclusive right to create the nation's currency and credit to private banks. Why? How?

The Income War Tax was strongly opposed by those who knew that the Federal Government did not have the legal right to collect income taxes. The British North American Act clearly states that direct income taxes can only be collected by the provinces. As a result, four provinces were eventually included in the Income War Tax Act and served, at the time to pacify the critics. First, income tax was to be voluntary, second it was to be temporary, lasting a proposed 24 to 36 months, third it was to apply to only those earning in excess of $10,000 per year (equivalent to $300,000 today), and fourth, it was to be applied at a rate of 10%. Under these terms, income tax was to pay off the debt for World War I and then it was to cease.

This Income War Tax was imposed on Canadians primarily to pay for the cost of borrowing money from private banks. On july 6,1913 the Government of Canada had inexplicably enacted a law known as "An Act Respecting Banks and Banking" which was cited as the "The Bank Act". Under the terms of the Bank Act of 1913, exclusive jurisdiction for the control and issue of the nation's currency and credit was given away to the Canadian Banker's Association.

The issue and control of currency and credit, once out of government control, soon incurred a heavy debt load. In 1913, Canada's national debt was a minuscule $550 million. Up until this time, import duties and consumption taxes had been adequate to fund government services. Only four years later in 1917, it had nearly quadrupled to just over $2 billion. Today it is over $565 billion. Instead of recovering those rights given away in 1913 and creating the money needed for the war, the Federal Government allowed the private banks to create it and instead borrow it from them at interest.

This corruption of public finances is now at the core of the economic mismanagement we are witnessing today. Almost all governments fail to recognize a fundamental principle of public finance that has been ignored in order to benefit elite banking interest groups. This principle was clearly stated by Dr. John Hotson, the late Executive Director of COMER, (Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform) who said:

No sovereign government, under any circumstances, should borrow money from commercial banks and pay interest when it can instead borrow from its own Central Bank interest-free.

This unnecessary cost of interest paid to commercial banks is the principal cause of the failure of government tax revenues to keep pace with expenditures. To add insult to injury, these artificial deficits are being used to justify the destruction of public infrastructure services such as health care, pensions, welfare, unemployment insurance, education, cultural funding, and municipal services. The real agenda of the banking and corporate elite is to replace them with private, profit-making corporate services to again benefit the few at the expense of the majority of the people.

What economists and the corporate elite have taken great pains to disseminate is an irrational fear that money creation and spending by governments are the root cause of inflation. What they endeavour to hide with this smoke screen is that cash reserves, formerly used as inflation controls on the private banks by the Bank of Canada, have been abolished and government has almost totally lost its ability to directly control money supply in the public interest. This is the real source of inflation. The Bank of Canada's control over reserves has been replaced by interest rate manipulation.

This practice of increasing interest rates to control inflation initially causes higher prices and then leads to recessions and high unemployment. Only after recessions do prices eventually drop. Much more effective inflation control is available by returning control of the money supply to Central Banks and by restoring and increasing the commercial bank reserve requirements and can create as many loans and as much credit as they want to out of thin air.

In fact, because 94% of our money supply is debt money, if we paid off our loans we could drastically reduce our money supply, creating a major depression. Under this system, the only way the money supply can be increased to match the growth in the economy is by government and private borrowing. The Federal Government has the power to print notes, thereby circulating interest-free money, or through the Bank of Canada to put low (1.5% - 2%) interest credit into circulation. This was done during World War II and got Canada out of the bank-created money squeeze of the Great Depression. It also fueled the 'good years' until the 1970's, when the Trudeau government changed our economic policies.

The current federal deficit is actually what the government borrows to pay the interest on the national debt to the private banks. The entire national debt could be paid off over time if the federal government took back its power to create money and credit. The Bank of Canada can be used to hold government debt such that interest payments would go back into government revenues. Basically, we are now paying high income taxes, GST and PST, etc. so that the banking and wealthy elite can earn a substantial income by holding risk-free government debt. Almost the entire windfall profit of the private banks in recent years has come from holding government debt.

Believe it or not, we are still paying income taxes under the Income War Tax Act of 1917. Legally, we don't have to pay income tax to the federal government; it is a voluntary tax. It is also illegal for Revenue Canada Taxation to collect provincial income taxes for the provinces. Also, tax loopholes, foundations, and tax deferrals have permitted those with higher incomes to get off the income tax hook and, with the cancellation of estate taxes in 1975, have allowed a few families to accumulate huge fortunes. Is it possible to NOT pay income taxes? Some people have been successful. Gerry Hart of Winnipeg, apparently won the constitutional argument in court 22 times and had NOT paid income taxes for 40 years, but information on how others have succeeded is difficult to find.

Income Tax - Is It Illegal? by Joseph Duggan was published in Shared Vision in January 1997. The content of this article was partially excerpted from publications of COMER, Toronto, Ontario.

Joseph Duggan's articles in Shared Vision

Shared Vision - January 1997 Income Tax, is it legal?

Shared Vision - April 1997 Democracy or Mind Control?

Shared Vision - June 1998 De-taxing: Taking Back Control of our Money Supply [Canadian De-Tax Group at (604) 524-6055.]

For more Canadian untax information, see Follow the links to "Economics" and "Untax." [Also has good US untax links.]

Appendix III - Ottawa Teacher Withdraws Permission To Withhold INCOME TAX

by Tom J. Kennedy

Dear Mr. Robinson:

Please be advised that I hereby withdraw my permission given OCDSB to withhold "income tax" from my monthly payroll for the purpose of remitting same to Revenue Canada Taxation.

This "withdrawal of permission" is made after much research re: the Canadian Constitution and the Interest Act of Canada and the Court Order Interest Act of Ontario. Pursuant to the Interest Act of Canada, an Act of Parliament which allows me to require and I do require; that a minimum of five percent interest be paid to me, on any and all money belonging to me and being held by anyone- else for any period of time. A copy of the Interest Act of Canada is attached hereto.

This "withdrawal of permission" to withhold "income tax" is also made pursuant to the Court Order Interest Act of the province of Ontario, which also requires interest be paid on any money held by anyone for any period of time. Also, please be advised that the Labour Code of Canada forbids any kind of job action being taken against me for any reason without having relation to my ability or inability of carrying out the duties and responsibilities of my job.

Further be advised that, employers in Canada who have failed to immediately comply with such a withdrawal of permission to withhold "income tax" have been taken to Small Claims Court and have been ordered to reimburse their respective employees all tax that was withheld after being served such a "withdrawal of permission". These orders have required that the employer pay the employee interest on that money reimbursed.

This "withdrawal of permission" to withhold "income tax" from my payroll is also made pursuant to the fact that, no tax of any kind or sort is ever due or payable until an assessment has been done. That assessment will be done when I do a "Voluntary Assessment" by completing an "Income Tax Return" sometime before April 30 of the following year in which revenue was generated.

Also, Revenue Canada Taxation has forms for employers to complete, allowing them reimbursement of all money they had reimbursed to the employee. I request that the OCDSB complete this form and return to me the reimbursement of "income tax" withheld from January 1, 1998 until this present time plus the minimum five percent interest owing to me on the amount of "income tax" withheld.

It is not my intent to create any kind of friction. It is my intent to ask the OCDSB to follow the law rather than ignoring the law as Revenue Canada Taxation does. (See The Canadian Constitution re: direct taxation.)

As an "income tax" withholding employer the OCDSB is an unpaid tax collector, held in slavery by definition -- being caused to perform service without pay and under the threat of punishment. This violation of International Law, namely The Slavery Act of Canada. For these reasons alone, the OCDSB is NOT under obligation to be an unpaid tax collector for Revenue Canada Taxation -- under threat of punishment. I encourage the OCDBS to seek justice in this mater of being an illegal and unpaid tax collector for Revenue Canada Taxation.

Written by Tom J. Kennedy (Employee P130584). As of press time, the OCDSB had not responded.

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