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Nuclear Weapons Hoax

All terror is fake.

Francis Richard Conolly

10 points that favour the hypothesis that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed by the same method used to bomb other Japanese cities, that is, fire-bombing, over the hypothesis they were bombed by atom bombs.

1. Below are two videos: the first showing Hiroshima and Nagasaki after alleged nuclear bombing, and the second showing Tokyo after admitted fire-bombing. For all three cities, we see that fire-resistant constructions remained and there is nothing to distinguish their destruction profiles. Of considerable importance also, as explained in this video, Atomic Bomb Vs. Tokyo Fire Bomb Damage. is the fact that far more destruction was caused to Japanese cities by conventional fire-bombing than by alleged nuclear bombs thus even if nuclear bombs had destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki they would still be a beatup.

2. Free e-book, Hiroshima revisited: the evidence that napalm and mustard gas helped fake the atomic bombings, (2020), Michael Palmer, Associate Professor, biochemistry, University of Waterloo,
From author: "An important and oft-cited expert witness, the Russian-American pilot and aeronautical engineer Alexander de Seversky, documented in September 1945 that the cities looked identical to others that had been destroyed with incendiaries and explosives. However, a few things set the two cities apart from others. Foremost among them is "radiation sickness", - both acute and delayed, that is, cancer and leukemia. If there were no atomic bombs, how can radiation sickness be accounted for? Aside from the "workaday" destruction that does not match a proper nuclear detonation, decisive proof against atomic bombs comes from the radioactive fallout. While such fallout is indeed found at both cities, it, too, does not match a real bomb. At Hiroshima, we merely find a tiny bit of what looks like a mixture of reactor waste and reactor fuel. At Nagasaki, we find plutonium in considerable amounts. It can be shown, however, that this plutonium was not dispersed in 1945, but only some two years later.
This finding fits with a prediction made by leading atom bomb scientist Arthur Compton in May 1945, namely, that it would be two years yet until plutonium would become available for building bombs from it."

3. Book, Death Object: Exploding The Nuclear Weapons Hoax, Akio Nakatani (pseudonym), expert in applied mathematics, (2017).
From an Amazon review (note book no longer available on Amazon):
"... presents a solid case that the supposed nuclear bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki were hoaxes. Using eye witness testimony and photographic evidence, it shows that both cities were destroyed by fire-bombing rather than nuclear explosions. The author also does a good job of discussing the technical difficulties of the entire concept of nuclear bombs, and the inconsistencies in the official historiography of the Los Alamos project ...
There also is medical evidence that is hard to reconcile with the idea of a nuclear blast: people very close to the supposed hypocentre of the explosion but not showing any signs of severe irradiation etc (see for example Pathology of atomic bomb casualties). Moreover, in Nagasaki, people reportedly survived in "primitive hillside shelters, practically at ground zero," where they were "unharmed by the atomic blast, heat, and radiation" (Alexander de Seversky, "Air power: key to survival," Simon & Schuster, 1950.)

4. In a video no longer available, the perfectly reasonable case is made that bombers allegedly sent to bomb Imabari, an already twice-bombed city 35 miles from Hiroshima, were really sent to bomb Hiroshima. Imabari had been bombed earlier to the point that trains were no longer stopping there and yet 66 bombers were sent to bomb it at the time of Hiroshima - see Google Book, Inferno: the Firebombing of Japan by Edwin Hoyt, p. 109, a conversation between a conscripted Japanese man and locals about the reason no trains were scheduled to stop at Imabari. Logically, it makes no sense to bomb an already completely bombed city while geographically it makes perfect sense to pretend to send the bombers to Imabari which would simply fly over and bomb Hiroshima. It would have only taken them 6 minutes to fly the extra 35 miles to Hiroshima and only the lead bomber need know that a city different from the one told to the bombers was being bombed - if indeed, the bombers were even told which city they were bombing at all. We know that information is provided on a need-to-know basis in the military so perhaps prior to the bombing, at least, they weren't told ... but if they were they would probably have no reason to suspect they weren't bombing the city they were told they were bombing.

5. In this footage showing Little Boy, the alleged nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima, being prepared we see a bomb that looks no different from conventional WWII bombs.

6. The colour of the atomic bomb explosions we are shown is orange or yellow with some black smoke. Nuclear experts claimed that the Little Boy explosion reached 6,000°C on the ground and also claim that a nuclear explosion is brighter than the sun. The problem is, a yellowish color indicates a relatively low temperature hydrocarbon flame.

7. Ludicrous miracle survivor stories are told about Hiroshima survivors, for example, The Incredible Story of the Miracle at Hiroshima. Unbelievable miracle survivor stories are typical of psyops.
"The bomb exploded half a mile from the Jesuit Church of Our Lady's Assumption. More than 100,000 people were killed instantly and thousands more died months later from the effects of radiation. However, the church building and eight Jesuit priests stationed there survived."

8. Analysis of Trinity and Bikini atoll atom bomb testing by Miles Mathis shows fakery.

9. Stories about Iranian nuclear scientists being "assassinated" and imprisonment of alleged leaker of Israeli nuclear secrets, Mordechai Vanunu, have psyop fingerprints all over them.
Wikipedia bio of alleged leaker of Israeli nuclear weapons secrets, Mordechai Vanunu, completely unconvincing, especially section of bio linked to
Iranian nuclear scientist killed by one-ton automated gun in Israeli hit: Jewish Chronicle (Feb 11, 2021), unconvincing

10. The alleged plane that dropped the "Little Boy" bomb on Hiroshima was named Enola Gay by the pilot for his mother, Enola Gay Tibbets. Does it not seem strange that a pilot would name a plane that was going to drop a bomb to kill a huge number of people in a horrible way after his mother?
Wikipedia - Enola Gay

The alleged plane that dropped the "Fat Man" bomb on Nagasaki was named Bockscar for the pilot, Captain Frederick C. Bock, who was assigned to fly the plane but which, allegedly, ultimately was flown by Major Charles W. Sweeney.
Wikipedia - Bockscar

Check out the Bockscar nose art and note the number 77, reminiscent of Flight 77 at the Pentagon.
Image of Bocscar nose

From analyst, Unpopular Opinion

From Substack, Dispatches from Reality, an analysis with some focus on the occult aspects
Anders Björkman - My Atomic Bomb Findings - The grand manipulation 1945-2024 (this site is also good for Soviet fakery and for a more overall analysis)

This website is a treasure trove of information exposing the nuclear weapons hoax - not the best-laid out website and an unpleasant anti-Semitic tone, however, there is still good information.
Big lies - Nuke Lies forum

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