- George Orwell
Quite legitimately, "crisis actors" are hired to play victims, perpetrators and other roles in drills alongside agency staff. Sometimes, specialist actors such as amputees are used in events such as hyper-realistic military drills to better prepare soldiers for real events in war. Crisis actors are also used - illegitimately - in staged events. What is characteristic of these crisis actors is that they grieve unconvincingly, laugh and smile inappropriately, contradict themselves, show signs of scripting and otherwise betray that they're not genuine victims, relatives of victims or witnesses. Agency staff are also "acting" in their roles and how they tend to the alleged injured is not convincing either: wheeling stretchers along in carefree fashion with big smiles on their faces, standing around looking bored, swabbing the injured in an unengaged manner, etc.
While it seems intelligence agencies play a major role in conducting these events, one might surmise the company, Crisis Solutions, is also instrumental in the coordination of these events. We also see crisis simulations that seem organised at say health department level.
"The more terrorist incidents there are, the more people will start to see the benefits of favouring security over privacy."
The Major-General does not pronounce the word "incidents" quite corrrectly and even though people stumble on their words all the time, a possible, if not probable, reason he does so is because he knows that the "terrorist incidents" are completely manufactured by the global power elite and that he is effectively LYING big time.
In his must-see 3.5 hour film, JFK to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Man's Trick, the rationale for these staged events is encapsulated by British historian, Francis Richard Conolly, thus:
"The keystone of ruling class power is an enemy. Thus, the rich are always going to provide us with an enemy - forever - and the lesson we need to learn is that everything that happens to us is, and always has been, a Rich Man's Trick."
Staged event analyst, Ole Dammegard, also describes these events as forming part of the old Roman technique of Problem > Reaction > Solution. Rather than simply enforce rules with no pretence of democracy as has happened, for example, in Latin America, the ruling elite create a problem that people react to and then they provide a solution to it (greater alleged security and more restrictive control as stated above) which ultimately is a fascist-type regime but brought in stealthily thus avoiding the problems of uprisings and having to have so many military out in the streets as is the case where brute dictatorship is implemented.
Quotes from those who know all about it
A history of false flag attacks used to manipulate the minds of the people?
"In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
"Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death".
– Adolph Hitler
"Why of course the people don't want war ... But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship ... Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."
– Hermann Goering, Nazi leader.
"The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. [The public] will clamor for such laws if their personal security is threatened".
– Josef Stalin
1. No perceivable rationale
Why would the power elite bombard us with false flag hoaxes? We can see no good reason for it and it makes no sense to us. However, if we realise, as stated above, that the ruling elite need us to have an enemy to fear and hate in order for them to maintain their status and control, they become more understandable.
These events can also be timed so that the big 24/7 global news about them provides a distraction from very important news the power elite wants to squash, for example, the San Bernardino shooting happened during the Paris climate summit - the power elite, of course, are very, very invested in fossil fuels.
2. The Hitlerian lie
Hitler said: When you tell a lie, tell a whopper. The people are familiar with small lies so will disbelieve them but the audacity of a massive lie is beyond their comprehension so they will simply believe it. There will always be traces of the lie but these will be explained away. [This last sentence cannot be underestimated.]
In addition to the whopper factor there is also the repetition factor. Say it over and over again.
3. The magical power of propaganda
For the cunning tailors to succeed in the fable of The Emperor's New Clothes (worth reviewing) it wasn't just a matter of waxing lyrical about their imaginary fabrics. What was essential to their success was clever propaganda. So they put out the idea that:
"... clothes made of this cloth had a wonderful way of becoming invisible to anyone who was unfit for his office, or who was unusually stupid."
Similarly in modern times, "conspiracy theory" and "conspiracy theorist" are terms first promulgated by the CIA at the time of the JFK assassination to discredit and silence those who questioned the untenable lone gunman explanation. These terms have worked their propagandistic magic ever since to such dizzying heights that it seems that the terms "conspiracy" and "conspiracy theory" are regarded as one and the same and now people believe that conspiracies exist only in the minds of deluded conspiracy theorists. The latest propaganda weapon is, of course, "fake news", used, unsurprisingly, to try to silence those who take Pizzagate seriously.
Many conspiracies have come to be accepted by those who previously disparaged them with the term "conspiracy theory" as real conspiracies. An illuminating article in Off-Guardian on conspiracies that happen "over there" but not "here" and ones that were initially rejected as "theory" but are now generally accepted as "fact".
4. The implausibility of various elements and in some cases inexplicability
The implausibe elements include: the large number of people required, the difficulty of the logistics, the calibre of the people involved and the lack of leakage.
When you consider some of the implausibility factors you need only look at the Holocaust. The Holocaust was real but there was no good reason for ordinary people to participate in it, was there? How many upstanding citizens, including some of high status, had to be involved either actively or complicitly in some way for the Holocaust to happen? Also, people do talk, though it's true it's very, very rarely the perpetrators but rather the whistleblowers. Whistleblowers, however, are not splashed about by the mainstream media. Many people, unknown to non-researchers, including Kevin Ryan, Sibel Edmonds, Indira Singh and various others have spoken out about 9/11, however, they're marginalised by the mainstream. Wolfgang Halbig is a school safety expert who's spoken out about Sandy Hook and he is also marginalised.
The logistics are not as complicated as they might seem. As stated above, they're simply drills pushed out as real events. Obviously, pushing them out as real requires certain modifications but, essentially, they're drills.
One element that allows people to participate unwittingly is the technique of "compartmentalistion". People are limited to knowing only their own task which may seem perfectly benign when the context is unknown. And people have a tendency simply not to stick their nose in because they want to keep their job and avoid controversy. And if they do speak out, who is going to listen to them? - not a soul in the media (or pretty much anywhere including my friends) listens to me ... but I carry on regardless.
However, there is the puzzling question, when an event is staged and people's deaths are faked - what happens to the supposed dead people?
As these operations are clandestine, it is not necessarily possible to work out important details about them such as what happens to the dead people. Some possibilities come to mind. At Westminster, which analysts claim was staged, photos (a few of which look photoshopped) are shown of the policeman, Keith Palmer, who was killed. It is possible that Keith Palmer worked in special forces and was already dead at the time of the event. People who work in special forces do not necessarily have their deaths made public so there would be no obvious anomaly and, of course, if it were a staged event his real name would probably not have been Keith Palmer.
There is (or was) also a photograph of Keith Palmer peering through bars. Although the bars did not seem obviously like prison bars perhaps the photo is of a person who was in prison and is being offered a reduction of his sentence for participating in this event. The power elite like to play with clues (there's an enormous amount of symbology in these events but I'll steer clear of that on this website). I notice that the image since I first saw it has been altered in the various publications such that the bars don't look so bar-like or have been simply cropped off. So very, very interesting.
There is evidence that Nathan Cirillo, the solider allegedly killed at the Parliament Hill, Ottawa shootings in 2014 is, in fact, a US citizen and was imported to Canada for the event and then returned to the US to the small town where he comes from.
Alternatively, people can be "sheep dipped", that is, given a new identity and sent to live somewhere else.
In the case of children, we can only guess. Sandy Hook analysts claim that the photos of the children displayed at the time of their deaths were five or six years old and that the children, in fact, sang the following year at the Super Bowl where they would have been 6 or 7 years older than their photos suggested and thus much less recognisable. If this is the case, chutzpah is obviously not lacking in these operations.
5. The depths of depravity of the global power elite
There is a wealth of evidence showing that many members of the global power elite are Satanists and into child sacrifice, trafficking, torture, sexual abuse and the like.
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