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Vince Emanuele, alleged veteran for peace

The exchange below is between Vince Emanuele, alleged veteran, representing Veterans for Peace, who gave a talk in 2013 in Marrickville, Sydney that I attended, and me. After trying to make contact unsuccessfully with Veterans for Peace and Veterans against the War groups to get their opinion on the Collateral Murder video I started to suspect they were front groups (which isn't to say they don't have perfectly legitimate members). I reviewed the video of the talk given by Vince and could only come to the conclusion that he is, indeed, controlled opposition and an agent of some sort, his attitude in the exchange below only further confirming that hypothesis.

Here are the reasons for my inference you are controlled opposition.

Firstly, you didn't reply to my message on the Collateral Murder video - and, in fact, I can get no one in the Veterans for Peace groups to respond on that video which is clearly faked - my analysis here:
Wikileaks & Controlled Opposition.

Failure by a single person to respond indicates that these groups are fronts.

[Marrickville video bookmarked to point from which analysis is done below.]

On viewing the Marrickville video I was struck by how tightly scripted the whole thing felt. I know from detecting controlled opposition in various places that you guys are excellent at being wolves in sheep's clothing - I mean you use the language, you don't pull punches at sounding just like a real disillusioned vet might sound ... but it has that distinct wolf in sheep's clothing ring to it and there's always signs.

When you tell the story of the first person you killed it's not entirely convincing. You give no reason for why you killed him - surely the situation in which you killed him would be vivid in your mind. You say that you shot him in the back of the head and then describe how he looked from the front. If you shot him in the back of the head one would tend to assume that he went down on his face but perhaps you can explain how he ended up on his back?

Then you say:
"and one of our Marines actually jumped on the body and started punching it in the face ...
so angry they didn't know what to do ..."

Who was angry Vince - you or the other Marine or ...? And if the other Marine was angry why was he angry - wouldn't you say why he was so angry when he jumped on the body and started punching it in the face?

If you were angry I would've thought you'd say:
"I was so angry I didn't know what to do" not
"[pronoun/verb omission] so angry THEY didn't know what to do."

Also, when you say "they threw it out of the XXXXX" that word is impossible to determine - I know we stumble on words but you were pretty articulate otherwise and sounded all very prepared - why could you not enunciate where you threw it out of? What could you be throwing the body out of?

Then you say you refused to do a third tour and that you had three options:
--- Go to the brig
--- Go into a mental health facility - which you did (but mention nothing other than that) or
--- Kill one of your commanding officers - which you were prepared to do?

Really, Vince, you were prepared to kill one of your commanding officers just cos you didn't want to do a third tour of duty?

I swallowed it all back then but I don't swallow it now. If there's anything you can tell me to persuade me that you're not controlled opposition I'm all ears, otherwise I have no choice but to believe you are, do I?

You got me. I've been a trained CIA agent since childhood. My parents actually live in Virginia and work for the state department. My brother had been a deep state agent since 2000, before the Deep State brought down the Twin Towers. You're the first and only person to figure it out. Who do you work for?

I very much doubt an agent would reveal themselves Vince, very much doubt that ... or at least not seriously. Seriously? I don't work for anyone, I'm just interested in the hoaxery by the global power elite. I woke up to it when I watched the film JFK to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Man's Trick and then after waking up to 9/11 woke up to much more. It took 4 whole years to wake up to staged death and injury on 9/11 despite knowing about Sandy Hook, etc, and so once waking up to that amazingly counterintuitive propaganda aimed at truthers then I just started to see controlled opposition everywhere. It's just everywhere.

You're right. And you found one. All I can offer is information. If you keep this between the two of us, I'll give you some classified information. But you have to do a couple things for me.

I'm no Julian Assange, Vince, OK? You know the amazing thing - I lived next door to his dad for 13 years and I cannot get through to his dad or anyone around Julian that Chelsea is an agent and the video is fake. They won't have it.

The thing is what is the point of you giving me classified information if I'm not supposed to do anything with it.

I shouldn't mess with you. I'm sorry. Take care and get help. Seriously.

[Then he blocked me.]

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