Of particular concern, which exposed the mentality behind it, is the line which reads:
"4. Sponsor as many people as possible to earn referral fees."Which basically resulted in the unscrupulous behavior of suckering naive and gullible people into ponzi-scams.
There were some people with experience with this, who knew exactly what they were, how they "worked", and what they were doing, and they might have "made money" - but only at the expense of (indirectly - via the "program" administrators) ripping-off everyone else who lost.
Such schemes used fraudulent advertising, deceitful claims, half-truths, fake "trading", selling fantasies, etc. They were and always will be win/lose or lose/lose deals, no matter what nonsense the promoters/designers fabricate.]
WealthBooster Magazine -- Issue #600 -- August 4th, 2010
by Frederick Mann
Since around 1997, there have been thousands of "passive" money-promising programs that can be classified under these categories:
# Autosurfs
# Matrix Programs
# Traffic-Exchange Surfs
# Gifting Programs
"Passive" programs are ones that have no sponsoring requirements, enabling "passive members" to make money by putting money into the programs, but not having to sponsor anyone.
Millions of people have participated and are now participating in these programs.
Some people have made a great deal of money with some of these programs by following a powerful formula (or some variation of it):
Much of the power of this formula is that it enables you to make money with programs that fail after a few months, but if a reasonably good program lasts 6 months or longer, you could earn tens of thousands.
Every week I published my earnings on a website and used my results to help persuade others "get on the bandwagon."
In 2004 I started attempting to design my own "passive program." Over the years, I came up with several designs. In total I paid tens of thousands to programmers, but in most cases pulled the plug when I realized that the programs wouldn't be indefinitely sustainable.
The "Big Dream" was to create a program that's INDEFINITELY SUSTAINABLE. I'm glad to report that the "Big Dream" has now been realized:
If you can make a great deal of money with a program that lasts 6 months, how much more can you make with one that lasts many years?
Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands?
There are certain design flaws that doom practically all "passive programs" to inevitable failure. As far as I can tell, none of these design flaws are present in JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS).
Among the programs in the above categories, what if JSS becomes the best (or one of the best) in hisory?
Of course, there's no guarantee that JSS will continue to perform for many years, or even indefinitely.
But what if it performs well for just one year?
What amount of profits will you forego by not getting into JSS, just in case it becomes a huge success?
Working for our wealth,
Frederick Mann
P.S. The full JSS launch will happen at 12 Noon EST on Wednesday, August 4th, 2010. DON'T MISS OUT!
P.P.S. JSS is likely to take off like
a rocket. Don't get left behind! You'll
be able to get an indication of our
progress by monitoring JSS's Alexa
traffic chart:
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