Including how to:
Note: All the reports mentioned on the following pages are published by SCOPE International Ltd.
by Dr. W.G. Hill. 4th Edition. Revised for 1992-93
Do you want to escape the control over your life and property now held by modern Big Brother government? The PT concept could have been called Individual Sovereignty, because PTs look after themselves. We don't want or need authorities dominating every aspect of our existence from cradle to grave. The PT concept is one way to break free.
In a nutshell, a PT merely arranges his or her 'paperwork' in such a way that all governments consider him a tourist - a person who is just 'Passing Through.' The advantage is that by being thought of by government officials as a person who is merely 'Parked Temporarily,' a PT is not subjected to taxes, military service, lawsuits, or persecution for partaking in innocent but forbidden pursuits or pleasures. Unlike most citizens or subjects, the PT will not be persecuted for his beliefs or lack of them. PT stands for many things: a PT can be a 'Prior Taxpayer,' 'Perpetual Tourist' or 'Permanent Traveler' if he or she wants to be. The individual who is a PT can stay in one place most of the time. Or all of the time! PT is a concept, a way of life, a way of perceiving the universe and your place in it. One can be a full-time, dedicated PT or a part-time PT. Some intelligent readers may not want to break out at once, or become a PT at all. They just want to be aware of the possibilities, and be prepared to modify their lifestyle in the event of a crisis. Knowledge will make you sort of a PT - a 'Possibility Thinker' who is 'Prepared Thoroughly' for the future.
"Becoming a PT is not a static thing that you can do once, and then, like obtaining a diploma, just hang it on the wall. PT is a way of thinking, something far more than a mere occupation or even a lifestyle. It is a state of being... The variations and possibilities are infinite-PTs can have real freedom in an unfree world." W.G. Hill
The PT theory is elegant, simple, and requires no accountants, attorneys, offshore corporations, nor other complex arrangements. Since the income of most PTs is easily doubled, and most frustrations of life with Big Brother are instantly eliminated, the logical question is only: "Can you afford not to become a PT?"
Unlimited, untaxed wealth and the power to dispose of it as you please is one of the major benefits of becoming a PT. We can work and be paid in full (without withholding tax or deductions) and then spend our earnings on what gives us pleasure. Until you become a PT the range of opportunities denied you is inconceivable. We don't miss the things we are unaware of. PT1, the book, will raise your consciousness as to the nature of freedom and the ways to rid yourself of all limitations. The constitutions of most nations give lipservice to the absolute freedom to travel, but in practice every government severely limits travel with passport, visa, and other requirements.
By imposing restrictions on foreigners, most nations invite tit-for-tat reciprocal measures. Personal finances, currency controls, domestic situations and job requirements make the freedom to go anywhere at anytime just a dream for most people. The PT, once properly equipped, operates outside of the usual rules, gaining mobility and a full slate of human rights. The value of these rights cannot even be perceived by people who have never experienced them.
The message of PT is not however to encourage greed, lust, irresponsibility, immorality or any of the other seven deadly sins. The effect of PT being popularized will be to release creative souls from the many burdens of coping with Big Brother.
You don't need to found a new country or displace someone else to make yourself a sovereign. The PT need not dominate other people. He or she must only be willing to break out of a parochial way of thinking: the PT must be superior only in that small area located between the ears. We speak of the potential PT now in terms of wealth, talent, intelligence, and creativity. Who is this PT in the upper miniscule of the population? It might well be you...
"Nothing offers greater safety than invisibility. Darwin noted that the most effective life forms evolved to blend in with their environment." W.G. Hill
People of intelligence and wealth owe it to themselves and their descendents to have five 'flags.' No one with common sense should give all their assets or allegiance to just one flag.
Why? Because no country nor any government has ever survived more than a few generations without totally annihilating itself or its own middle and upper classes. Even in that 'last bastion of capitalism,' the USA, people of property were thrice forced to flee the country. In 1780, one third of the population (the entire middle and ruling class), was forced to move to Canada; these were the Tories who supported England in the Revolution. In 1870, it happened again; all large land owners (who supported the Confederacy in the Civil War) were forced to migrate to Mexico, Europe or South America. In the post 1917 period, prohibition, confiscatory taxes, compulsory military service, the proliferation of hungry contingent-fee lawyers, socialist judges and suffocating government regulations once again caused wealthy Americans (and Europeans) to seek new flags. Five million of the wealthiest and most productive Americans live abroad. Eighty-five percent of all liquid private wealth is already anonymously registered 'offshore.' CAN YOU AFFORD TO HAVE ONLY ONE FLAG? - NOT IF YOUR NET WORTH IS OVER US$250,000!
Flag 1. BUSINESS BASE. These are places where you make your money. They must be different from where you 'legally reside' (your personal fiscal domicile).
Flag 2. PASSPORT AND CITIZENSHIP. These should be from a country unconcerned about offshore citizens or what they do outside its borders.
Flag 3. DOMICILE. This should be a tax haven with good communications, a place where wealthy, productive people can be creative, live, relax, prosper and enjoy themselves, preferably with bank secrecy and no threat of war or revolution.
Flag 4. ASSET REPOSITORY. This should be a place from which assets, securities and business affairs can be managed anonymously by proxy.
Flag 5. PLAYGROUNDS. These are places where you would actually physically spend your time.
We look for quality of life:
For no nukes, beautiful countryside and good fishing: New Zealand.
For the most interesting sex life imaginable: Thailand, Costa Rica or the
Superb climate: California. Gourmet delights: French Riviera. Stimulating
cities: Paris, London, San Francisco.
To buy the best things at the cheapest prices: Singapore, Hong Kong, or
Scandinavia (for cars).
PT1 the book, fully explains all Five Flags. It is a complete guide to getting the most out of life that this Earth can offer. PT1 answers important questions you didn't even know you should have asked. For example, do you know all the secrets of:
PTI's big 240 pages are also packed with many case histories, stories of personal consultations and serious advice.
PT1 includes a comprehensive and valuable Resource List giving numerous names, contacts and addresses, allowing you to immediately commence your personal 'Master Plan' for complete financial and personal freedom.
PT1 contains the personal biography of Dr. Bill Hill. Read how this freedom loving multi-millionaire has made - and keeps - his money, PT style.
All reports are sumptuously bound, gold blocked and printed on top quality paper.
ISBN 0 906619 24 6
1st Edition, NEW for 1993 by Dr. W. G. Hill
Now is the time to take proper precautions, says W.G. Hill, father of P.T. and the world's leading expert on personal tax havens, in this startling book. Contrary to the popular image projected by mainstream media and most governments, your taxes are shooting up and your personal freedom is being taken away, bit by bit. Anyone with a visible pocket will become a victim. The most dangerous place on earth is wherever you are. But in this hands-on guide to low profile and privacy, PT-style, W.G. Hill shows you how to regain your lost freedom. In more than 200 fact-filled pages, he teaches you the little-known tactics and techniques of living tax free. For the first time ever in print, he gives away all his privacy secrets and shares with you unique insights on how to escape what he terms "the scam called government." This explosive volume deals with matters that no other books ever dared in a practical, hands-on manner. You will learn all the world's unknown ins and outs of getting, and keeping, a life free from problems, frustrations, harrassment, extortion, lawsuits and the implications and ramifications of all of these - the works.
Answer these simple questions to determine if you have the information and tools necessary for a rich life in complete freedom:
If you answered "no" to one or more of these questions, please do not waste any time in getting PT2, the all-new 1993 tome for tax exiles and perpetual travellers. In five lengthy parts, W.G. Hill thoroughly covers ALL privacy and low profile questions - even those you never dared ask. From such simple things as securing your cars or using all the unknown loopholes of air travel, crossing borders sans passports and what he calls the Ten Privacy Tenets. This book even gives you the inside facts of essential low profile gadgets and some privacy paraphernalia that would be illegal if your government knew that it existed!
Contents also include... True, tried and tested: W.G. Hill's own telephone tactics, now with a PT shortlist for phone secrecy... All about mobile phones, Super Phones, add-on gadgets for your phones... How best to transmit faxes... The art of compartmentalizing your life... Never-before-told maildrop secrets... Secure communications... Also: The secret trust, onshore or offshore? And so much, much more.
Stop Press: This volume now comes complete with a bonus - W.G. Hill's complete guide to banking world-wide, including some secret, supersafe havens for smart money only. Plus a complete course in bearer shares and bonds.
In his introduction, Dr. W.G. Hill writes: This book is dedicated to showing people of intelligence how to stay FREE in every sense of the word. While you may consider yourself a "free man" (or woman), chances are that you are not. The bad news is that even if you are currently living a fairly normal and happy life, events may conspire to turn against you and wind up stealing your money, your freedom - and ultimately, your life. Today, you are a sitting duck - unless you take precautions now. The good news, on the other hand, is that there are plenty of things that you can do yourself to thwart whatever dangers are likely to pop up - in advance, and with just a modicum of effort and expense.
Are you ready for true, undiluted, unrestrained freedom in all personal and financial matters?
Do you believe that "an ounce of preparation is worth about a ton of cure"? If so, PT2 The Practice is for you. If you are not content just "letting things happen," then it makes perfect sense to make sure that they don't - or, if they still do, that this will not be to your extreme disadvantage.
Right now, in his brand new first edition of the PT1 sequel, W.G. Hill gives you the low down, non-nonsense, straight facts about how to set up those seemingly elusive safeguards that may shield you in times of trouble. If you put the information in this book to practical use, you will find that you, too, can keep your money, your freedom, and your life.
ISBN 0 9066 19 40-8
8th Edition Revised and Expanded for 1993 by Dr. W.G. Hill.
Why entrust your life and your freedom to any one government? Politicians regard you as an expendable national resource, but you do not 'belong' to any one country if you hold several passports and nationalities.
A second passport ensures mobility. Millions of individuals would be alive today if they'd had second passports before the holocaust in Germany, and repression in Argentina, Cambodia, and many other countries.
Most countries now 'sell' passports. The wording of their laws describe entrepreneurs, financial benefactors, treaty traders, and special investors in government loan paper as being welcome new citizens. But the bottom line is the same: put up from $10,000 to $100,000 and you can obtain an almost instant passport. Other countries offer instant citizenship if your ancestors were nationals, or if you are of a certain race or religion: Thailand if you are Buddhist, Israel if you are Jewish, Lebanon if you are a displaced Moslem. Almost anyone can qualify for a free passport, and anyone with about $15,000 can have a choice of several more. The Passport Report closely examines the official and unofficial channels in more than l00 countries.
Citizenship can now also be thought of as a business proposition. But what countries offer more advantages? What are the net costs? Taxes, investment opportunities, travel restrictions, financial privacy, social values and retirement... These are only a few valid considerations closely examined in this Special Report.
A Second Passport could save your life, your money and your freedom. The key to this option is your new passport. Specifically, your 'second' passport, one which you can obtain from another country. This valuable document can open opportunities you never thought possible and provide 'back doors' that could literally save your life. The reason governments don't make it easy or publicize such options is that they are concerned with controlling and taxing their own citizens, and could regard popularization of second passport procural as a threat to 'national security.'
Most countries have well-established but little-known procedures for issuing passports under circumstances some observers might regard as loopholes. It is knowledge of these 'exceptions' which allows intrepid individuals to obtain multiple foreign passports, and thus choose the countries most suitable for their purposes.
Put another way, it is perfectly legal to obtain several foreign passports so long as one knows the special rules for their issuance. It is of course legal and possible for citizens of most countries to obtain one or more passports without giving up their present citizenship, even though the widespread belief is that certain countries do not permit dual nationality. Yet approximately 10% of the population of countries like South Africa and the United States of America currently legally hold dual nationality. How dual nationality can be obtained legally is fully explained. In many situations there is no residence requirement. In a few places there is not even any need to ever visit.
Since the special rules involved are certainly not publicized by most foreign ministries, we have been fortunate in receiving this professional report by international attorney and consultant, Dr. W.G. Hill. The Passport Report is unquestionably the most detailed and comprehensive guide available on this subject, and we are pleased to be able to offer it to you.
This report will open your eyes to many ideas and options you've never thought of before. More significantly, it will allow you to realistically appraise the risks of not having a second passport and assets properly placed to enable you to escape, survive and prosper. War, revolutions, political changes, personal economic reverses are all possible, if not inevitable at some time or another. Are you prepared?
Here is a brief overview of the contents of The Passport Report:
Q. Which passports can you obtain almost instantly and for free? How
can you obtain the others legally and in your own name?
A. All of them. Read The Passport Report for specific how-to information.
Sumptuously bound, gold-blocked and printed on top quality paper, The Passport Report contains 300+ pages packed with unique information and is the most detailed and useful book of its kind. Our no-nonsense, money-back guarantee applies if it does not deliver more usable and accurate information than any other report on the same subject, at any price.
ISBN 0 906619 19 X
The Timeless Classic by Dr. W.G. Hill
Do you sincerely want to be rich without knocking yourself out? Do you want respect? Do you need love?
Learn the incredible secret that can bring you the happiness that only money can buy.
Yes, it is possible to become a millionaire in three years or less; at the same time having three times more fun out of life. Of course you are skeptical. So read on.
Most people can only dream about becoming wealthy. They have all the wrong ideas. "Why are some people rich? Why am I not successful?" they wonder.
Here is the answer:
My name is W.G. Hill. I did not make my million (like some authors) by
writing books about things I have not done myself personally. Starting
from scratch, without money, special skills, contacts or luck I founded
eight totally unrelated part-time FUN businesses. I saw each of
them earn me over a million pounds EACH in three years or less. I sat back
and watched the money roll in.
While I was making all this money, I managed to go to an average of five parties a week, plus two or three concerts, play or movies. SEX! My love life didn't suffer either - as I had more "companionship" in a year than most men have in a lifetime. What was the sex-appeal secret of a grumpy, overweight, middle-aged bald guy with crooked teeth and thick glasses? I was doing things that appeared exciting and glamorous to women. I was the action and they came to me. They begged to spend the night. I had to turn down girls that younger, more handsome men would have died for. There is no Aphrodisiac that comes anywhere close to the appeal of Money! And POWER!
When thousands of people depend upon you economically, some will fawn and dote upon your every word. Some try to gain your goodwill with gifts, favors, bribes and offers you can't refuse. When you can refuse. you know that you have arrived. When you can go to the best restaurants in town with your friends and order anything you fancy without considering the price; when you can travel the world free as a bird; then you know that you have ARRIVED! If you can live anywhere in the world, have any partners and friends you want, TELL OFF OR IGNORE government bureaucracy, union officials, politicians and former bosses, then you know you will have found FREEDOM! Then you know you will have found the ABSOLUTE SECURITY of FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE.
With money, everything else will fall into place. Try it!
Would you trade your present life for what I have just described? Then read on. Years ago I was broke, physically in bad shape and seriously in debt. Then I found concealed in a window box, a dusty tattered old book. It had been hidden in the summer cottage of my close friend's father. He was a very rich and powerful man. Later on I discovered that he owed his good fortune to his own discovery of this book many years earlier. Reading the timeless volume I discovered an amazing formula that every single super-rich person seems to have used to gain wealth. It was so incredibly easy to understand that I started to apply it within twenty four hours. In six months I was a millionaire. I never had to work again. Would you like to share these secrets? Let me tell you how you can make your own million in my own version of an earlier book.
In Chapter One I show you how to avoid mistakes that keep 94% of the population just plodding along in a miserable rut - dissatisfied with everything. In Chapter Two you'll learn how to "Think Like a Tycoon"; how to set and achieve goals. You'll discover how to achieve these goals quickly - not by moving up some corporate ladder for 30 years. I know how to make things happen fast plus how to strike it big in Two or Three Years (at the most). You'll be able to use credit and borrow unlimited funds (usually interest free) from bankers and investors. Another important chapter will explain why all the "investments" I once thought of as sound are really only for suckers.
Although the book I read was written two hundred years earlier, it was like Aladdin's Magic Lamp for me. The book changed my life dramatically. After reading that book in two hours I never earned less than a million a year for the next 25 years. Other millionaires went up and down like a yo-yo, but I just kept having more and more fun by getting richer and richer.
Now after many adventures, at the age of 53 I retired (in great comfort I might add), to write my memoirs. But before doing so l wanted to pass on to other ambitious lads the age-old secrets that made me a millionaire at the age of 24. Here comes the pitch: For my special report THINK LIKE A TYCOON - How to Make a Million or More in Three Years or Less.
Ten years ago I took the original timeless secrets of wealth, transformed them into modern English, added my own experiences and witty humor. Then I tested out the formula on my best friend, a poverty stricken but talented jazz musician. Let's call my buddy "Warren Trumpet." For years my friend had been insisting that he seriously wanted to be very rich. I gave him the manuscript of my book. In six months he was a millionaire. In two years more he had gross annual earnings of over FOUR MILLION DOLLARS. As a jazz musician, even with a hit record, The Girl From Ipanema, he had never earned more than twenty thousand a year. Warren never had much of an IQ. A highschool dropout, he used to read and write like a ten year old. But that didn't stop him from using my unpublished manuscript to become rich. Today he is a PT with rumored wealth in the nine digit range. If he can do it, you can do it.
Now - what are we selling? How much will it cost you? Truth is, I'd like to give away these secrets. If everyone used them, the world would be a richer, more productive and happy place. But I learned from the SPCA (Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) that if you give away a puppy, that dog is more likely to be mistreated and kicked around than if you SELL that same pooch for $100.
I want to give you respect, value and the opportunity to seriously apply this incredible, exciting formula. I will not give it to you for free. On the back page is the order form you must complete and send to Scope International now, if you want to get a copy of my sumptuously bound, gold-blocked, new edition of How to Make a Million or More in Three Years or Less. (Personal registered copy, not for resale.)
ISBN 0 9066l9 30 0
"Dear Dr. Hill,
I have just recently (last 6 months) aequired your series of 8 books and
have found them to be magnificent! l am a 24 year old Canadian. I read
your book "Think like a Tycoon" and have put my mediocre asset
base from a net worth of - $11,000 (yes that's negative) to in excess of
$4 million worth of assets in a short 6 months! Incredible!! Even with
the Canadian economy in a recession!!!
Although my lifestyle has not changed one bit I expect to reach the $20 million mark in assets (not net worth, although I won't mind) in another year. At this point l hope to become a P.T. (probably one of the youngest) and enjoy the freedoms of the world." A.V. TORONTO
by Dr. W.G. Hill - 3rd Edition for 1992-93
In this unique and original report the author shows readers how, during the past thirty years he has owned a free Rolls, Ferrari, and several Mercedes - a new one each year - losing absolutely nothing on these fine motor vehicles. Hill shares his secrets explaining how he learned where cars can be bought "tax free" at the lowest factory list prices in the world. He reveals WHY prices in a certain Scandinavian country are much lower than the prices in other countries. Yes, the biggest part of this confidential registered report is about buying tax-free at Scandinavian low prices. Now that you know this secret, why buy this special report? The answer is there is more to it than just buying a car in our secret country:
For instance, without knowing what's in our exciting new report, you'd automatically get Scandinavian Tourist license plates expiring in six months. In the process of "exporting" the car, you would lose your price advantage by paying duties easily and legally avoided. After you read this exclusive report you'll know how to get 2-year Scandinavian or cheap renewal tax-free plates in Germany, Andorra, Gibraltar, USA and England. You will be able to use your car legally all over the world!
Another secret is that you don't have to go to the North Pole to get your tax-free ultra-cheap car. Your car can be delivered to you - while you take your summer vacation in say, sunny Spain. This report includes a list of recommended dealers plus warnings about a few sharks. The alternatives - making your next car deal in the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Gibraltar or Andorra (better for a few brands of cars) are also discussed.
Insurance on your car can cost as much as £4000 per annum, depending on your driving record and whether you can say the "magic words". What Magic Words get you 50% OFF YOUR INSURANCE, and a two year license plate instead of six months? You will learn these secrets only in this special report. For instance, a reader recently paid only £70 per annum for full-coverage car insurance and £45 for annual license plates. Do you spend just £115 as the entire cost (besides gas and oil) of owning a brand new car? Finally this special report it shows (after a year of fun driving and pride of ownership) how to sell your car at a considerable profit over the purchase price. Then you simply repeat the process again and again to have a free luxury car every year of your life!
Can this technique work for everyone? The answer is that it will work for
"almost everyone." It will NOT WORK 100% for a 9 to 5 working
guy who lives in the country of his origin, has only one passport, and
never parks himself or his buggy anywhere outside the country he was born
in. As with most Hill techniques, the "free car" gambit works
best for PTs who have at least one of the five PT flags, i.e. a secondary
residence. Do you spend play-time in a country different from your domicile?
Then you can benefit! The scheme will also be more difficult for those
who insist upon British style right-hand drive steering. As Hill's technique
involves buying in one country tax-free with a low factory list, and selling
in another, the choice of cars and sales-price flexibilty is restricted
with a right-hand drive auto. But for the individual who lives part time
outside of the UK and doesn't mind a left-hand drive, this scheme will
work! More importantly for nine-to-fivers who never travel, some techniques
explained in this book may be used to make considerable savings, even
if not realising the full benefits promised by the title. Any reader should
save at least ten times the price of the book, on the purchase, insurance
and licensing of every car he buys for the rest of his life. The author
feels that this fact makes his new report quite a bargain! We think that
as with all of Dr. Hill's original ideas for PTs you'll get more than your
money's worth from this new report for 1992-3. If you don't agree, send
it back. We promise you a full refund (with a smile)!
ISBN 0 906619 29 7
Two reports in one volume - Double value for money:
2nd Edition Revised and extended for 1993 by Dr. W.G. Hill.
Has W.C. Hill found the ultimate personal tax haven? Here he explores a medieval principality secluded from the rest of the world, yet a short drive from the sparkling beaches of the French Riviera and that bustling European economic powerhouse, Barcelona, Spain. He has found Andorra for you: A hidden haven for the few in the know. Property is still affordable. Living costs are low. Natural beauty, powder snow in winter, miles of ski and hiking trails plus the lowest prices in Europe on a huge selection of goods makes this Mini-Switzerland the top personal tax haven in Europe. It's a place with no economic depression, no rampant AIDS, no random violence and no police intimidation. No nuclear plants are in the vicinity. Andorra has no leftist political parties and hardly a government. The number of people employed by the state is less than 100, yet 60,000 people inhabit this Alpine tax refuge.
There are no taxes whatsoever. Labor unions? Strictly forbidden. There is no hint of a "socialist mentality." Andorrans, all basically anarchists, used to smuggle for a living. They recognize that nobody owes them anything. Today, these mountain people work hard, study hard and try to get ahead. Result: without any big fuss or fanfare they now have a thriving 100% privately-owned, local service-based economy. Their unregulated banking system is among the safest in the world. It is sound, prosperous, computerized, streamlined, discreet and very customer oriented. Some of the wealthiest people in the world prefer Andorra's banks to those famed institutions of secretive Switzerland. Dr. W.G. Hill shows you where, how and when to buy property in this unknown Alpine paradise. Now is the time to get in, he says. In Andorra there is no crime. There is free health care for everyone, including old age pensions. Mail is free, too! Schools are free for everyone. Most entertainment is free and dining out in a first class restaurant before a classical concert is cheap. Andorra has 250 restaurants, some of Europe's best skiing and the largest number of Mercedes limousines per capita in the world. Its people are affluent. They do not pay any taxes at all. Andorra is a cosmopolitan mountain retreat: More than two-thirds of all residents are wealthy, self-made foreigners, most of whom moved to Andorra to escape their own government's red tape and destructive bureaucracy.
Other chapters include: Andorra rated as a Sex Haven. Shopping in Europe's Bargain Basement (where they give you a discount when you buy with credit cards. Why you should not form an Andorran corporation. How to get 3 passports as most Andorrans do - and much, much more.
In the all-new second edition which has been revised and expanded for 1993, Dr. Hill also reveals the secrets of two Spanish enclaves. Os and Llivia are both small, provincial towns hidden in the mountains of Andorra. In fact, they are only accessible via Andorra. As explained in the report, these secret enclaves could be your key to tax freedom, particularly for those interested in becoming prior taxpayers of North European countries (Sweden, Denmark, Germany). Best of all, property prices are even less than those in Andorra-proper.
Andorra is a truly unique haven, and is the only country in the world that encourages its citizens to hold at least three different passports.
Andorra is located on the northern border of Spain, facing southern France.
On the Spanish Costa del Sol to the South, is Gibraltar.
This sovereign British Crown Colony is fast becoming the preferred European
tax haven for offshore corporations. "The Rock of Gibraltar"
is one of the best places in the world to register your tax haven company,
your trust, your car, yacht or airplane. In this report, W.G. Hill examines
in great detail the financial advantages of Gibraltar. He also considers
quality of living, the real estate market, where to get one of the best
car deals in Europe and how to get the most out of life in Gibraltar. This
corporate tax haven is prospering after a 25 year border embargo with Spain.
In more than 20 in-depth chapters, Dr. Hill covers this unique place -
the only country in Europe where you can drive without a driving license
and where setting up a tax haven corporation "offshore" is
as easy as buying Branston Pickles, British Bangers or H.L. Heinz tinned
soups. He answers questions such as: "Yachts, casinos - is this another
Monaco?", "Gibraltar, the new Hong Kong?", "Is Gibraltar
a Sex Haven?" and "Should you get a Gibraltar Passport?".
Chapters include: Confidential Banking in Gibraltar; How to Set Up Your
Own Tax Haven Corporation; Owning a Home in Next-Door Spain. With the vital
information supplied, including a resource list of important contacts,
your feet will hit the "Rock" running.
ISBN 0 906619 319
2nd Edition 1993 by Dr. W.G. Hill
W.G. Hill, the world's leading expert on personal tax havens predicts that Campione, a strange accident of history, anomaly of geography and climatic freak, will be one of the most fashionable tax havens of the next decade. This report shows anyone how to become a legal resident of this soon-to-be discovered enclave of the super-rich.
Campione is a unique semi-autonomous community located entirely within Switzerland. As a separate country, from Switzerland, it is NOT subject to ANY Swiss laws, Swiss taxes or Swiss tax treaties. However, strange as it may seem, becoming a resident of Campione gives one all the advantages of being Swiss, but none of the disadvantages: No compulsory lifetime military summer camps, no heavy Swiss income taxes, none of the disadvantages of being (as Switzerland is) outside the Common Market (EEC).
Campione is a part of the EC with all the benefits of passport-free, visa-free travel, and the right of its citizens to travel, work, engage in commerce or perform services anywhere in the EC. But Campione has no income taxes. Instead of property taxes, local government practically pays you to be a property owner. There is also no VAT (value added tax).
The cost of living is less than half that of Monte Carlo, Paris, London or New York. Property is relatively cheap also ... for the moment! There is no pollution, industry or crime. The mountain and lake scenery is breathtaking. The sub-Alpine climate and year-round temperature is second to none.
A vibrant social and cultural life is a few minutes away in Lugano or Locarno by regular ferry boat. Take the superhighway due south from Campione and in forty-five minutes you can hear the world's best grand opera at La Scala, or visit the fabulous shops of downtown Milan.
There are more bankers and stockbrokers locally in Lugano and Chiasso than you can count. The area is second only to Zurich in the proliferation of financial services. All Tokyo, London and Wall Street publications are available at many stands on the day of publication. Locally you can eat in several hundred ethnic gourmet restaurants and see first-run English language films in a movie palace, the likes of which no longer exist in most big cities. Most of the action is in Lugano, ten minutes across the lake by 'vaporetto' busboat, or over the one mile long causeway by car.
Shopping, dining, night clubbing, golf, horses, tennis clubs, spectator sports... every pleasure known to man is available. Modern hospitals, and internationally known clinics attract the wealthiest people of the world to the area for a variety of cures and treatments.
The present population of 3,000 is just 10% of Monaco's. Monte Carlo has 33,000 people on a similar square mile of waterfront. Campione in 1993 is like Monte Carlo in 1952, before it became 'in' and developed into a mini-Manhattan.
"Property values could continue to escalate like no where else in the world," says Hill. This Special Report gives the who, what, where, why, when, and how. Hill feels that Campione is a great place to escape to, while still relatively uncongested. In five or ten years as it becomes overcrowded, it may be the place you can escape from. But your $250,000 villa would hopefully be a $25 million hotel or apartment site by then. In the meantime, you have a conveniently located European home base, you can pick up an EEC passport after five to seven years of residence, and you can enjoy life in Campione, one of the most unusual spots on Earth.
ISBN 0 906619 22 X
5th Edition Revised and Expanded for 1992-3 by Dr. W.G. Hill
There are many places where you could live and be free of income taxes, inheritance and estate taxes, and real estate taxes. But most are isolated, too cold, too hot, too Third World, or simply too dull. Monaco is the only tax haven located a short drive from several truly major cities, and at the same time in a resort area well known for its glitter and the non-stop action of major gambling casinos. It boasts fine beaches, golf and tennis clubs. This report looks at tax havens in general and compares Monaco with the runnersup: Andorra, Bermuda, Campione and Liechtenstein. It provides a simple test to see if Monaco is 'your cup of tea.'
Tax havens are discussed in a way that shows how they may be used to advantage by middle class people (not just the very wealthy) fed up with high taxes and government controls. But more importantly, a new possibility is discussed: the option of being a 'Permanent Traveler,' spending up to six months a year in the most enjoyable places of the world, being able to avoid taxes entirely because you are legally classified as a tourist. The report also goes into the question of how to earn a living, manage a business, handle investments, form corporations or trusts, etc.
The Monaco Report documents how, contrary to popular belief, it is possible to live in a hotel, eat regularly, and have a pleasant month in Monaco on a modest budget. But as a practical matter, a liveable apartment with a sea-view can cost as little as £600 a month - considerably less than half the price of similar accommodation in New York or London. And the weather is far better! There are a few problems in paradise, one of them being the French Government. But for those who read this Special Report, the effect of French fiscal measures can be completely and legally avoided by not making the mistake of transferring substantial assets to Monaco banks and fiduciaries. The moves to win the game are all in The Monaco Report.
The surprisingly simple legal steps to take to become a resident and obtain the coveted Monaco Identity Card are revealed. It is absolutely free, the main requirement being the ability to support yourself without taking away a Monegasque's job. There is no net worth requirement and once in Monaco, many interesting jobs and opportunities are available. Also covered are such questions as whether to buy or to rent, meeting new friends or single men and women; why Americans have a particularly good deal in Monaco; even advice on getting a good parking spot...
The Monaco Report is masterfully written and is designed to spare many months of seeking answers and save many thousands ot dollars getting the wrong ones!
ISBN 0 906619 20 3
6th Edition Revised and Expanded for 1992-93 by Dr. W.G. Hill
How would you like to earn an additional £10,000 + a year? No investment, time nor expertise is required, but a minimum net worth (or means) of UK £250,000 is needed to qualify. There is no work to do; no expertise is required. Quite simply, you fill out a form, and in due course you become a member or 'Name' at Lloyd's. You could expect an income of between UK £10,000 and UK £200,000 per year for the rest of your life; doors will open to excellent asset management opportunities, plus much invaluable business information and social contacts.
But what about the risk? You have read stories about members who have been driven into bankruptcy by their unlimited liability. Let's put those horror stories into perspective: In round numbers, Lloyd's has about 26,000 members. In an average year, a few hundred of them walk away with up to a million dollars in profit (without any investment whatsoever). Thousands of others might deposit cheques in excess of $100,000; and the average "Joe Member" could expect to make around $30,000 from an exposure of £350,000 for which a letter of credit of £136,500 costing £1000, is required. In a bad year like the two we have just experienced, some Names had containable losses. Others were protected by stop-loss policies to limit their loss to 10% of their total allocation. An unlucky few individuals found themselves writing checks in excess of $l00,000 after experiencing losses on some syndicates in excess of 100% of their individual allocations. Had they read our report they probably would have taken the recommended action to avoid such losses.
The recent bad publicity is really quite unreflective of the true situation. It simply isn't nearly as bad as it is painted. Yet the current rash of newspaper horror stories do create an opportunity! This year is truly unique in the past thirty years! Faint-hearted, newer, easily-panicked members are dropping out like scared, exhausted rabbits. With just a bit more stamina they could finish in the money. Their departures are your opportunity. For the first time in decades, there are openings on many of the "better" syndicates. Instead of waiting five or ten years to get a good spread of profitable, highly-rated syndicates, a new member today, with proper guidance can position himself on the ground floor. New members can get set for a reaI whiz-bang ascent when the self adjusting insurance market recovers and again becomes profitable - as it always does.
When Hill was first asked by a potentiaI Lloyd's candidate to investigate Lloyd's, he was very skeptical of such a perfect arrangement. However he accepted the challenge of doing an in-depth study of Lloyd's as a business opportunity. The client paid $6000 for a Special Report that, with his permission, we have now published.
Surprisingly, Hill concluded that although a Lloyd's membership was not a one-way street to riches, it was one of the better and least risky business opportunities in the world today. He discovered a secret about all the bad publicity: It was very much like the frequent public relations releases of a Las Vegas Casino announcing big winners. Insurance underwriting is much like owning a gambling casino. Big losses are good business. Rates are set to cover losses and yield a profit. Without losses there would be no insurance industry. Hill's client eventually joined Lloyd's. This client's later experiences, related in our report, show all the positive and negative aspects of Lloyd's Membership.
There were some surprises, and the procedure for becoming a member was an unusual experience, to put it mildly. In many conversations with people connected with Lloyd's, the client was discouraged from joining. The reason for this is another secret Hill discovered in the course of his investigation...
Exact steps to be taken and sources to contact are provided in the report including the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all the Underwriting Agencies at Lloyd's. Here is all you need to know. We found this to be one of the most fascinating of Dr Hill's superior reports.
ISBN 0 906619 18 1
1st Edition New for 1993 by Adam Starchild
The words "Tax Haven" bring to mind far off corners of the planet with millionaire populations. This population, of course, spends most of its day drinking daiquiris on the beach, its funds secure in various numbered Swiss bank accounts. Not so, according to Adam Starchild (well, he doesn't fit the daiquiri bit). Tax havens need not be the exclusive recluse of the ultra-rich. People of average means need no longer be captive slaves to the State in today's modern jet-set era. In his newly written Special Report for 1993, The Tax Haven Report, Adam Starchild reveals these secrets of the ultra-rich so that us lesser mortals can take advantage of the many benefits tax havens have to offer.
As modern governments continue to expand and swallow human rights, deficits and taxes grow. All free-minded individuals must seek a means to protect their assets from this monster out of control. As Starchild explains, it is legally possible to pay absolutely no taxes. Your government may want you to think otherwise. The media may love to tattle about the misery of a particular celebrity "tax evader," but a very important point remains unnoticed. While "tax evasion" is illegal, "tax avoidance" is not. This distinction is crucial, and thus Starchild explains it at great length.
Starchild goes on to cover this exhausting subject from start to finish in a clear, easy to understand style. No legal jargon here. He brings over twenty years of experience to the production of this report and doesn't hop on the bandwagons for the latest "fad" tax havens. (It is not commonly known, but tax havens are just as interested in finding you as you are in finding them.) He explains everything from the basic criteria you should use when assessing a tax haven to how you can put them to work to save you that big chunk of your income whisked off each year by Big Brother.
For entrepreneurs and businessmen, he explains the ins and outs of tax haven corporations and trusts, including how they are formed, how they are controlled, where they can be located, and, most importantly, how they can seriously reduce, if not eliminate, the tax burden of your business.
Starchild explains the basics of some of the known and not-so-known tax havens of the world. He divides them into easily identifiable categories, including:
No-tax havens: The Bahamas, Bermuda, The Cayman Islands. Foreign-source-income-havens: Panama, Cyprus, Malta, The Isle of Man, Jersey, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Hong Kong. Double-taxation agreement havens: The Netherlands, Austria, Luxembourg, Switzerland, and Leichtenstein.
This report is essential reading for anyone interested in reducing his tax burden. With over 170 pages of vital information, we are certain that you can develop a successful plan to reduce your tax burden as a result of reading this report. We are so certain that we do not even hesitate to offer it with our standard money-back guarantee. Unless you are absolutely satisfied return it within 28 days for a full refund.
ISBN 0 906619 39 4
1st Edition 1992-93 by Marshall J. Langer
Are you fed up with paying confiscatory taxes? Are you willing to move and do whatever else may be legally necessary to escape your present tax problem? If so, The Tax Exile Report is for you. This report is intended for the small minority of well-to-do individuals who are no longer willing to tolerate increasingly unfair tax systems and are prepared to vote with their feet. Marshall Langer's brand new report tells you how to overcome the tax octopus - eight different criteria used by the United States and other high tax countries to tax you on your income and capital. To avoid confiscatory taxes you must eliminate each of the eight tax tentacles, one by one.
This report tells you how to do it. Langer tells you how to change your residence and your domicile, and when and how to acquire another nationality. He explains how to cope with community property rules. His report also tells you how to change the source of your income and the location of your assets. He helps you to watch your timing and to deal with problems caused by family members who remain behind.
Should you become a perpetual tourist (PT) or should you move to a new homeland? The report will help you to make the right choice. The Tax Exile Report deals with the special problems involved in leaving high-tax countries, including America (the U.S.), Britain, Canada, Germany and the Nordic countries. Langer concentrates on demystifying the U.S. rules and telling you how they really work. He tells you how to plan around the U.S. anti-expatriation rules and the departure taxes imposed in other countries. His report devotes twenty chapters to a review of suitable destination countries, describing the benefits and pitfalls of each of them. Surprisingly these include some of the high-tax countries that others are seeking to escape. Langer explains that most high-tax countries play both ends against the middle. They constantly squeeze their captive "customers" while seeking to attract new investment from abroad. The depth of coverage can best be seen by reviewing the partial summary of the table of contents.
Eight different criteria for Taxes - Residence - Domicile - Citizenship
- Marital Status - Source of Income - Location of Assets - Timing - Status
of Beneficiaries - The U.S. uses all of these criteria
LEAVING AMERICA (the U.S.): Abandoning U.S. Residency - How a US
Citizen or Resident Alien is Taxed - How a Nonresident Alien is Taxed -
Four Hypothetical Examples - Abandoning U.S. Domicile - Abandoning US Citizenship
LEAVING BRITAIN (the U.K.): Abandoning Residence and Ordinary Residence
- How Domicile Affects Your Tax Liability - Wife Can Have Separate Domicile
- Citizenship is Irrelevant for Tax Purposes - Tax Implications
LEAVING CANADA: Capital Gains Tax at Death - Departure Tax Planning
- Domicile and Citizenship Irrelevant
LEAVING GERMANY: Extended Limited Tax Liability - Deemed Disposition
of Substantial Holdings
LEAVING HONG KONG: Political Exiles - Suitable Destinations
LEAVING THE NORDIC COUNTRIES: Denmark: Continued Residence and a
Departure Tax - Finland: Taxes its Citizens who Retain Ties - Norway:
Holds on Unless You Are Taxed Abroad - Sweden: Taxes Some Citizens
Living Abroad
LEAVING OTHER EC COUNTRIES: France: Taxes Citizens who move to Monaco
- Greece: Taxes Transfers by Nonresident Citizens - Netherlands:
Permits Escape to Antilles
MOVING TO AMERICA (the U.S.): Part-Time Residence is Best - Longer
Stays are Dangerous - New Investor's Immigration Program
MOVING TO AUSTRALIA: Requirements for Business Migration
MOVING TO THE BAHAMAS: Investment Promotion Program - Other Advantages
Include No Taxes
MOVING TO BERMUDA: Requirements, Other Advantages Include No Taxes
MOVING TO BRITAIN (the U.K.): Advantages - Possible Disadvantages
- Residency Rules Retained - Domicile Rules May Change
MOVING TO CANADA: Requirements for Economic Migration - Comparing
the US and Canada
MOVING TO CAYMAN: Immigration Quotas - Other Advantages Include
No Taxes
MOVING TO THE CHANNEL ISLANDS (Jersey/Guernsey/Sark): Jersey Wants
only the Very Rich - Other Advantages - Possible Residence or Domicile
in Sark
MOVING TO COSTA RICA: Requirements for Pensionado Status
- No Tax on Foreign Income
MOVING TO ISRAEL: Shipping Magnate Moves Back to Israel
MOVING TO MALTA: Requirements for New Residents - Other Advantages
MOVING TO MONACO: Acquiring Residence Takes Time and Money - Other
Requirements - Not for French Citizens - Other Advantages
MOVING TO SWITZERLAND: Retire with a Lump-Sum Tax Deal - Visit as
a PT for Almost Half of Each Year - You Can Get a Work Permit -
Other Advantages
MOVING TO TURKS AND CAICOS: Residence Permits are Available - Permanent
Residence Certificate - Nationality and Belonger Status - Other Advantages
Include No Taxes
MOVING TO URUGUAY: Self-Help Program - Investor Program - Other
Advantages Include No Income Tax
MOVING TO OTHER EC COUNTRlES (France/Greece/ ltaly/Portugal/Spain):
Millions of PTs Live Near the Mediterranean - Homes are Owned by
Offshore Companies - PTs Avoid Official Residence - Former Domicile
Remains Unchanged
MOVING ELSEWHERE: Tiny Andorra in the Pyrenees - Anquilla: Escaping from Civilization - Antigua: Has Beautiful Beaches
- Barbados: a Sophisticated Caribbean Island - British Virgin
Islands: Offer Superb Sailing - Campione: Is a Back Door to
Switzerland - Isle of Man: Close to the U.K. - Mauritius:
in the Indian Ocean - Mexico: Attracts Retired Americans - Montserrat:
a Pleasant Caribbean Island - Northern Marianas: a plan to Save
Taxes - Panama: as a Place to Retire - Singapore: Attracts
Hong Kong Chinese - South Africa: Has Political Problems - Sri
Lanka: Is Disturbed Politically - Other Possible Safe Havens.
ISBN 0 906619 34 3
by Marshall J. Langer - With Foreword by Dr. W. G. Hill
Some countries pride themselves on being 'like Switzerland,' but there is only one Switzerland - the most respected small country in the world. The Swiss Report takes you inside this country and the institutions that make it tick.
Switzerland is not exactly a tax haven but - it is the world's greatest money haven. Chances are you already keep some of your money in Swiss banks. The Swiss Report takes you inside this country that is deservedly called "the world's safest place for your money."
The report describes Switzerland's banks, its world renowned bank secrecy, and attempts by other countries to end that secrecy. It discusses the controls that limit nonresidents to buying small amounts of Swiss real estate. It describes the companies typically used by investors and shows how you can save money by using a limited liability company instead of a corporation.
Langer considers Switzerland to be both a tax planner's dream and nightmare. Correctly used, in the ways spelled out in this report it can be a base for you to earn money at a nil tax rate.
The report tells you how to visit Switzerland - places to visit - where to stay - how best to travel - where to eat. Would you like to stay longer? The report also tells you how to live and work in Switzerland, or retire there. Sure there are restrictions on obtaining permits to live in Switzerland. If it didn't have them, millions would try to live and work there. Residence permits are difficult to obtain, but not impossible, and The Swiss Report shows you how to get them. It even discusses how you can spend up to six months each year in Switzerland as a 'Permanent Traveler' (PT), legally remaining a tourist instead of a taxpayer.
Dr. W.G. (Bill) Hill regards Marshall Langer as his 'guru.' Langer is a tax lawyer and the author of several books including standard reference work on tax havens, Practical International Tax Planning, published by New York's Practicing Law Institute. After more than thirty years of law practice in Florida, Langer moved to Europe. He lived in Neuchatel, Switzerland for five years and still operates a company from there. Dr. Hill has encouraged Langer to share his know-how about Switzerland with readers of these reports Langer's clients have willingly paid him large fees for many of the insights he has learned as a Swiss-based international tax planner and which he now shares with you in The Swiss Report.
Our Report answers the questions:
These and many other questions are answered in The Swiss Report. We highly recommend it.
ISBN 0 906619 23 8
REMEMBER: Our no nonsense money back guarantee applies to all our publications.
by Scope International
A mere change of legal address could typically double the income of many people. In most cases, tax savings alone could finance all travel and living expenses. Greater financial freedom and flexibility are also factors to consider.
Domicile is normally a question of personal intention, not physical presence. Thus, a person who calls a certain place 'home' can travel elsewhere for years, but his domicile will stay the same. True, some tax havens, notably Monaco, have fairly strict rules to the effect that to obtain a resident's card one must actually be present six months a year. But many other tax havens don't issue residence cards or even keep track of their citizens. We naturally prefer a domicile with this sort of informal approach. Residence is proven by such things as a mailing address, telephone listing, apartment lease, driving license, bank accounts or house deeds, etc.
Tax Haven Domicile on a Channel Island
- How to do it
Basically, one rents or buys suitable accomodation, arranges for appropriate identity documents, and establishes a means whereby telephone messages and mail may be held or forwarded. A checking account is opened, credit cards are obtained, and presto, the move is complete.
Generally, two additional steps are taken:
The Channel Island Report gives all the details of a tax haven which proved ideal. It is inexpensive: £50 per month, and this includes mail services. The initial arrangements can all be completed by mail. Assistance is given on opening a bank account and obtaining identification, both of which require personal references at the tax haven itself. Other people, not so well informed, have paid up to US $375,000 for arrangements that from a legal point of view, are identical.
This particular tax haven is 100% English-speaking, and has tougher bank-secrecy laws than Switzerland.
The government is perhaps the least intrusive of any nation on Earth, and is a protectorate of a major power. It is politically stable, located within commuting distance of Paris and London. It is totally free of crimes of violence or fraud. Communications are excellent.
ISBN 0 9066 19 38 6
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