C. Wright Mills
The term false flag was used historically to describe the covert stratagem whereby a state would fly the flag of another state that it wished to attack on one of its own naval ships and have that ship pretend to attack (or even really attack - see below)* another of its ships to make it seem that the other state was the instigator of aggression. This gave pretext to the real belligerent to attack the alleged instigator.
The modern use of the term false flag describes covert operations, generally carried out by intelligence agencies with the help of military, other services and the media, that are made to look as if they're perpetrated by others and are designed to instil fear and terror in the population. It is also useful to distinguish between a "real" false flag, that is, a staged event where people really are killed and injured and a false-flag hoax, where the event is completely staged and no one is killed or injured. It is claimed that the type of event we have seen over the last five years is of the false-flag hoax type: no one has been killed or injured (except, perhaps, potential whistleblowers and the like) and the purpose of the events has been simply to instil fear and terror in the population in order that they maintain focus on the seeming enemy and become more malleable in submitting to stricter control by the state. The fomenting of disharmony between groups will provide the pretext to instigate war, always enriching to the power elite. These fear-inducing false-flag hoaxes are termed Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operations (psyops) by the intelligence agencies who conduct them.
Wikipedia has a good entry on false flags and this webpage describes 53 admitted false flags.
* False flags can have multiple agendas, for example, rather than faking the attack, it may be a real one in order to get rid of unwanted people on your own side. An example of staging a false flag where people on one's own side were deliberately killed is shown in a recent based-on-true-story film (I won't say which because it will be a spoiler if you haven't seen it). where a spy helps the other side organise an attack which kills a particular person on the spy's side who was wanted rid of. Thus the spy side both facilitated the attack while making it seem as though the enemy was the instigator and at the same time got rid of the unwanted person on their own side. I have a poor memory for films but it may be that the only (or at least primary) point of the attack was, in fact, to get rid of the unwanted person on their own side.
Operation Gladio, a clandestine North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) "stay-behind" operation in Italy during the Cold War, is connected to a number of false flag events, notably the bombing at Bologna Station in 1980 allegedly killing 85 that was initially blamed on the communist Red Brigades group but was really conducted by neo-fascist operatives recruited by Gladio forces. The photographic evidence suggests this was a false-flag hoax, not a real false flag.
Operation Northwoods, a now declassified document, was a never-realised false flag plan conceived in the early 1960s to make Cuba look responsible for attacks, both real and simulated, on the US, to justify instigation of war.
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