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Proof that All of "Politics" (so-called) is a Fraud and Scam!

Introduction to Advanced Freedom

by David T. Freeman, 2022-11-01, first draft

No-one signed a contract authorizing anyone to "govern" them, therefore there isn't really any "government" - just gangs of liars, thieves, parasites, fraudsters, shysters, and thugs.

The words of the people who call themselves "government" are not "laws" which "must be obeyed" - they are mere words, and of no real authority.

Almost everyone is living in an assumed subject/slave status, which they need to challenge!

The primary methods of subjugation (creating masses of naive gullible slavish humans) are:

  1. Coercion,
  2. Fake "legitimacy",
  3. Scam currencies,
  4. Mass-media brainwashing,
  5. Insidious "education",
  6. Beliefs/concepts, and
  7. Language.

I'll address each of these here briefly (see the description for further information and links):

  1. Coercion: - the initiation - or threat of initiating - fraud, force, or violence to overcome an individual's will. Basically a synonym for crime - "do as I say or else ...!". Institutionalized coercion equals falsely-called "government"! People living in fear and ignorance will "comply" with almost anything!

  2. fake "legitimacy":

  3. Scam currencies: - We used to have real money - gold and silver coins, but now we have intrinsically worthless unbacked notes and digits in accounts - aka "fiat" currencies, for which people work hard to earn, but political and banker parasites can issue endless quantities of to themselves at no cost to them, to buy whatever they want!

  4. Mass-media brainwashing: - a constant stream of bogus information, propaganda, distractions, etc. "News", Movies, TV-shows, "entertainment" - generally with subtle mind-programming content.

  5. Insidious "education": - so-called "schools" to indoctrinate children as early as possible - disguised concentration-campuses for brainwashing and mind-destruction, designed to nullify a child's individuality, independence, creativity, and imagination, to create dependent obedient workers. "Students" learn what to "know" instead of how to think.

  6. Beliefs/concepts: - which perpetuate "the system"... beliefs that "the system" is "necessary". In reality, "the system" only exists in people's minds - masses of humans acting out their programming.

    Do you believe that a few people should tell everyone else what to do - that is central planning, a key tenet of communism - and everyone else must follow them? If you believe in "authorities", that their word is "law" and you must obey, then you make yourself their slave and them your master. So long as people allow themselves to be slaves, there will always be "masters".

    Intelligent humans already learn and agree on rules for harmonious co-existence (such as "respect other people and their property" (recognizing that voluntary interactions are the only legitimate kind), "keep your agreements", "drive on the same side of the road", etc.); they have no use for pretended "laws" - especially when coercion is involved - as is the case with most pretended "laws", which are secretly only intended to benefit the parasites.

  7. Language: - words, which when considered valid, create illusions, delusions, and hallucinations in the minds of the victims, e.g.:

The power of tyrants depends upon the support they receive from their victims.
Right now, in many circumstances, you may need to just pretend that you're an obedient slave, or you risk being "fined", "jailed", beaten, and/or even murdered!

However once you learn more about advanced freedom philosophy, concepts, and methods, and unlearn the self-limiting notions you've been programmed with since you were a child, you begin to realize the many things you can do individually, to prevent violations of your freedom, yourself, and your property.

In order to bring about real lasting change for the better, we need to encourage others and grow to a critical mass of advanced freedom practitioners and activists. Free sovereign individuals who withdraw their support from criminals and their scam "systems" - eliminating their perceived "power". A peaceful free-enterprise business revolution, building freedom instead of "fighting tyranny", creating alternative voluntary respectful communities for the harmonious co-existence and benefit of all.

All feedback appreciated.
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