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Edited by Frederick Mann

An excerpt by Colleen Walters from: Learning To Live With The Natural Law: A Workbook for Your Prosperity and World Peace by James Gannon Young

The article 'CORPORATIONS AND OTHER HALLUCINATIONS' comes from Frederick Mann's commentaries have been added and are indicated by "*C:".

Nothing is beyond our grasp, we are the heirs of the ages and we are utterly miserable. Tension, strife and despair plague our families, our trade, and our nations. Everything is possible, and nothing works. Something is wrong. Something is very wrong. There has to be a reason, and that reason has to be understandable. We are guided in life by two things, the Natural Law and our belief system. We know that the Natural Law is right, so something in our beliefs must be wrong. There is nothing else influencing our minds.

*C: The idea that "nothing is beyond our grasp" could be an illusion. Many of us are not "utterly miserable" and there are many things in the world that do work. The idea of "nation" is an hallucination -- see '#TL07A: The Anatomy of Slavespeak.' The notion of "Natural Law" (depending on how it's held or believed) could be an illusion.

You and I are flesh and blood. We were created by the Creator of all things, the Creator of the Universe. Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Porky Pig are cartoons, they are fictions. They are illusions of creatures itself. All such cartoons can be colored as their creator sees fit. They are colorable cartoons, amusing and confusing, but not lawful at all. They are strictly things created by one who is called, the author of the cartoon, and the author of the cartoon is the authority of the cartoon, the Law of the cartoon, pure and simple. None the less that law remains a cartoon law, it is no more real than the cartoon itself. This law affects only the cartoonist reason for creating the cartoon. It does not affect reality at all, but the cartoon can. While the distinction between cartoons and reality seems so obvious as to not be worth mentioning, it is not. Pictures of reality (cartoons) exist which are so cleverly designed that they approach the appearance of reality. In fact, one such cartoon, the Corporation, seems so real that, with a little education, men and women can be made to except it as real, and more important than reality itself, more important than flesh and blood. For such an education to be effective, we must be taught many small fantasies that we innocently accept as real, and pass on as real to others. One such fantasy is the notion that reality is harsh. At times it is but the breast filled with milk is also reality, and so are the million other truly sweet things in life. What we usually view as harsh reality, is to suddenly awaken to what the great fantasy has done while we were being amused by the small fantasies. What we see may not be real, but the damage that is done certainly will be. It will be the damage not the cause of it, that agents of a Corporate State will focus our eyes upon, and in all will probably blame us for it. Much of our energy has been directed by agents of the Corporate State into the creation of situations and things that we later find not only useless to peace and plenty, but also dreadful and a curse upon all men. Most believe the Corporation to be something wondrous. It's represented in their minds as great factories, highly skilled managers and technicians. They see the raw materials pouring into one end of this structure and all of the bounty of modern technology pouring out the other. This is not the corporation at all. The corporation is nothing more than a piece of paper upon which a fraudulent plan to limit the liability of its designers has been written and agreed to. It is a cartoon and it is deadly. The problems inherent in the concept of the corporation are deadly to flesh and blood, because, once men have accepted it, the Corporation is free of any response to the Natural Law. The Natural Law only works upon things of substance. It cannot govern a fiction at all, but this fiction can and does rule men. The magnitude of this problem is vastly greater than any possible benefits that seem to flow from the corporation.

*C: The cartoon analogy above is extremely important. In general, the human ability to distinguish between cartoons and reality is particularly limited when it comes to religion and politics. Consider the possibility that the so-called "Creator of the Universe" is a cartoon character -- see '#TL05AB: Anthropomorphism and Related Phenomena.' Similarly, consider the possibility that the so-called "Corporate State" is really a cartoon creation.

No matter how great a problem seems to be that problem always has a Lawful answer. Many who say that nothing can be done sincerely hope that we won't find away do it, because in the shortsighted notions of men, problems can be very profitable. If we take just a few moments to analyze our problem before we attack it we will see that it is not as complicated as we have been led to believe. It can be solved and it can be solved to the satisfaction of all who desire peace and plenty. No problem is too great for that magnificent mechanism that rests between your ears when it understands and applies the Law. While our problems seem to come from many sources, in reality they have one Corporate source. Whether your concern is Jobs, Crime, the Environment, Foreign or Domestic affairs the problem's root is a common one. That root is the Corporate rule of the use of energy by mankind, and primarily the use of the energy, of mankind. This great problem has plagued nations since the dawn of civilization because the greatest desire of all tyrants is to direct all energy and its use by man. It is the energy of the worker, the energy of the slave that interests the ruler not the worker or slave himself. When the energy of men and women in a nation is Lawlessly ruled the problems flowing from that Lawless rule become infinite. None the less this host of problems flows from the same root and that root is the desire of tyrants to rule, energy. A corporation is created the moment one man establishes rule over another by incorporating the color of Law with force, a pretense of Law, Tyrants cannot exist without the Corporation.

The cartoonist, the man with the pencil, has created the Corporation, a fiction, a cartoon. Such cartoons are described by the Supreme Court of the United States as Fictions of Law, Colorable entities. Yes, all corporations are fictions, colorable entities, cartoons. They are not of the Law. They are of what is termed a fiction of Law. That is a little fraud we shall soon dispel, for they are not of the Law at all, they are fictions of men. Fiction, when its intent is to deprive anyone of Lawful right, is wrongful action, fraud. To create a fiction and to pretend it to be of Law, regardless of the reason or rationale given, is on its face an attempt to confuse or defraud whoever accepts the fiction as Law. This is just the beginning of an act that must inevitably end in disaster for all who are Lawfully concerned. The Law does not change, nor do the ever-changing terms of legality change it. Such Legal terms merely serve rulers who would shield the Law from our eyes.

*C: For more on the idea of "law" as hallucination, see '#TL07A: The Anatomy of Slavespeak.' Anyone who claims that so-called "laws" "govern" anything needs to explain what kind of creatures these supposed "laws" are and just how they go about "governing" -- see '#TL05AB: Anthropomorphism and Related Phenomena.'

Whether a man and woman are performing in the kitchen, the bathroom or the bedroom their acts are controlled by the Natural Law. The same is true of the acts the physicists and of all physical things. Men cannot see the Law, nor is the Law represented by any man or group of men. The Law is the rightful holding of all that exists. Men and women can be certain that it will act and they conduct their actions accordingly. It is only when the man, woman or physicist goes into the bank, the boardroom, or the courtroom that things change. Suddenly they are dealing with a thing that is produced by authority and thin air. They are dealing with Corporate Currency. Paper dollars arm the Corporate State. This currency seems to be money and the authority that produces. It seems to be Law but both are simply pretense, not much different than Porky Pig. Now the trio can see what they assume to be the Law, it is written down on paper just as all cartoons are. They can feel the presence of that which they all assume to be the Law, in the perfumed and overbearing presence of Attorneys, Judges and Bankers. They know that the policeman standing in the corner has a big black gun to enforce the decisions of these authorities and all in all it seems Lawful indeed. In fact it seems to be more lawful than the Law itself because we can see it, we can feel its presence and fear its wrath, but it is not the Law at all.

*C: The notion that certain people -- such as "politicians," "judges," "bureaucrats," etc. -- constitute "authority" could be another form of hallucination.

The Law gives the man, woman and the physicist the ability to control their actions in a Lawful manner, a manner that will give balance and harmony to their lives and work. They know what they are doing, and why they are doing it. They can predict the outcome of their actions because they are creatures of the Law they are following, and they know how it acts. Unfortunately they do not usually give any real consideration to why it acts. The Law acts on all things in a manner that will allow balance and harmony to exist throughout the universe and we are very much a part of it.

When the trio enter the bank, the boardroom or the court room this all changes. Suddenly there is no Law to guide them or to protect them in a Lawful situation. Now they are faced with a reasonable situation not a Lawful situation. Situations alter cases, but they do not change the facts. The facts remain the same. The man and woman, the physicist, are still controlled by the Natural Law, but now they are ruled by the cartoon of Law, the Corporate State. The Corporate State does not operate in a Lawful manner. The Corporate State operates in a reasonable manner. We have been taught that to be reasonable is a good thing, but we fail to see that good and evil are totally dependent upon the situation at hand. The Law is not reasonable, the Law is the Law and man's reason does not affect it. The Law always acts in a Lawful manner. The situation at hand is often created by the reason of a man or men and their reason may or may not be a Lawful reason. If the reason is not a Lawful one and the man or men wish to be able to move forward with it they will find no such ability in the Law. Therefore they must produce reasons that will appeal to our emotions rather than to our understanding of the Law if we are to allow them to move forward. Thus, they are enabled to move forward, not by the Law, but by emotion. They are now able and their ability has come from reason. We are led from one reasonable situation to the next. Soon we have forgotten the Law, but the Law has not forgotten us. Man's reason will never change the Law and the acceptance of authority will not shield us from Law's power. We will follow the Law to peace and plenty or we will be punished by the Law for following the Lawless authority of reason. Emotions aside, there is no Lawfully productive reason to ignore the Law, but there are many Lawless reasons. Reasonable courts often accept them.

For untold centuries, men, Corporate States and the civilizations they have created. Thousands of books have been written, and endless debates have raged over their success and their ultimate and inevitable failures. Short of examining their foundations, these debates have examined every possible cause for their failure. However none of them have considered the foundation upon which they have all existed, the same foundations which supported the Corporate States ruling nations and the Corporation itself. This fact alone should be enough to make you highly skeptical of authors, and the authority that they create. Another oppression common to most such authorities is the omission of the fact that Societies and Civilizations are very different things. Societies unlike Civilizations do not simply fall, because there is nothing unnatural to weigh them down. Societies must be destroyed by natural disasters or Civilizations. The notion that both Lawless and Lawful Societies exist is a myth. Society is produced by men and women following the Natural Law. If the law is not followed, a corporate apparatus is ruling by the so-called, law of Club and Fang. Society exists only in a situation of lawful balance and that which is called High Society is not Society at all. "High Society" is nothing other than the members of Corporate rule, lording it over the slaves to the apparatus they have created. The method used by civilizations to destroy lawful Societies is to authorize anti-social actions. Lawless rules called regulations, create mismanagement, malinvestment and discord, rather than the balance and harmony of law. These lead to discontent, degradation and war. In time such anti-social actions bring down not only the society, but also civilization itself, because Society is superior to civilization. When the burdens upon a Lawful society become too great for the Lawful members of Society to bear, the Society must fail, taking with it the cancerous civilization, which has burdened it beyond their ability. We have been educated in the schools of Corporate State to accept the notion that when civilization falls, men and women are reduced to eating nuts and berries, scavenging a living from the earth. In reality the fall of a civilization creates nothing less than the opportunity to create a Lawful Society. Did the Germans go to eating nuts and berries at the end of the Second World War? All the Germans lost was one of the most advanced and vile civilizations on earth. You will see an even better example when we look at the rise and success of the Saracen Society.

*C: Depending on the term is used, "society" could be another hallucination.

Civilization is a nice word for domestication. In order to domesticate any creature, including man, it is necessary to remove all, or as much of, that creature's understanding of its actual nature as possible. Natural sheep are hardy, wary and well suited to adaptation, survival and proliferation in many climbs. Sheep have been domesticated for well over four thousand years. Today the poor creatures are so dependent upon the authorities that watch over them, that they cannot even bear their young without the assistance of the shepherd. Is this what you desire for your children, your children's children? Is Corporate Bondage your dream? The nature of a sheep unfettered and corrupted by authority is its Lawful nature, its true nature. The natural sheep is equipped by the Law to protect itself and provide for its young, it is a Lawful creature. The nature of man unfettered and corrupted by authority is its Lawful nature. Man is equipped by the Law to protect himself and provide for his young. The essence of our nature is not the perversions we have learned. The essence of our nature is what we are created to be and what we are created to be is Lawful. Our nature is to be Lawful and to seek the Law. We are not by nature wicked and vile. We become wicked and vile by accepting authority, rather than the Law and we are taught to do it every hour of the day, brought upon by Corporations. In fact all corporations are civilizations unto themselves, and inevitably civilizations fall. The corporate directors create rules that are applicable only to those it employs and rules its citizens or slaves. It has the ability to create not only a civilization unique to itself, it has the ability to create other corporate civilizations that are inferior to it in their abilities to further create, just as General Motors creates corporations subservient to itself. Such Corporations, may create anything Corporate General Motors desires, but nothing else. The master of all corporations is the Incorporated International Financial Community, which feeds, and ultimately devours them all. This corporation has grown over many centuries and consists of an extended family that is joined by marriage, merger and accord. I will show you just how it has developed as I move forward and precisely how it works. It started in a simple manner. Like all civilizations this one too must end. It is ripe to fall and it is crumbling. All corporations that have been formed beneath the IFC, upon incorporating, surrendered their ability to create currency without its authorization, and none of them do. This one corporate family enjoys the monopoly of financing every major trading nation on earth through the Central Banks it controls with an iron hand. The Central Banks which are the lifeblood of the IFC and all corporations are dependent upon a fraud that is quickly coming to light, and fraud exposed is fraud destroyed. The corporation is the design of one or a few men. These men set the agenda of the corporation and with that agenda a few men can direct the efforts of any number of men. Those being directed need not have any real notion of what the actual purpose of the agenda is, and a hidden agenda is not illegal, it is lust deceiving and rotten. When you truly grasp the significance of this understanding its ramifications can be somewhat terrifying but remember, we are dealing with a fiction, and once we understand it, the fiction cannot harm us at all. In fact to truly grasp the significance of this reality is to has plagued mankind for untold centuries. Life is much better when we live it with open eyes, and open minds.

I am not speaking of some vast conspiracy against the Lawful. I am speaking of a natural progression of events that flow from misunderstanding or neglecting the Natural Law. I am speaking of a notion that has created a Legal apparatus. This apparatus was built before the eyes of all and it continues to grow before the eyes of all. It is the apparatus, not the men who have built and nurture it, that sends its agents into our lives to eat out our substance, and reduce us to slaves upon the land our forefathers developed and made to blossom. Our forefathers made this land to blossom by applying their energies Lawfully. Their efforts and ours are being destroyed by Lawless rule.

Our uses of energy are often directed by our emotions, or the emotions of others. And, nothing affects emotions more readily than an exciting, interesting or terrifying fiction, unless it is love, or a Bold-faced Lie. Both love and lies create problems, but with love we at least have the reward of loving. From a lie we receive no reward at all. Whether it flows from love or a lie, the problem usually creates a hurt or a damage. When the problems are caused by an entity that enjoys limited liability, the liability of those party, or in the case of Corporate State, everyone in society who is not protected by the statutes of limited liability. The energy of man produces both magnificent and terrible things. All of this energy is directed by the mind of man and the mind of man seems wondrous indeed. None the less that mind reacts to the things most common to him in the universe, the Natural Law and his emotions. In fact the Natural Law and his emotions are the only thing in the universe capable of making him act at all. We do things because we wish to do them, because we physically have to do them, or because we are forced by coercion to do them. If we are forced by coercion to do it, we do it out of fear of the consequences. Thus, we are reacting emotionally to the stimuli of fear, and we do that far more admit. We do it most often because we are surrounded by fraud; we are reacting to falsehoods, and have become so used to the frauds created by them that we unwittingly accept it. We seldom do it for a real reason, a Lawful, reason, because in reality there is little to fear and corporate frauds are not Lawful at all.

Now we are going to have some fun and solve that problem. We are going to solve it by using our heads and we are going to be paid to do it. We will not only be paid; we will be paid more handsomely than most could imagine. And all we have to do is understand the difference between real things, and emotional fantasies. This sounds like a lot to offer for a little effort, and it is, but you already know that it is in misunderstanding reality, not an imperfection in reality or the Natural Law, that destroys our hopes of peace and plenty. This fact obviously leaves us with only one other place to look for it. We can only expect to find our answer hidden in fictions or beliefs founded upon them, and driven by our emotions. In this little book we will learn to direct our energies toward real things and come to understand the difference between that which is real and that which is just an emotional image in our minds, a fraud upon our senses, often cloaked in ideals. Ideals are not of the Law, ideals are of men and often Lawless.

I am not an idealist at all; I am a Lawful man. I do not always enjoy being a Lawful man but I have no choice in the matter. I have been created by a Lawful process and I cannot escape it. I can either accept the fact and the destiny of a Lawful existence or I can attempt to escape it in drugs, fantasies or any number of religions. I can make such an attempt but I am intelligent enough to know that attempt can never be successful. Like Popeye, I am what I am, cause I am. After carefully considering the alternative, I have chosen the Law because it is obviously to my advantage and it is the path of least resistance. It is not this way because I want it to be this way. This is the way that it is, and neither piety nor my wit can cancel half a line, or all my tears wash out a word of it. Let me add, my dear brothers and sisters, neither can yours. We are not Legally married to this universe; we are Lawfully a part of it. We are connected to every atom of creation in the same manner that a conceived child is connected to its mother by its umbilical cord.

A great teacher, a son of the Creator (like yourself) once said, "I would that you be hot or cold, the luke warm I spew from my mouth." Be for the Law or against it. Neither the Law or I have any use for silly games, nor those who wish to play them. I am just a man, but even a man is a thing that is fearfully and wonderfully made. I neither have, nor desire, any power over you, but the Creators Law has. You have free will. Ignore the Law if you will, and pay the price as you must.

Ignorance of the Law kills and enslaves more men in a decade, than die of disease in a hundred years. Thus, the thing to fight is ignorance and the only real weapon against ignorance is the Natural law. We will know and follow the law to peace and prosperity, or we will be driven into acceptance of Statutory ignorance and increasing bondage. No alternative actually exists. "Know the truth and the truth will set you free," said Jesus of Nazareth. He went on to show his followers that only the law can be known and trusted. Those who religiously kept the Statutes crucified him and the world has known no peace. This is not a Sunday School lesson, but to deny the truth as stated by Jesus of Nazareth is as stupid as to deny the truth of the law of Gravity. The truth is of the law, no matter who states it. Our problem arises through ignorance and intentional fraud. Fraud exposed is fraud destroyed. The ignorance of accepted and religiously practiced fraud must be replaced by knowledge of the Law if we are to live in a Lawful Society.

*C: The notion that "the truth will set you free" could be another hallucination.

I have promised you peace and prosperity through understanding the law and I intend to see it delivered, but it is the Law, not I who will give these things to you. I am a writer, not an author. Like the Law, I authorize nothing. I will show you what the law demands and leave you to your choice. You will have the opportunity to choose between the insecure things that change with every lawless act of men, or the security of understanding and profiting from things that never change. That is the Law.

When a man or a nation has a problem both are willing to pay to be relieved of that problem, and problems like currency can be easily created out of authority and thin air. Obviously the creation of problems can be an extremely lucrative business if one has the answers readily at hand, and those who have created the problem certainly know how to solve it. It is not cynicism but common sense to understand that men can and do create problems out of thin air. It is also common sense to understand that they create these problems with malice, intent, and aforethought. To deny this is to deny Adolph Hitler and countless other tyrants, financiers have brought to power. When a man is well financed and in a position of authority, it is as simple a matter for him to create a great problem out of thin air, as it is to create a small one. Great problems offer great opportunities and great opportunities offer enough reward to allow plenty of it to trickle down into the hands of the petty agents and officers of Corporate State. While an officer of Corporate State is usually a paid official of that State, an agent of Corporate State may not be. Anyone who works to advance the reach and scope of Corporate State is an agent of Corporate State. It is just as the one who works to advance the reach and scope of a small business, is an agent of that small business, whether it is the owners unpaid wife or his paid bookkeeper.

Problems are created by authority and solved by authority with the creation of further problems. There are two fundamental reasons for this. Authority produces nothing and something is usually required to solve a problem. There is also the fact that if the problem was simply solved the authoritative problem maker would be out of business and his office would have no chance of becoming an agency, a bureau, or a department. Again this is not cynicism but the common understanding of the fact, that if big tyrants are to exist, little tyrants must exist to support them and tyrants know this very well. Society is dying because it is in desperate need of men and women who have the ability to question authority. You are flesh and blood; you are a creature of the Law. Who could possibly be better equipped than you, to question authority. All that is required of those who would champion the Law, is to open their eyes and accept it. A nuts and bolts understanding of the Law is easily acquired and I will give you a list of writers who have so described it. The Law is as mechanical as an automobile engine, but rather than having a few moving parts that will function in a Lawful manner, it has no moving parts and it functions in an infinitely Lawful manner. But, and this is an extremely important but. There is no whole or real thing that is possible outside the Natural Law. This obvious fact is accepted by physicists, plowmen, and Jesus of Nazareth. Only those of Corporate authority disagree.

No one can expect to prosper by surrendering real things for fantasies and I have no intention of surrendering anything that is real, and actually useful, in our quest for an answer to the fiction we are involved in. I intend to show you just how the fiction is created, and precisely what it costs you every moment of your life. I will show you how to remove this fantasy without harming any Lawful man or woman, and just how you and all that desire peace and plenty will gain it. Of this you may be certain, fictions are not the work of the Law, and they are not real. If a thing is not real, no amount of authorship or authority can make it real, any more than authority can make a dead man live, but it can and often does make an innocent man die. Jobs and healthy children flow from the vigor of substance, not the authoritative fictions of civilization.

One must be clever, to produce a believable cartoon, but one need not be especially bright, and the production of a cartoon certainly requires no honesty. The very foundation of the silly cartoon is harmless fraud, but even the author of Porky Pig must be willing to amuse us with falsehoods, and lie through his teeth to make us accept it. In reality, pigs don't stutter or do foolish things at all. Real Pigs, while a bit on the rude side, are Lawful creatures, and they always follow the Natural Law.

Your run-of-the-mill pig-man doodles on paper for a few dollars a month, but the Corporate Cartoonist draws pictures in our minds for billions. Not all cartoons are silly. Some are very serious, and vast sums flow into waiting hands upon their acceptance. We know that the cartoonist will lie simply to amuse us. Can it be doubted that the serious cartoonist will lie and deceive in any manner possible to gain great wealth and power? What could possibly gain such men more wealth and power, than to lie their way into ruling our use of the environment? There are real environmental myths. The Natural Law will quickly separate them in our minds. I will explain this in the chapter, The Environmental War, and this is one war that WE the dwellers upon the land are going to win, along with several others. If we understand and follow the Law, we will win them without even raising our voices and understanding the Natural Law is a simple matter, indeed, once we unmask the authority that shields it from our eyes. We will trade the insecurity of fantasy for a foundation of Law. And we will trade meaningless employment, that gives only enough to produce a little more, for real jobs, that produce all that we need; and we will be paid what our production is actually worth.

The term, authority, is derived from the word author, one who authorizes. Neither the Creator, nor the Law, authorizes anything. The Creator and the Law demand! And these demands are the same on all men and on all things. These demands vary with the case at hand, because balance is at the center of the Law. However these Laws cannot be modified by legislation, learning, or authority. The notion of authority comes to us from the Witch Doctor (or Shaman) and its roots are imbedded in the murky depths of magic and voodoo. These roots are very difficult to remove, because they have fed every generation of tyrants, from the dawn of time, to the present day. The primary differences between the naked Witch Doctor and his present day counterpart, are professional jargon and a Brooks Brothers Suit. Their mentality and motivation have not changed at all. When a woman or a man look to authority for protection, they seldom notice, that most of its guns are pointed at them, while the lustful eyes of authorities gaze upon their children and other Lawful holdings. Freedom is not free, and neither is authority, it costs far more than we are led believe. It is a simple thing to understand that the author of Porky Pig is the Law of the cartoon Porky Pig. What is not so simple to understand is the fact that the author has created not only a cartoon image of a Pig, he has made himself into a cartoon image of the Law. That is what authority is, a cartoon, an alleged image of the Law, a cartoon clothed in flesh and blood. The image of authority is not a true image. It is like the cartoonist-alleged image of the Pig, which is perverted to fill the desires of the authority, the cartoonist, not the reality of the pig and not the demands of the Law. That which is called the authority or author of a cartoon is in fact the God of the cartoon, because he can make the cartoon do anything, and he is all things to the cartoon. The same is true of the man who created the Corporate myth, and a myth can live forever.

What makes the author so deadly is his ability to render a perverted image of an invisible thing, (the Law) into a visible thing, himself. He can also extend that visibility to any number of authorized agents. A fiction that is represented by the flesh can seem as real as the flesh itself no matter how desperately perverted it may be. And, that which is visible seems more real than that which is invisible. We see a man and we are told he is an author, an authority. We do not actually see an author, an authority, we assume to see an author, an authority, and we assume too much. What we see is a man. The man we see is pretending to be a giver of the Law, a representation of the Law. In reality the man is a thief of the Law, a shield against the Law, a perverter of the understanding of Law, and he is not important at all. That which is important is the Law itself not the image of authority. We have seen many things that we are told represent corporations, and we have seen many things we are told represent authority. In fact, nothing can represent a thing that does not actually exist. No one has actually seen an authority, because authority has no more substance than corporations. Authority and its appended corporations, are just imaginary things that have been described to us by men. Our imaginations and emotions have given them standing, but they are not real.

Let's quickly examine this Supreme court definition in a Lawful manner: A confidence man approaches you with a scheme, and declares that it will make you rich and happy. If you accept his words as the truth, you have been led to believe what he has said is Lawful, real. You have accepted a fiction as Law, but it was not the Law that created the fiction, it was the confidence man. You will not only suffer for having accepted his word as Law; you will begin to suffer false hope immediately. He creates a picture of false hope in your mind, and you build upon that false hope, rather than reality. In the end, you must be disappointed, and perhaps mined, because you failed to recognize the difference between the truth of Law and the lie of the confidence man, the fiction, so, you voluntarily accepted the lie. The lie was no more of the Law, than the cartoon called Porky Pig, is of a Pig. Both are fictions of men fictions created by men, and they are not of Pigs or of the Law at all. There is no real connection between fictions and Pigs. Neither is there any real connection between fiction and the Law.

For a thing to actually be a Law it must be a thing that can be demonstrated to produce real results every time it is used and those results must be uniform in every way. There can be no exceptions to a Law. The Law of Gravity treats all things in precisely the same manner. That is why it is called a Law. If a thing can change, it is not Law. The Law of Harmony, or Balance makes like demands and gives like results. In fact the Law of Harmony is the proper name of all of the physical Laws combined, because combined they produce harmony, balance. A thing that produces discord can never be a Law and all legal or legislated statutes create discord. We are physical creatures; we are bound to the Physical Law.

Can you think of anything that would be more effective in ruling the energy of men and women in a nation than a legal apparatus, that subtly changes their understanding of a thing as important as the Law? The fact that this was done before your birth changes nothing. A fraud is as much a fraud thousands of years after its inception as it is the day it was set upon its first victim. The term legal comes to us from the Latin, Legiosus, which means, following a course of Law. It is obvious that the course of the Natural Law allows no use of fiction and all are bound to it. The Law is 'not designed by men. A course of Law designed by men is a fiction designed by men which depicts the Law as interpreted by the designer, (a very different thing than depicting the Law itself), just as a fiction designed by a man of a pig depicts the author or designer's interpretation of a pig, but neither the Law or the pig are actually represented or depicted in the fiction. The fiction represents the desires of the designer, as brought forth in their interpretation, not the demands of the Law or the demands of the pig. A course of Law designed by men depicts what they desire the Law to appear to be, not what the Law is. A course of Law designed by men can be and is precisely what he who designs the course, designs it to be. A course of Law designed by men is no different than an alleged fiction of Law, a cartoon. In fact the Mafia also operates under a Course of Law, as does every rapist, thug and cutthroat in the world.

It is of great importance to actually understand the definition given by the supreme Court of the united States, which is in accord with the highest courts of all civilized nations. The notion that the Corporation is a fiction of Law is one of the most bold-faced lies of recorded history. No one with a real understanding of Law could possibly describe the Corporation as a fiction of Law, because it is utterly impossible for the Law to create a fiction. The Law creates and acts upon real things. It has absolutely nothing to do with the production of fiction. The alleged fiction of Law, is a fiction created by men who desire not to be controlled by any law. This fiction has no connection to the law. Nor do the judge and attorneys who practice it. These Gentlemen are in fact, Priests of the Justinian Code, a code found foreign and repugnant to Law in many nations including the American Republic. When you read the INDICT file you will understand just why the Justinian Code has been found to be foreign and repugnant to Law. You will also realize just how advantageous it is to have the Law to rely upon and how the Common Law works. This amazingly simple and Lawful method of settling disputes among Lawful men and punishing lawless men has existed for many centuries. The system of Common Law always replaces the system of fiction, when civilizations fall. Unfortunately other civilizations usually move in very quickly to set it aside with more fictions, because the dwellers upon the land do not understand it clearly. Authorities scorn it, because it removes their ability to daunt us with lawless court rules and Statutes. The Justinian Code was devised by the Byzantine Dictator, Justinian, and has served tyrants since its inception. It found its way and became established in America long after the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.

Peace is the absence of dissention, and it is available in two forms. We may have a long lasting highly productive peace, that is the result of agreement based upon knowledgeable understanding and appreciation of the Law. This peace that flows from good will toward men. Failing this we will have the short lived and dreaded peace that is generated by the Lawless repression of Lawful descent. The short-lived peace of the slaughterhouse once the days killing is done and the objectors to it dangle quietly upon the hooks.

The only reason for forming a corporation is the desire of Lawless men to rid themselves of the Lawful liability of their actions by transferring the damages they create through negligence to society at large. As these damages accumulate, they become the burden of Corporate State we are all familiar with. They are simply the liability created by mismanagement, malinvestment, and Lawless actions of agents of Corporate State, and its appended corporations such as the Thrift Savings and Loan Corporations. They have been slyly placed upon the backs of the productive dwellers upon the land, and these men and women are not simply the productive dwellers of one nation. All Corporate States are closely bound through treaties and accords and the liabilities of the Corporate State ruling one nation is just as easily transferred onto the backs in another, as it is to transfer it to the backs the Corporate State rules. Statutory protection of the Lawless notion of limited liability creates dissention among the Lawful and must be repressed by the use of Lawless force, if the statute is to be maintained. The Lawful will always resist Lawless force. Thus, the peace on earth with good will toward men, that we desire can never be expected from the agents of a Corporate State, who are clearly Lawless and endeavoring to enslave us. The only other peace possible, is the peace of the killing floor after the day's slaughter is finished. The Law will allow tyrants to punish and enslave anyone, or any nation, which is foolish enough to accept a fiction as Law. The lie, that the corporation is a fiction of Law was obviously designed with intent and aforethought. Evidence also leads us to the conclusion, that a great deal of malice must also have been involved. It was designed with no other purpose than to lead men astray, to delude and rob them of their greatest possession, the Creator's Law. No greater wrong could possibly be done to innocent beings, because without a clear understanding of the Law, we are at the mercy of those who have shielded it from our eyes, and no one could possibly be less merciful than the rulers of a Corporate State. The solider carries the flame-thrower, but it is the authors and rulers of the alleged fiction of Law that places it in his hands, and directs it use. The flame-thrower is impersonal, uncaring, and utterly without mercy; and the flame-thrower, along with its appended soldier, is one of the lessor tools of Corporate State. The paid assassins of Corporate State who run abortion clinics are not pleasant either, especially if you happen to be too young to fight back. I condemn no man for his folly, but if he sets in on a game knowing the deck is stacked and the cards marked, he is a sheep, and he is going to be shorn.

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