Below are analysts of psyops. I divide the analysts into two main groups:
--- those who recognise 9/11 as a psyop where death and injury were staged
--- those who only recognise 9/11 as an inside job
Analysts who recognise 9/11 as a psyop where death and injury were staged AND recognise the truth of the moon landings
Petra Liverani (if you're person who recognises these two things please email me at )
Analysts who recognise 9/11 as a psyop where death and injury were staged
Earthly Fireflies - their 1-hour video is the single best source to understand 9/11
Miles Mathis
John Le Bon
Simon Shack
Allan Weisbecker
Jon Revusky
Piece of mindful
Cutting through the fog
The Unexpected Cosmology - Noel Joshua Hadley
Analysts who only recognise 9/11 as an inside job
Michel Chossudovsky - Global Research
Ole Dammegård - Light on Conspiracies
Richard Dolan - Richard Dolan Press
James Tracy - Memory hole blog
James Fetzer - James Fetzer Blog
Kevin Barrett - Truth Jihad
Henry Makow
James Corbett
David Ray Griffin
Graeme MacQueen
Sofia Smallstorm - Unraveling Sandy Hook - 90 minute film
YouTubers and posters
There are many, many more than listed here. All you have to do is go to YouTube and enter "event name" + "hoax" and you'll see a cornucopia of videos on these events - except that now they're being shut down more and more so you just have to try your best to get what you can. Because of the YouTube censorship, many posters are moving to If links to a YouTube video don't work, you could try finding it on 153news.
While I completely agree with many posters that there is a strong Zionist element to these false flag hoaxes, I abhor racist type use of "bagel biters" and so on so even if I think analysis in such videos is good I avoid linking to them. The evidence is tending me to think that many non-Jews (including Muslims) support Zionism while even orthodox Jews (such as Yehuda Littman) can be completely against it so it really isn't about Judaism at all - it's never about the religion itself because religious texts can always be used to suit different agendas. I also agree with analysts on some things but disagree on others.
Peekay22 - Shut down
Anaconda MaltLiquor - Shut down (on
North Americans
HowISee TheWorld - videos removed.
RussianVids -
Lift the Veil
UK Critical Thinker - YouTube channel shut down and moved to whose performance is less reliable
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