Arthur Schopenhauer
Whenever I hear of a terror event reported breathlessly by the media 24/7 all around the world, if I can be bothered as there are simply too many of them, I head to YouTube and enter "terror event" + "hoax" to see what the staged event analysts have come up with. These valiant people constantly open new channels as older ones are closed down and find different ways to get around YouTube censorship to get the truth out. (Since early 2018, YouTube have changed their search algorithms and it is much more difficult to find hoax videos now. They have also ramped up censhorship very, very alarmingly.)
Apart from relying on their much greater skills of observation and willingness to plough through the nauseating massmedia material to get their nuggets of hoaxery, I apply my own simple technique: I look for anomalies in what the media TELL us compared to what they SHOW us, for example, in Manchester they TELL us that 22 people died and 250 were injured but they SHOW us only a single, blurry image of the bomb scene which doesn't resemble in the least the scene you would expect from the alleged data.
Another thing to look for are really quite unbelievable things and sloppiness. According to analyst, Ole Dammegard, the power elite justify their hoaxing of us by the fact that through showing us stuff that is really not believable at all and sheer sloppiness they are, in fact, TELLING us what they're up to and if we don't figure it out and call them out for it, the fault lies with us, not them and thus they will be spared karmic repercussions. For example, at Sandy Hook, David Wheeler, who is an actor, plays the role of both the father of a victim and an FBI agent. If you wish to stage an event as realistically as possible you do not have one person obviously play two roles. (The debunkers claim it is not the same person and that the FBI agent is actually Bill Aldenberg. Decide for yourself.) Note that many Americans are especially outraged by Sandy Hook because it had a gun-control agenda - I'm all for gun control myself - but not by hoaxing the population. I tend to think that this is just a purported agenda. I think that the more likely agenda of these staged mass shootings is not greater gun control but simply a means to suck people into selling their souls and to foment disharmony between those who support greater gun control and those who don't. (Some analysts claim that the mass shooting in Port Arthur, Tasmania was staged - I could not say as I haven't looked at that event closely enough - but if it were staged, gun control as the agenda is perfectly plausible in Australia and, in fact, stricter gun control was, in fact, implemented on the back of that incident. However, it's not the same in the US and I will be curious to see if any significant changes are made to gun control laws.)
Interestingly, in the case of the latest event, Florida High School shooting (Feb 2018), I've noticed that a couple of analysts, unaware of the fact that the power elite tell us through their sloppy, etc signalling, have expressed their belief that the sloppiness is so bad it must be deliberate.
So some of the hallmarks, at least, (which may not be present for every event) are as follows:
1, Event is effectively a drill, often preceded days and weeks before by other drills (or events similar to drills):
3. Big discrepancy between what we are TOLD and what we are SHOWN. There are no images to be found on the internet of any bodies, blood or injured at the Sandy Hook Elementary School with virtually no indication of them even, despite the claim that 20 children and 6 adults died while there are plenty of images of blood and injured to be found of the Boston Bombing. (This can be explained by the desire to not have children involved in the staging of the event.)
4. Deliberate unbelievable aspects to justify hoaxing - if we're too silly to pick them up, it's our own fault. Even allowing for a wide range of how people display grief, these parents of a victim at Manchester simply have no credibility and it is very obvious that no attempt is made to make them seem as though they are genuinely grieving.
5. IDs very conveniently left behind - Manchester, Berlin, Paris, Nice, London, New York: Passports and IDs Mysteriously Discovered in the Wake of Terror Attacks
6. Perpetrators are immediately or quickly identified and often killed. They are also known to intelligence and authorities. Omar Mateen, the alleged shooter at the Orlando nightclub, was working as a security guard for the intelligence and advisory services company, G4S, when he was filmed undercover by the director of The Big Fix, the highly-praised film about the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Mateen's father is Seddique Mateen who had an occasional television show on a US-based Afghan satellite channel for about three years. One might suppose from this article that Mateen senior has intelligence connections.
(The approach of John Pilger and Nafeez Ahmed is to point out that the perpetrators are known and to ask why no one did anything to prevent these terrible events happening. Their research should inform them better than this - as neither of them has replied to my emails to them questioning the Manchester Bombing, I have to wonder if they're being disingenuous and "false-flag hoax" is simply an inconvenient paradigm - they just want the situation to be one where they can criticise the government for wilful laxness rather than for it to be the more radical situation of the government involved in the actual perpetration of a false-flag hoax. The evidence clearly shows that the events are staged which means that the perpetrators aren't merely "known" to intelligence and authorities, they're obviously "employed" by them as patsies. And, we have point 5 above to further support this claim.)
7. Lack of expected evidence, notably CCTV footage. Oh yes, the authorities are very good at installing CCTV everywhere to monitor the citizens but when they want to do their own thing, they just make them "not work", or turn them off to "save money" (Westminster, seriously), or simply do not display the footage (Stockholm truck rampage, Melbourne donut guy (we only see the footage where people jump out of the way, not where they are killed)). That's POWER for you.
8. Heroes - There is usually at least one hero (often a crisis actor or sometimes a politician or similar willing to be in on it) and sometimes more: a person who saves lives, helps the wounded, or deals with the perpetrator/s and is hailed as a great person. At the Boston Bombing, Carlos Arredondo helped amputee crisis actor "Jeff Bauman" (real name Nick Vogt) who supposedly lost his legs in the event and wheeled him along in a wheelchair. There's a few anomalies in Carlos's story.
9. Fundraising - Fundraising pages for the victim/s or hero will be organised in super quick time and in some cases digital evidence shows that fundraising pages have been set up before the event actually happens. Digital evidence shows that fundraising sites and similar webpages for Sandy Hook were set up in the days before the event.
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